Small PvE Oriented Guild

Rocky Raccoon

Rocky Raccoon

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2007

Massachusetts, USA

Guardians of the Cosmos


Fun Loving Gamers (FLG) is a small Kurzick guild with a liberal inactivity policy.
We belong to a friendly alliance (GotC). FLG is mainly a PvE & AB guild. Most of our people are long time players, but we are looking for people of all levels. Our members are of college age and older, so we are looking for similar people. We know that real life comes first and not all can play everyday. Members are allowed up to a 3 month away time before being removed from the active list, but are automatically issued an invite back for if and when they do return. Any one interested can PM on this forum or contact me in game @ Risky Ranger.