Guardians of Flame(GoF) recruiting (Euro)

Gillian Treehugger

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

A Place Called (HOME)


The return of Evil has also marked the return of the Guardians of Flame(GoF).

Back in the days of Factions GoF was Famous or infamous depending on how you look at it for running caster spike builds.

We are back and looking for active members.

We are recruiting for all aspects of the game but we particularly want to recruit people for GvG. Are you fed up with the balanced builds or the elitist attitude of some guilds then GoF is the place for you.

We are not worried about titles or ranks we only ask that you have a good basic understanding of PvP and can run most professions.

It is preferable that you have all the campaigns plus GW:EN .

We have an age range of 15-45 both male and female so we cater for all age groups and have a mature family outlook.

Most members are from the UK and central Europe and we use English for all communication.

We have our own Ventrilo server.

We will also be building and working for our move to GW2 when it becomes available.

To apply please register and make a application at our forums
