Hi all!
[GoE] is Recruiting!
Hi all!
We are Glob of Ectospasm [GoE]. A nice European guild, with a friendly and experienced community, a forum, active vent, and we're mainly focussing on PvE: Elite areas (DoA/Urgoz etc) and dungeons. Of course we're also not afraid to do HM missions or vanquishes. You've maybe already seen a guide here on guru, or other members posting. Besides PvE, we also got quite some experience in PvP, and we're now planning to do this a bit more often.
We also offer various (elite) trips a week, but we ask a few (tiny and logical) things from you:
- No 24/7 Solo players/farmers
- No fameseekers
- No PuG mentality
- No former Ursan players
- Experience in Elite areas
- Minimum age of 16
- Willing to take advice and discuss things
- Active player (In-game but also on forum)
- Thrustworthy (as a person but also your GW skill level)
- Willing to use Vent
Although we try to make GW a better place for everyone, we can’t really use you if you don’t posses these right skills to play the game.
We are currently Co-leading the TAM/GoE alliance.
If you are interested in us, you can contact us at our forum: www.ectospasm.co.nr and drop in an application. Make sure to read the sticky first

For questions, you can always PM one of our officers:
Nexes Dhuum
Arda Tempest
Baron Bloodfist
Mighty was Alex
Spirit Generator
Valerie Exxus
Maybe till soon, don't be afraid to whisp