Class idea - Kineticist


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


The Kineticist (or perhaps the Telekinetic?)
This is a for fun class idea I came up with on a slow day. Please keep in mind this is all simply brainstorming, and I don't -really- know how to balance a class, so there might be ways to exploit some of this that I don't see. It's just for fun anyway. Feel free to add some more spell ideas.

A Bunch of Words:
The telekinetic is a defensive and tactical (positioning-based) support caster capable of dealing moderate physical damage to single targets. I'd want playing a telekinetic to feel very fast-paced, mobile and armored, like a caster that feels more like a warrior or ranger in style. His spells have a bit less punch than other casters, but in turn a telekinetic is very versatile, and "hard to stop", though he lacks the defense-bypassing capabilities of a Necromancer. Most of his spells are fast to cast, cheap, and recharge quickly, but have a very long aftercast delay to compensate, like Flame Burst or any of the Ward spells, I think 1.5 seconds instead of 0.75. His primary attribute, fortunately, allows him to move at a limited speed during his cast times and aftercast times, lessening that downfall a bit.

Some of his skills force enemies to move, pushing them around slowly. This does not interrupt that enemy from starting or finishing a skill in use, though it can affect where the skill is used from, if positioning is important. If an enemy moves himself while being moved by a telekinetic, the two movements are relative to one another, so moving against the pushing force would be slow. I don't think moving with the force would necessarily speed them up, or else it'd be too easy to accidentally help your opponent. Multiple "push forces" like this are cumulative. When an enemy is forcibly moved, a brown dust clouds their feet, indicating that they're "dragging" over the ground. Most forced movement is rather slow and gradual, and since they only work in a certain direction, they are very very low-cost spells.

The telekinetic's base armor is 75ish, and they can choose different armors to pick between +10 against melee weapons, +10 against arrows, or increased max energy. Their base energy regen is 3 arrows. They use the same equipment as any other caster, except their wand/staff attacks cause physical damage. (The attack is not an arrow, obviously, and thus not affected by things like Favorable Winds) Their Repulsion attribute allows them to wield a magical shield called a screen, which at best grants 12 armor and a little max energy.

Due to the fact that I can't draw worth beans *grins*, I imagine the typical telekinetic to seem short and act just a little bit hyper, as if he's been eating a lot of sugar. Telekinetic NPCs (like the class trainers at the start of the game) are very uncontrolled, unlike other casters, revelling in throwing their power around carelessly and enjoying it. Their clothes would be loose, ragged, and torn, their hair unkempt. They'd almost seem like the necromancer's annoying little brother, their overall style that of darkness, gravity, and night. The class representative color would be black (or dark gray).

The Attributes:
  • Mobility (Primary): Each point in mobility grants a 5% movement speed allowance while casting spells, ranging from 0% at 0 to 80% at 16. Moving while spellcasting will not interrupt the spell with at least one point. Staves and wands here cause slash damage.
    (Alternate primary idea from thirtypercent - Any attacks, spells or hexes done on you(including those by allies) is 1.5% or 2.5% slower for each level on this attribute.)
  • Velocity: Based on causing sheer force, spells in this line tend to be offensive. Staves and wands here cause blunt damage.
  • Repulsion: Based on reversing an existing force, spells in this line tend to be reactionary, often defensive, for both his team as well as himself. Repulsion allows you to use screen shields.
  • Conversion: Based on absorbing or "molding" an existing force, spells in this line tend to be self-serving. Staves and wands here cause piercing damage.

Note, ALL spells listed below have an especially long aftercast delay unless otherwise noted, I think it's 1.5 seconds instead of the normal 0.75. So a 1 second spell actually takes 2.5 seconds total instead of the normal 1.75 seconds total. Because of that, the damage numbers will appear to be somewhat big compared to the costs and cast times, but my intention is that over time it would be a bit less than other damage classes. This helps keep something like an Ether Prodigy elementalist from exclusively spamming the telekinetic's quick, cheap little spells and being too much more effective. I also put in quite a few self-knockdowns to sometimes counter the passive Mobility effect.
