More Concept skills because I can
Diamond Dust Ward [elite]
15 energy, 1 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Elite ward spell. Create a Diamond Dust Ward at your location; for 2...14 seconds, allies within the ward cannot be targeted by spells. (Earth Magic)
ADDED: (This is from a post below)
But looking at the description it says you cannot be targeted by spells, not just by enemy spells.
So would you take cover in it if prevent from being healed by your monks?
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target knocked down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength)
Lightning Assault
15 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time
Skill. Target touched foe is struck for 10...91 lightning damage. (Air Magic)
Soul Harvest
10 energy, 1 second casting time, 10 second recharge time
Spell. Exploit the nearest corpse and gain 10...22 energy. (Soul Reaping)
Shout of Might
7 adrenaline, 1 second casting time
Chant. The next attack skill each ally in ear shot uses deal +4...18 damage. (Leadership)
Hero's Strike
8 adrenaline
Attack skill. Deal +10...34 damage, if this attack is blocked, you gain 10...87 health. (Strength)
10 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 15 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. For the next 5...20 seconds, the next attack skill you use deals +1...15 to all adjacent foes. (Mysticism)
Yeah, I don't want to think of anymore now.
15 energy, 1 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Elite ward spell. Create a Diamond Dust Ward at your location; for 2...14 seconds, allies within the ward cannot be targeted by spells. (Earth Magic)
ADDED: (This is from a post below)
But looking at the description it says you cannot be targeted by spells, not just by enemy spells.
So would you take cover in it if prevent from being healed by your monks?
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target knocked down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength)
Lightning Assault
15 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time
Skill. Target touched foe is struck for 10...91 lightning damage. (Air Magic)
Soul Harvest
10 energy, 1 second casting time, 10 second recharge time
Spell. Exploit the nearest corpse and gain 10...22 energy. (Soul Reaping)
Shout of Might
7 adrenaline, 1 second casting time
Chant. The next attack skill each ally in ear shot uses deal +4...18 damage. (Leadership)
Hero's Strike
8 adrenaline
Attack skill. Deal +10...34 damage, if this attack is blocked, you gain 10...87 health. (Strength)
10 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 15 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. For the next 5...20 seconds, the next attack skill you use deals +1...15 to all adjacent foes. (Mysticism)
Yeah, I don't want to think of anymore now.
Wow, like the most overpowered version of SB ever. I like it 
Nah but seriously that ward is way too much.
Lightening Assault sounds a lot like lightning touch.
Stomps actually not a bad idea. The name is appropriate at least.

Nah but seriously that ward is way too much.
Lightening Assault sounds a lot like lightning touch.
Stomps actually not a bad idea. The name is appropriate at least.
wind fire and ice
the Diamond Dust thing is way OP'd.
And the others are too close to current skills,or are useless.
And the others are too close to current skills,or are useless.
Lightning Assault is stronger than Lightning Touch because it's on one target.
Diamond Dust whatever is overpowered, but I don't care; it's not going in the game anyway.
Then the other skills are just there.
Diamond Dust whatever is overpowered, but I don't care; it's not going in the game anyway.
Then the other skills are just there.
wind fire and ice
Stomps actually not a bad idea. The name is appropriate at least.
Better off just melee'ing soo you can gain adren,spiking(since thats why you should KD on a war,and im sorry but a 60 damage conditional skill isnt going to fit in any spike.)
If your KDing on a sword,its for anti-kite
Axe would be for spikes/anti kite
Hammer bars are already tight enough,no one would drop crushing blow,bulls strike or a follow up KD for a useless 60 damage skill,even if it was armor ignoring.
In the end,the point is it isnt worth droping a utility skill for.
It would just become a skill like Thrill of Victory,useless..and only used by people who think the icon looks cool or have no clue what the heck there doing.
Stomp would be pointless,no one that knew what they were doing would use it.
