We Make It Rain On Dem [HOEZ] is recruiting new members. Right now we are also in the process of finding officers who can help my friend and I run the guild and recruit. Of course just joining isn't going to get you made into an officer but if you prove to be active and helpful then you'll definitely be considered.
As of right now we do not have a lot of requirements for membership. We focus on having fun and making everyone feel included. Experience is always nice but we are also open to helping others learn the ropes. Members are not forced into anything. Doing a hard mode dungeon clear with some fellow guildies is just as acceptable as hanging out in the hall and talking on guild chat.
[HOEZ] is primarily a PvE guild, but we also do our fair share of low end PvP like AB and TA. I am also open to the idea of having GvG and HA teams but I have no experience in those areas. If anyone is interested in organizing PvP activities in the guild let me know.
If you are interested go ahead and check out our forum and wiki page listed below.
Feel free to ask any questions you've got either by sending me a private message here on guru or contacting me in game at Buddy The Elf.
We Make It Rain On Dem [HOEZ] Laidback, Luxon Guild recruiting
Jack Griffen