Lastly, a few of these are a new kind of skill, called Shell Spells - basically they're just like normal spells in every single way, except that they -ALWAYS- take 3 seconds to cast, no more no less, they start recharging at the start of their cast rather than the end, if they are cancelled or interrupted you get knocked down so that the player can't skip the aftercast delay, and their effects are always based off of taking hits while you're casting.

~~~Mobility based skills: (4 skills, 1 of which is elite)
  • Hyperactivity (5 energy, 0 cast time, 30 recharge time, Stance) For 12 -> 20 seconds, you are able to move an extra 50% faster while using most any skill, maximum of 130%. (For any other primary class, this would basically let them move at half speed while using skills for a little while, while actually granting the telekinetic primary a speed increase while casting. Does not work with traps and preperations because the animations for those would look silly while moving. )
  • Wicked Grin (10en, 0c, 30r, Stance) For 20 -> 30 seconds, target foes cannot see when you use skills, which skills you use, or your cast bar. Instead, they'll only see the Wicked Grin icon. (Computer enemies will be considerably slower when using their interrupts, and you will be much lower priority for hexes to them.)
  • Furtive Strikes (5en, 0c, 5r, Stance) For 5 -> 10 seconds, your melee attacks create waves which extend the reach of your weapon to 33% the range of a spell. Any touch ranged skill also gains this benefit. (Does not work with illusionary weaponry)
  • (Elite) Inverted Spellcasting (10en, 0c, 30r, Elite Stance) Lose all enchantments. For 30 seconds, every time you cast a spell, all spells not currently recharging and the spell you just cast start recharging for 80% -> 33% of their normal recharge times, minimum of 3 seconds (not including spells that normally have recharge times less than 3 seconds long). (Basically, you get super-fast recharges, but since every available spell starts recharging when you cast, you really have to pick one and fast, and keep on spamming, lest you wind up with a bar full of recharging spells.)

~~~Velocity based skills: (18 skills, 4 of which are elite)
  • Muddle (5en, 1/4c, 3r, Spell) Target foe takes 6 -> 35 blunt damage. If foe is using a skill, they take 5 -> 25 more damage, and the remaining time required to finish that skill is increased by 1.5 extra seconds.
  • Sharp Jab (5en, 1c, 4r, Spell) Target foe takes 7 -> 42 piercing damage, plus 4 -> 12 more for each Enchantment on you, for up to 6 enchantments.
  • Pummel Signet (0en, 2, 25r, Signet) Target foe takes 1 -> 6 blunt damage every second for 10 seconds. (This has a normal 0.75 second aftercast.)
  • Black Hole (10en, 2c, 25r, Spell) For 15 seconds, a Black Hole is created at target foe's location, slowly pulling all foes in the area (large area size) toward it's center at 20% -> 33% speed. Enemes adjacent to the center of the hole (small area size) take 2 -> 7 shadow damage per second and have -2 -> -10 armor to elemental damage.
  • Irritating Drag (5en, 1c, 12r, Hex Spell) For 8 -> 18 seconds, target foe's movement becomes low-friction. It takes a bit of time for him to accelerate and decelerate, making it difficult to stop to use skills or attack. The higher the Velocity attribute, the more severe the effect. (Running into an obstacle to try to skip the deceleration time would not work - you'd still have to wait the normal time it would take to decelerate before you could use a skill.)
  • Impulsive Pull (5en, 1/4c, 4r, Spell) Target foe takes 8 -> 47 blunt damage. Target foe and all adjacent foes (small area size) are pulled toward you for 4 seconds at 20% -> 40% speed. (Not a hex.)
  • Clash Magnet (5en, 3/4c, 16r, Spell) You and target touched foe are both knocked down (normal duration) and slide away from one another for 2 -> 4 seconds at 20% -> 33% speed. (This spell has a 50% chance to fail with 7 or less in Velocity.)