Better off just melee'ing soo you can gain adren,spiking(since thats why you should KD on a war,and im sorry but a 60 damage conditional skill isnt going to fit in any spike.) If your KDing on a sword,its for anti-kite Axe would be for spikes/anti kite Hammer bars are already tight enough,no one would drop crushing blow,bulls strike or a follow up KD for a useless 60 damage skill,even if it was armor ignoring. In the end,the point is it isnt worth droping a utility skill for. It would just become a skill like Thrill of Victory,useless..and only used by people who think the icon looks cool or have no clue what the heck there doing. |
In fact, all of the skills here are either ridiculously overpowered or just silly; I'm inclined to think the OP is either a troll or just doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.
wind fire and ice
Umm..lordheinous,can you read?
It says if there KNOCKED DOWN they take the damage,not it knocks down and does that damage.
please read before you make your self look stupid.
Why must people not use there heads,you could have atleast read the skill description instead of seeing knocked down and auto-tagging the skill as a strength attribute shock based clone on steriods.
Also,theres a reason its called concept skills,the OP didnt say they were needed skills,or even any thing he would like to have put in the game.
He was just bored and felt like coming up with some random things and getting some feed back.
The point is,before you go calling names and making your self look like more of an idiot then Prince Rurik,please take 30seconds to read what your gonna call bad,eh?
It says if there KNOCKED DOWN they take the damage,not it knocks down and does that damage.
please read before you make your self look stupid.
Why must people not use there heads,you could have atleast read the skill description instead of seeing knocked down and auto-tagging the skill as a strength attribute shock based clone on steriods.
Also,theres a reason its called concept skills,the OP didnt say they were needed skills,or even any thing he would like to have put in the game.
He was just bored and felt like coming up with some random things and getting some feed back.
The point is,before you go calling names and making your self look like more of an idiot then Prince Rurik,please take 30seconds to read what your gonna call bad,eh?

Diamond Dust Ward [elite]
15 energy, 1 second casting time, 30 second recharge time Elite ward spell. Create a Diamond Dust Ward at your location; for 2...14 seconds, allies within the ward cannot be targeted by spells. (Earth Magic) Stomp 5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time. Skill. Stomp on target knock down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength) Lightning Assault 15 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time Skill. Target touched foe is struck for 10...91 lightning damage. (Air Magic) Soul Harvest 10 energy, 1 second casting time, 10 second recharge time Spell. Exploit the nearest corpse and gain 10...22 energy. (Soul Reaping) Shout of Might 7 adrenaline, 1 second casting time Chant. The next attack skill each ally in ear shot uses deal +4...18 damage. (Leadership) Hero's Strike 8 adrenaline Attack skill. Deal +10...34 damage, if this attack is blocked, you gain 10...87 health. (Strength) Triumph 10 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 15 second recharge time Enchantment spell. For the next 5...20 seconds, the next attack skill you use deals +1...15 to all adjacent foes. (Mysticism) Yeah, I don't want to think of anymore now. |
Stomp isnt worth it on a bar. Its 66 damage would be equaled by using power attack, and you would gain adrenaline from using power attack 2.
Lightning Assualt... does twice as much damage as lightning touch, but has no AoE or Blindness... crap if u ask me
Soul Harvest, id still rather bring sols for a bit of a heal as well. + it doesnt destroy the corpse, can be used even if ur not relying on people dying and can be used more then once on an individual. Also faster cast.
Shout of Might... have u read anthem of envy? Urs is a crapper version of that in leadership...again no thanx
Hero's strike could be useful, but it wont replace any skills on any bar except maybe in RA. Id rather punish them for blocking though then healing myslef. Thats my backlines job.
Triumph would again be pointless, theres a tonne of skills that dervs have that deals point blank aoe, and have a purpose.
Overall, theres 1 overpowered skill and the rest are copies, or pointless. Nice try though, its fun to think about these

Owik Gall
I like the Diamond Dust one. OP entirely!

Wo0o0o0o0o0o0!!! I got feedback!
And yes, it was more or less what I expected.
Though I think I should change diamond dust before more people repetitively comment on it... but I'm too lazy to.
And yes, it was more or less what I expected.
Though I think I should change diamond dust before more people repetitively comment on it... but I'm too lazy to.
I want 2 Diamond Dust Warders on my team
yeah, that would be cheesy wouldn't it. But looking at the description it says you cannot be targeted by spells, not just by enemy spells.
