Deaths Heroes [DH]

Zanhir Mitharis

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2007

Deaths Heroes



We're a newly formed guild. Looking for PVE'ers of all levels. Ab'ers of all levels, farmers, title hunters or people just starting out. I'm currently maxing out the hall we only have the Xunlai chest and Merchant atm. (Outposts can fill your needs for now) We are of Luxon Allegiance and am capable of Showing people How to fast faction farm. ( if that's your thing) I am highly experienced in all campaigns. Have done many PVP challenges in the past. I'm very active and willing to help others. I offer a small community of friendly active members. Requirements are minimal. Req. 1 Dont be a Jerk. Req.2 Have fun Req.3 Be as active as possible. other than that I'm not asking for your soul or ALL of your time. Just active enough so people in the guild know the person and not just the screen name. We currently have an 8 man ventrilo server (yes free) and I am currently working on a forum for events, news, screenies etc). Any questions please PM in game - IGN: Sharla Mitharis you can pm in here as well but chances are better you'll reach me in game.