  • Propel (5en, 3/4c, 7r, Enchantment Spell) Target touched ally moves 25% faster for 3 -> 5 seconds, plus 1 -> 3 more seconds for every enchantment on you.
  • Massive Slam (5en, 3/4c, 6r, Spell) Target foe takes 22 -> 65 blunt damage if they're being forcibly moved. For 12 seconds, all effects which forcibly move this target will instead push in the opposite directions, even if the effects are already made opposite by a previous cast of Massive Slam. (Not a hex.)
  • Discharge Enchantment (5en, 1/4c, 5r, Spell) Remove one enchantment from yourself. If an enchantment was removed, all nearby foes (medium area size) take 20 -> 55 blunt damage.
  • Twisted Gravity (5en, 1/4c, 6r, Hex Spell) For 8 -> 20 seconds, target foe and adjacent foes (small area size) are affected 33% -> 66% more by anything that forcibly moves them, and take 1 -> 6 more blunt damage when a new moving force affects them.
  • Detention Jags (5en, 2c, 10r, Hex Spell) For 10 seconds, for each second target foe is walking, that foe takes 4 -> 12 piercing damage.
  • Reroute Shell (5en, 0c, 16r, Shell Spell) For 3 seconds, you cast a Reroute Shell. All damage you take (before armor) while casting, your target foe also takes (before armor). (So if you take half damage from something thanks to 100 armor, but your target foe has only 60 armor, they will take full damage.) All damage transfered retains the original damage type. Target foe also suffers any damaging conditions you recieve while casting (Bleeding, Deep Wound, Disease, Fire, and Poison). If this spell is cancelled or interrupted, you are knocked down.
  • Agitating Jolt (5en, 2c, 6r, Spell) Target foe takes 21 -> 63 blunt damage, and is interrupted.
  • (Elite) Dark Rapture (5en, 2c, 14r, Elite Enchantment Spell) For 16 seconds, any physical damage you cause from any source becomes shadow damage instead, and you suffer an armor penalty of -15%.
  • (Elite) Contort Space (5en, 1c, 10r, Elite Spell) Target foe and all foes in the area (large area size) take 2 damage (after armor) for every 5 -> 3 armor against piercing damage they have.
  • (Elite) Seperation (5en, 2c, 20r, Elite Spell) For 7 seconds, target foe is pulled toward you at 33% -> 66% speed, while all other foes in the area (large area size) are pushed away from him at 20% -> 40% speed.
  • (Elite) Detention Spikes (5en, 2c, 15r, Elite Hex Spell) For 3 -> 8 seconds, for each second target foe is walking, that foe takes 10 -> 30 piercing damage.

~~~Repulsion based skills: (18 skills, 1 of which is elite)
  • Impulsive Shove (5en, 1/4c, 3r, Spell) Target foe takes 6 -> 41 blunt damage. Target foe and all adjacent foes (small area size) are pushed away from you for 7 seconds at 20% -> 33% speed. (Not a hex.)
  • Bounce Shell (5en, 0c, 8r, Shell Spell) For 3 seconds, you cast a Bounce Shell. During the cast time of this spell, all projectiles which hit you instead bounce back to strike at your attackers, doing +1 -> +10 extra piercing damage. If this spell is cancelled or interrupted, you are knocked down. (Bow interrupts fail against this spell.)
  • Trenchant Repel (5en, 0c, 4r, Shout) Any projectiles which are currently flying at you or any nearby allies (moderate area size), or will be within 1 second, are sent back at the attackers. You gain 0 -> 2 energy for each arrow repelled.