So would you take cover in it if prevent from being healed by your monks?
So would you take cover in it if prevent from being healed by your monks?
If worst came to worst, Heal Party would go through diamond dust, since it doesn't target.
Umm..lordheinous,can you read?
It says if there KNOCKED DOWN they take the damage,not it knocks down and does that damage. please read before you make your self look stupid. Why must people not use there heads,you could have atleast read the skill description instead of seeing knocked down and auto-tagging the skill as a strength attribute shock based clone on steriods. |
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time. Skill. Stomp on target knock down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength) |

the savage nornbear
life, kaolai, healing spring, para shouts, signets, preservation, well of blood, and so on and so on.
Diamond Dust Ward [elite]
15 energy, 1 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Elite ward spell. Create a Diamond Dust Ward at your location; for 2...14 seconds, allies within the ward cannot be targeted by spells. (Earth Magic)
This could be Arcane echo’d making my Mesmer or any a very powerful… probably could figure out a party concept that has this spell up all the time [Echo] [Arcane mimicry] [arcane echo] and one solid defense for a long time.
15 energy, 1 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Elite ward spell. Create a Diamond Dust Ward at your location; for 2...14 seconds, allies within the ward cannot be targeted by spells. (Earth Magic)
This could be Arcane echo’d making my Mesmer or any a very powerful… probably could figure out a party concept that has this spell up all the time [Echo] [Arcane mimicry] [arcane echo] and one solid defense for a long time.
Hailey Anne
Umm..lordheinous,can you read?
It says if there KNOCKED DOWN they take the damage,not it knocks down and does that damage. please read before you make your self look stupid. |
Really, it says knocked down?
There is a typo no matter how you look at it, in the seconds line. Either the they forgot the period between the words "target" and "knock" |
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target, knock down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength)
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target. Knocked down foe takes 30...66 damage. (Strength)
but OT Arcaine Echo ->Diamond dust would be way over powered.
Could stand in the ward and have derv healers in the back have team just body block to where they cant be reached. Signet of Pious light isnt a spell so they could still get healed easy.
Signet heals and non targeted heals like Light of Deliverance, Heal Party, Divine Healing, etc. all would work with Diamond warding.
wind fire and ice
in all fairness lordheinous is right. The op just had bad grammar making it hard to tell what the description is could be
Stomp 5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time. Skill. Stomp on target, knock down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength) or Stomp 5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time. Skill. Stomp on target. Knocked down foe takes 30...66 damage. (Strength) but OT Arcaine Echo ->Diamond dust would be way over powered. Could stand in the ward and have derv healers in the back have team just body block to where they cant be reached. Signet of Pious light isnt a spell so they could still get healed easy. |
You dont stomp on people who are standing up.

in all fairness lordheinous is right. The op just had bad grammar making it hard to tell what the description is could be
Stomp 5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time. Skill. Stomp on target, knock down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength) or Stomp 5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time. Skill. Stomp on target. Knocked down foe takes 30...66 damage. (Strength) |
The second one implies that you stomp first without any regards if the target is on the ground or not.
"Target knock down foe" in itself is a noun no matter how many words are in it.
But yes, I did forget the -ed, other than that the sentence structure should be correct unless you want to waste 10 minutes of your life arguing about that.
It's either "knocks" or "knocked".
If you want to put it like that, try to put each on in the sentence.
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target knocks down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength)
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target knocked down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength)
Obviously "knocks" would make me look retarded if I were to put that up.
If you wanted two clauses, you would need a semicolon.
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target knocks down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength)
5 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 10 second recharge time.
Skill. Stomp on target knocked down foe and deal 30...66 damage. (Strength)
Obviously "knocks" would make me look retarded if I were to put that up.
If you wanted two clauses, you would need a semicolon.
Lol at first skill...completely ridiculous.
The rest are ridiculous to a lesser degree.
Nerf the numbers plox!!
The rest are ridiculous to a lesser degree.
Nerf the numbers plox!!
Sage Tylos
...before you go calling names and making your self look like more of an idiot then Prince Rurik...