  • Isolation (5en, 2c, 25r, Enchantment Spell) For 15 seconds, all nearby enemies (moderate area size) are pushed away from you at 20% -> 33% speed. (Warriors would still be able to attack you or an adjacent friend, but it would slow them down as they keep trying to staying in melee range inbetween swings. Could also be used as a "bulldozer")
  • Overwhelming Pressure (10en, 2c, 22r, Hex Spell) For 5 -> 15 seconds, target foe suffers a 33% minimum cast range on his long-ranged spells, but anything that slows target foe's movement fails.
  • Declination (5en, 2c, 30r, Spell) For each enchantment on you, 1 nearby enemy (moderate area size) up to 1 -> 4 enemies are knocked down (normal duration), and you are knocked down for 3 seconds.
  • Black Shell (5en, 0c, 17r, Shell Spell) For 3 seconds, you cast a Black Shell. During the cast time of this spell, all damage on you is reduced by 66% -> 100%, and new hexes and conditions fail. If you cancel this spell or it is interrupted before it finishes, you will be knocked down.
  • Mad Blast (7 adrenaline, 3/4c, Spell) All adjacent foes (small area size) take 20 -> 70 blunt damage. (You do not gain adrenaline from using this spell.)
  • Imp's Cover (10en, 3/4c, 20r, Enchantment Spell) For 20 seconds, you gain the Imp's Cover enchantment. All party members in the area (large area size) except for you have their damage received reduced by 1 -> 8.
  • Imp's Shelter (5en, 2c, 15r, Enchantment Spell) For 15 seconds, you gain the Imp's Shelter enchantment. The closest 2 party members in the area (large area size) take 12% -> 20% less damage from all sources, and have +5 -> +12 armor. This spell does not benefit you. (The effect automatically goes onto allies who do not have the effect already from another telekinetic. The enchantment has a very recognizable visual effect, so a smart enemy would know where the defense is coming from.)
  • Push Signet (0en, 2c, 10r, Signet) Target foe is pushed away from you for 5 seconds at 40% -> 60% speed. (This has a normal 0.75 second aftercast.)
  • Spell Projection (10en, 2c, 20r, Enchantment Spell) For 10 -> 24 seconds, any long-ranged spell you cast which targets either a foe or an ally gains +33% range. The spells also become big black projectiles, and the spells only take effect if these projectiles successfully hit. These projectiles move at +0% -> +33% speed.
  • Fumble (5en, 3/4c, 6r, Spell) Target foe takes 8 -> 37 blunt damage, and their current skill is interrupted. They regain any energy they spent on that skill, and that skill and all skills in that school recharge for 2 seconds.
  • Colossal Screen (5en, 1c, 8r, Enchantment Spell) If you have a screen equipped, it grows into a solid wall directly in front of you which blocks line of sight and movement. The higher your Repulsion is, the wider and taller the wall. Be sure to point yourself in the right direction before you cast. If you try to move, or you are hit with an interrupt or knockdown, the wall and enchantment are removed. (If the wall "lands" on anyone, the wall does not affect their movement at all until they are clear of it.)
  • Clouded Barrier (5en, 2c, 3r, Enchantment Spell) For 14 seconds, target touched other ally gains 12 to 35 armor against slash, fire and cold damage, and takes 10% -> 33% less damage from shadow damage. (This has a normal 0.75 aftercast.)
  • Starry Barrier (5en, 2c, 3r, Enchantment Spell) For 14 seconds, target touched other ally gains 12 to 35 armor against blunt, air and earth damage, and takes 10% -> 33% less damage from holy damage. (This has a normal 0.75 aftercast.)
  • Deflection (5en, 0c, 13r, Shout) For 2 -> 4 seconds, knockdowns against you fail, and anyone who tries to knock you down takes 22 -> 58 blunt damage. (If you knock yourself down, you take the damage.)
  • (Elite) Dismal Mirror (15en, 3/4c, 25r, Enchantment Spell) For 7 seconds, target ally takes 20% -> 33% less damage from all sources, and whenever target ally takes damage, 66% -> 115% of it is returned to the source (the full damage before the damage reduction).

~~~Conversion based skills: (17 skills, 1 of which is elite)
  • Split Spell (5en, 1/4c, 8r, Spell) Cast during target enemy's spellcast. If the spell was harmful or a hex, your target suffers that spell as if it were at attribute 1 -> 9. If the spell was beneficial or an enchantment, you benefit from that spell as if it were at attribute 1 -> 9. Foe's spell also takes full effect on his original target, uninterrupted. If you split a spell that cannot be duplicated, like a resurrect, you instead gain 6 -> 9 energy.
  • Ether Fury (5en, 2c, 12r, Enchantment Spell) For 24 seconds on target ally, for every 8 -> 3 energy spent on spells, 1 adrenaline is gained.
  • Masochist's Shell (5en, 0c, 28r, Shell Spell) For 3 seconds, you cast a Masochist's Shell. For every 17 -> 9 damage you take while casting this spell, all recharging skills become 1 second closer to being recharged. Each condition and hex received while casting will recharge all recharging skills by 0 -> 2 seconds. If you cancel this spell or it is interrupted before it finishes, you will be knocked down.
  • Dementia (15en, 3c, 20r, Enchantment Spell) For 15 seconds, any spell you cast which targets a foe becomes easily interruptable (interrupted by any damage) and causes 6 -> 12 extra slashing damage for every 1/4th of a second that spell takes to cast. The spell also costs 1 more energy for every 1 second that spell takes to cast.
  • Flip Signet (0en, 1/4c, 6r, Signet) For 3 seconds, all hexes cast on you are treated like an enchantment instead, and their durations are shortened to 80% -> 40%. These enchantments still effect you negatively, like hexes. If no hex is cast on you during the 3 seconds, you are knocked down afterward. (This signet has a normal aftercast delay of 0.75 seconds. If you cast something directly after the Flip Signet and the signet does not catch a hex, the resulting knockdown might interrupt your skill.)
  • Compound Friction (5en, 2c, 7r, Spell) Any nearby enemies (moderate area size) who are being forcibly moved catch fire for 1 -> 3 seconds. (This spell has a normal 0.75 second aftercast.)
  • Bluff Pain (5en, 3/4c, 20r, Enchantment Spell) For 20 seconds, the damage you take increases your max health by 100% -> 133% of the amount taken, though your current health doesn't increase with, making you appear to take twice as much damage as you really do. When you are healed, your max health decreases by 100% the amount healed, though your current health does not also decrease with. When this ends, you are healed for 30 -> 120. (Max health will not go below original amount.)
  • Focus Rage (5 adrenaline, 1c, Spell) Lose all adrenaline. You gain 2 -> 4 energy, while all other allies in the area (large area size) gain 1 energy. (This spell has a normal 0.75 second aftercast delay, and has a 50% chance to fail with 4 or less in Conversion.)
  • Disperse Enchantment (5en, 3c, 12r, Spell) Lose one enchantment. If an enchantment was removed, all nearby party members (medium area size) gain 2 -> 4 health regen for 7 seconds. (Not an enchantment.)
  • Flip Hex (5en, 3/4c, 6r, Spell) Transfer one hex and it's remaining duration from target other ally to yourself. This hex is treated like an enchantment, though it still effects you negatively, like a hex. (This spell has a normal 0.75 second aftercast)
  • Weird Fix (5en, 3/4c, 4r, Spell) Cast on target other ally. If their health is higher than their energy in percentages, they are healed for 30 -> 120 health. If not, they instead gain 4 -> 10 energy. (The point here is that the spell is very cost effective, but only really useful if they're low on both health and energy, and you can't really control wether you heal health or energy.)
  • Consume Enchantment (10en, 1c, 9r, Spell) You lose one enchantment. If an enchantment was removed, you gain 11 -> 16 energy. (This spell has a normal 0.75 second aftercast.)
  • Trade Life (5en, 2c, 0r, Spell) Target party member is returned to life, and you die. Target party member gets as much Health and Energy as you had. Your death does not incur a death penalty if your Conversion is over 4.