Anyway, I probably wouldn't use any of those skills except the spell imunity ward in certain situations.
One skill I would like to see added to the game, and which I've wondered for a long time why one doesn't exist, is a conjure for the earth magic line. Seriously, "Conjure Dust" or something like that, with the same statistics as the other three, wouldn't be hard.
Gust Barrier
5 energy, 1/4 second casting time, 8 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. For 1...5 seconds, the next projectile misses target ally or receives 10...24% less damage from the next melee attack. (Air Magic)
Note: Projectile means, spear, arrow, wand, not spells such as Lightning Orb Or that would be ridiculous...
Desperate Assault
5 energy, 1/4 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. If you have less than 20...50% health, shadow step to target foe dealing 5...20 damage and attack 25% for 2...4 seconds. (Deadly Arts)
Note: I'm debating whether or not it should be 2...3 instead, 4 seconds guarantees that a lead, off-hand, and dual attack can be used but some people may not like that. I wonder...
Forward Stomp
10 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 15 second recharge time
Spell. Attempt a forward stomp on target foe; target foe and all adjacent does take 15...63 damage. (Earth Magic)
Note: There's no knock down, aaw, what a let down. Anyway, it's an attack with the behavior like Earth Shaker, so it doesn't hit everybody around you, just those around your target. Also this spell is of touching range.
15 energy, 2 second casting time, 25 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. For 6...14 seconds whenever you take damage your minions are healed for 5...31 health. (Death Magic)
Note: Huh, I wonder where I got that name from... (should be obvious; if you don't know, you should be shot). The duration is also short to lessen the potential strength of Dark Bond + this skill.
Freezing Arrow {elite}
10 energy, 7 second recharge time
Bow Attack. If this attack hits, you strike for +10...26 damage and slow down that foe by 66% for 1...3 seconds.
Note: I thought of Burning Arrow and the Greek god Apollo. God of sun... god of moon is Artemis... Night is what temperature? Well, colder at least; so there's my influence for this skill. Then I would hope the slow down would make this a powerful skill, and that should enable a good chance for spikes so recharge time is longer than Burning Arrow.
Incomplete Thought
10 energy, 2 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Hex spell. For 6 seconds, the next spell target foe casts fails. (Domination Magic)
Note: Just like Guilt and Shame, but works on any spell but there is no energy drain.
Yep.... that's that.
5 energy, 1/4 second casting time, 8 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. For 1...5 seconds, the next projectile misses target ally or receives 10...24% less damage from the next melee attack. (Air Magic)
Note: Projectile means, spear, arrow, wand, not spells such as Lightning Orb Or that would be ridiculous...
Desperate Assault
5 energy, 1/4 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. If you have less than 20...50% health, shadow step to target foe dealing 5...20 damage and attack 25% for 2...4 seconds. (Deadly Arts)
Note: I'm debating whether or not it should be 2...3 instead, 4 seconds guarantees that a lead, off-hand, and dual attack can be used but some people may not like that. I wonder...
Forward Stomp
10 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 15 second recharge time
Spell. Attempt a forward stomp on target foe; target foe and all adjacent does take 15...63 damage. (Earth Magic)
Note: There's no knock down, aaw, what a let down. Anyway, it's an attack with the behavior like Earth Shaker, so it doesn't hit everybody around you, just those around your target. Also this spell is of touching range.
15 energy, 2 second casting time, 25 second recharge time
Enchantment spell. For 6...14 seconds whenever you take damage your minions are healed for 5...31 health. (Death Magic)
Note: Huh, I wonder where I got that name from... (should be obvious; if you don't know, you should be shot). The duration is also short to lessen the potential strength of Dark Bond + this skill.
Freezing Arrow {elite}
10 energy, 7 second recharge time
Bow Attack. If this attack hits, you strike for +10...26 damage and slow down that foe by 66% for 1...3 seconds.
Note: I thought of Burning Arrow and the Greek god Apollo. God of sun... god of moon is Artemis... Night is what temperature? Well, colder at least; so there's my influence for this skill. Then I would hope the slow down would make this a powerful skill, and that should enable a good chance for spikes so recharge time is longer than Burning Arrow.
Incomplete Thought
10 energy, 2 second casting time, 30 second recharge time
Hex spell. For 6 seconds, the next spell target foe casts fails. (Domination Magic)
Note: Just like Guilt and Shame, but works on any spell but there is no energy drain.
Yep.... that's that.
It's imposible to be more of an idiot than rurik.
![]() Anyway, I probably wouldn't use any of those skills except the spell imunity ward in certain situations. One skill I would like to see added to the game, and which I've wondered for a long time why one doesn't exist, is a conjure for the earth magic line. Seriously, "Conjure Dust" or something like that, with the same statistics as the other three, wouldn't be hard. |
Well, I guess conjure frost doesn't make more sense either. At least fire and lightning are like "energies".
wind fire and ice
First three are just ok,last three are decent,im not sure on the elite bow attack though.
Incomplete Thought is the type of skill that should have always ben there imo.
Incomplete Thought is the type of skill that should have always ben there imo.
Hailey Anne
Look at the name,its obvious he meant that it was on knocked down foe-not knocks down.
You dont stomp on people who are standing up. ![]() |
You're first suggestion implies that you knock down the target.
The second one implies that you stomp first without any regards if the target is on the ground or not. "Target knock down foe" in itself is a noun no matter how many words are in it. But yes, I did forget the -ed, other than that the sentence structure should be correct unless you want to waste 10 minutes of your life arguing about that. |
they already have a "freezing arrow" its called crippling shot :-p
moar mesmer skills tbh, the 7 usefull ones they have now are getting a bit stale
moar mesmer skills tbh, the 7 usefull ones they have now are getting a bit stale
Gust Barrier
5 energy, 1/4 second casting time, 8 second recharge time Enchantment spell. For 1...5 seconds, the next projectile misses target ally or receives 10...24% less damage from the next melee attack. (Air Magic) Note: Projectile means, spear, arrow, wand, not spells such as Lightning Orb Or that would be ridiculous... Desperate Assault 5 energy, 1/4 second casting time, 30 second recharge time Enchantment spell. If you have less than 20...50% health, shadow step to target foe dealing 5...20 damage and attack 25% for 2...4 seconds. (Deadly Arts) Note: I'm debating whether or not it should be 2...3 instead, 4 seconds guarantees that a lead, off-hand, and dual attack can be used but some people may not like that. I wonder... Forward Stomp 10 energy, 3/4 second casting time, 15 second recharge time Spell. Attempt a forward stomp on target foe; target foe and all adjacent does take 15...63 damage. (Earth Magic) Note: There's no knock down, aaw, what a let down. Anyway, it's an attack with the behavior like Earth Shaker, so it doesn't hit everybody around you, just those around your target. Also this spell is of touching range. Thriller 15 energy, 2 second casting time, 25 second recharge time Enchantment spell. For 6...14 seconds whenever you take damage your minions are healed for 5...31 health. (Death Magic) Note: Huh, I wonder where I got that name from... (should be obvious; if you don't know, you should be shot). The duration is also short to lessen the potential strength of Dark Bond + this skill. Freezing Arrow {elite} 10 energy, 7 second recharge time Bow Attack. If this attack hits, you strike for +10...26 damage and slow down that foe by 66% for 1...3 seconds. Note: I thought of Burning Arrow and the Greek god Apollo. God of sun... god of moon is Artemis... Night is what temperature? Well, colder at least; so there's my influence for this skill. Then I would hope the slow down would make this a powerful skill, and that should enable a good chance for spikes so recharge time is longer than Burning Arrow. Incomplete Thought 10 energy, 2 second casting time, 30 second recharge time Hex spell. For 6 seconds, the next spell target foe casts fails. (Domination Magic) Note: Just like Guilt and Shame, but works on any spell but there is no energy drain. Yep.... that's that. |
Desperate is just bad, because A sin wouldnt want to tele into combat when its near death.
The damage on forward stomp isnt enough for it to be worth it
Thriller would just result in N/Mo MM Bomber Bonders, would either be OP or not worth it.
Cripshot > Freezing Arrow
Incomplete thought could be good, but id rather shame.
Merged, please keep your skill ideas in one thread.