  • Spry Salve (5en, 1/4c, 1r, Spell) Target ally is healed for 4 -> 27. You gain 3 energy in 15 -> 7 seconds. (This spell has a normal 0.75 second aftercast.)
  • Adapt Hexes (5en, 2c, 25r, Spell) All hexes on you are turned into enchantments. They still affect you negatively, like hexes.
  • Armor Negation (5en, 3/4c, 15r, Hex Spell) For 5 -> 10 seconds, target foe has an armor penalty of -12, and you have an armor penalty of -20%.
  • (Elite) Hex Shift (5en, 2c, 8r, Spell) Transfer a negative "Hex" and its remaining duration from yourself to target foe. This hex acts as if you had cast it on the foe.

~~~No-Attribute skills: (1 skill)
  • Slide Signet (0en, 2c, 4r, Signet) For 6 seconds you are unable to move yourself, but you are forcibly pushed forward at a guaranteed 133% movement speed. Be sure to point yourself in the right direction before you cast this. You can use other skills while sliding. If this signet is interrupted, you are knocked down. (If you wanted to change direction inbetween slides, you would have to wait the full 6 seconds before casting again, meaning you'd have to wait the 2 second cast time, whereas moving in a straight line over and over would not have that 2 second delay. If you hit an obstacle, you're stuck there until the 6 seconds are up.)

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

wow...I would play and it's original...and fun for all those phsyics nuts out there...I want something based on charscter size...F=MA pong anyone...

I so see this class as looking like Einstein...based off what you say and my own rambelings...CRAZY HAIR



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



I will give it a better read when I have more time... but it sounds very promising so far, one of the best Psion type I seen...

But first of all... and a very imprtant suggestion... add spaces and bold to your text... seems like you just copy and paste from a word doc. Some formating would make thing lot lot easier to read.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


I <3 crazy hair.

Hah, that's exactly what I did! Just copied it over. Unfortunately my tab indents didn't appear when I posted. You're right though - I fixed it up a bit now, hopefully looks a bit cleaner.

Manic Smile

Manic Smile

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005


----- 15^50[Rare] ---- Alliance: ----- [SMS] -----

come on people...forget the reqresit Ass ass post push for something more original that could acutally be useful/balanced/different/fun




Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005


Great ideas! I see you put a lot of thought into this, and I have to say, it certainly shows it!

I can't think of too many ways to better this, though more skills would be good. Of course, playtesting is always a must, but what can we do about it here? :P



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



2nd Review:

Again, very good and creative. The attribute are all nicely thought out. While I am not too sure about the primary, but it seems it would work on paper, and one that is good to support all 2ndaries. The idea of moving things around is great (provided that the mod the current engine), and would be lots great fun in pushing people around. I love the idea of "cast fast and pay back later" type of skills, and think it would fit such class real nicely. but one thing about that is it might step on the toe of an Asassin for spike damage... maybe...

Would be good to add some force field or repulsion field type of skill in there. Also when have time, would be good to space out the skill more for easier read.

I want to write a Psion concept class myself too... and I am sure I will steal many concept from this ...hehehe

Two April Mornings

Two April Mornings

No Luck No Time No Money

Join Date: Nov 2005

Amherst College, MA

Scars Meadows [SMS]


very different and interesting, indeed would be a cool class
if only mobility + fast cast, that would be amazing

Victory Gaint

Victory Gaint

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

in a box

Archs of Cursed Blood [War]


this new proffesion sounds scientific....maybe his armor be a labcoat, glasses, clipboard offhand, and beaker weapon???

(lol btw good idea)

Turbo Wombat

Turbo Wombat

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Centeral Texas

Heros of Titans Realm


Looks pretty cool so far. I think it should deserve it's own weapon set though, since it is so unique. Even though this borrows from the (now dead) AC2 Emperyan Mentalist, something like metal orbs should be in order here. As for looks, I imagine this class to not really walk, but hover a few inches off the ground and wear a cape that pretty much covers them down to their boots. The cape would also have one of those collars that comes up so high it only allows you to see the upper half of their head. Combine this with glowing eyes and their weapon/orbs slowly orbiting their body at solar-plexus height and I think they would have that "You are about to see your spleen" look about them that I tend to favor.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005



Partly Inspired by Turbo Wombat and wild hair from Tyroie, how about this?




Join Date: Nov 2005

Noobs Just Took Halls [WTF]


That looks like some necro was climbing an elementalist tree, fell, and hit every branch on the way down.......
very nicely drawn^^

I can see you put some effort into creating the ideas for the character, but i have some comments:

-It would be hard for someone to focus on healing, attacking, and staying aware of their surrounding if they had to move against the force of one of these guys at the same time. ya know what i mean?

-And it wouldnt quite be fair for a necro spike build like mine. I need to be right next to the person so that the dark aura damage effects them and if you just move me away that wouldnt seem right since you could be to far away for me to even try and stop you.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

one of the best ideas ive read though i don realy fancy the primary attribute.
if i were u i would make the primary attribute something like:

Any attacks, spells or hexes done on you(including those by allies) is 1.5% slower for each level on this attribute.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

and maybe gloves as weapons? the kenetic powers come from their hands, no?

Turbo Wombat

Turbo Wombat

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Centeral Texas

Heros of Titans Realm


Eeh, gloves I'm sure will be thrown in with armor just like the other classes. Besides, Real telekenetics are supposed to be able to move physical objects with only their mind (hand gestures just might help them concentrate). For all I care, I think they could just float around with their arms crossed like the Seer is set up now.

Lambentviper also makes a good point about balance and movement. Maybe if the class had only a couple good hard pushes insted of all the movement and focused a little more on combat and movement speed buffs / debuffs it would be considered a little more fair. Though, I must admit that I love the idea of throwing someone low on life into one of the Crag lava pools as a finisher.

Also, actionjack, good job on the concept. I'd say you're definately on the right track.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005


Wow, this is received better than I thought it would be. I think I got a bit too used to certain other online games' forums..

That picture rocks. 'Nuff said.

Yeah, that's true - the primary attribute really is an insane defense against anything that requires melee range. I guess my arguement for that would be that it's easily counterable, especially since the class has very little defense against conditions (without a proper secondary, anyway), but then... It does seem kinda silly to have only one class with a primary attribute that can be countered... The thing I -do- like about the idea of being able to move while acting is that it sort of has an innate feel-good thing about it - it's something I like about action games, or shooter games, etc. Sort of like multitasking.
I actually like that Retaliation idea a lot. It fits perfectly with the hard-to-stop feel, and it isn't counterable. Plus it'd stack niiiiicely with Holy Veil...

As for how hard it might be to play while being pushed around... It could be.. Hard to imagine. If it turns out to be really bad, the amount that it pushes you could be toned down a bit. But... I think if it does irritate, then it's almost a good thing - I like things in games that mess up a player's concentration, as opposed to just outright making them unable to act, if that makes sense. It's a little more tactical-y. If it didn't irritate a bit, then the sacrifice on damage output may not feel quite worth it. I think Mosgerion pretty much said it in that it would just have to be playtested to tell how it'd all really be though.

Oh yeah, feel free to steal stuff. I think mighta stole a bit from you actually, for the Barrier spells ideas... *hides behind a small rock*




Join Date: Nov 2005

Noobs Just Took Halls [WTF]


messing someones concentration is different from completely rendering them usless. Not even mesmers, who were made to leave people in the dust, so to speak, cant do that.