Have you ever gotten a gem drop from a normal enemy?
Ruby, sapphire, or diamond. No item that salvages into a gem, just a plain old gem.
I remember a sapphire dropped for me from an Am Fah assassin about 2 weeks before Nightfall came out. Little did I know how much they'd shoot up in price and how I should have bought and stockpiled them...
I remember a sapphire dropped for me from an Am Fah assassin about 2 weeks before Nightfall came out. Little did I know how much they'd shoot up in price and how I should have bought and stockpiled them...
I still get them occasionally from UW mobs.
Yeah, I think they're more common from UW and FoW mobs. I should have excluded them and specified just regular, ordinary enemies. In my 2+ years of GW, that sapphire is the only gem drop I've ever gotten.
Neo Nugget
Yeah, I got one from the Scar Eater, and then the UW back in June.
have gotten them rarely off of ruby djinns.
Only from FoW and UW. Once from a boss in HM.
Yep! Guildie got one from a cracked mesa, when we vanquished Dejarin Estate.
I happened to get one from the mobs in the MOX (I think it's MOX?) quest in Cantha.
I happened to get one from the mobs in the MOX (I think it's MOX?) quest in Cantha.
wind fire and ice
its-VERY- rare to get them,but they drop from most every thing related to elements/margonites/any thing in uw/fow/doa/hard mode bosses
Elementals in aAscalon area drop them too
My guildie got a saph from a jade brotherhood o:
I just get rubies from things in fow
I just get rubies from things in fow
The Lost Explorer
some drop from the Kirins in Pogmei Valley but its very slim
only in HM for me
the stone elementals outside of serenity temple in HM.
Just in FoW and UW. I've had several Sapphires drop from Smites back in the day, maybe even a Ruby. Can't remember. NM for the record.
They do drop more in uw and fow like some people have said, and some specific mobs also drop them, such as the rubies from the stone elementals in ascalon, but they can drop from pretty much anything. I think I even saw a screenshot in one of the thread's like this of one dropping in nm from a mantid in noob island in cantha.
serinty hr
yeah i've gotten a ruby from a fire imp in hm once

Musei Karasu
I got a few drops of them, one I remember being from an afflicted, which I thought strange. I think that was a saph.
Kerwyn Nasilan
They have a very small chance of dropping form anything that drops a material. I have gotten 1 in UW, 2 in FoW, 1 From a Old Ascalon Stone Ele and 1 from a Roaring Ether.
Miss Eisei
Ruby from Hulking Stone Elemental in Old Ascalon, that's the only time.
Konig Des Todes
Afflicted in Tahnakai Temple mish dropped a Ruby once in NM.
Desert Wurm in the Desolation dropped a Sapphire in NM.
the Spectres in UW dropped a few Sapphires in HM.
Sure there's more but can't recall.
Not a gem, but this surprised me. A Jadite Shard from the Jade Brotherhood. They take their name literally it seems.
Desert Wurm in the Desolation dropped a Sapphire in NM.
the Spectres in UW dropped a few Sapphires in HM.
Sure there's more but can't recall.
Not a gem, but this surprised me. A Jadite Shard from the Jade Brotherhood. They take their name literally it seems.
before there was a use for them (before nightfall) I think I got like 2 of each mostly from the hulking stone guys....my tyrian monk was the first to get one doing the quest with devona from serenity temple---I was so astonished I almost didnt pick it up..and yelled to my guildee 'I got a Sapphire from the stone guy!!!'
its been quite some time since I saw one drop for me, though I have gotten them from time to time (and I dont do uw or fow or hm so it would be normal questing type stuff)...but they do on a rare occasion drop
its been quite some time since I saw one drop for me, though I have gotten them from time to time (and I dont do uw or fow or hm so it would be normal questing type stuff)...but they do on a rare occasion drop
I got a sapphire from an afflicted in some mission in NM tonight.
For the point i remember from some few monsters for all campaigns surely 2 or 3 in any campagne... the ones i remember clarery... my first, fow... my impressive, the scorpions (cant remember the monster name) outside old ascalon... one for farm...
I've gotten a couple gems from Wardens and Stone Kirins.
During the quest to get to the Rilohn Refuge mission in Nightfall, one of the Droughtling's in the Floodplains dropped a Ruby for me.
I also got a Sapphire from a level 11 Fire Imp right outside of Lion's Arch in North Kryta Province.
I also got a Sapphire from a level 11 Fire Imp right outside of Lion's Arch in North Kryta Province.
I got a ruby killing a Lily Dragon on the way to Zen a few weeks back, NM of course.
A sapphire from a Warden in Ferndale.
yes i had a drop from imps near temple of ages..this was back when i had my rit.

Red Sonya
I get them from djinns fairly regularly in normal mode in a certain area I like to play in.
I had one drop for me from a Fire Imp just outside LA back in early 2005. Other than that I've had numerous ones drop in FoW and UW.
Looking at the mobs that drop gems I see 1 thing in common - they can also drop Glittering Dust or Granite Slabs or trophies that salvage into them. Any exceptions to this rule?
Looking at the mobs that drop gems I see 1 thing in common - they can also drop Glittering Dust or Granite Slabs or trophies that salvage into them. Any exceptions to this rule?
Numa Pompilius
Millions of mobs killed, and I've got many many stacks of raw materials, rare weapons, about 100 greens, over 20 black dye, at least six superior vigor... but I have never had a single gemstone drop from a mob, ever. Every gem I've got have been from dungeon chests.
IMHO gems do not drop from mobs outside elite areas.
IMHO gems do not drop from mobs outside elite areas.
Had a few drop from Wardens in Pongmei Valley and 1-2 in FoW.
used farm them from ice/fire imps.. and well got one from dragons lair back in 2006. few aswell in canthan newb island
I got 1 Amber from a level 17 Mantis in Wajun Bazaar.
I got 1Saphire from a Roaring ether in Vabbi.
I got 1 Ruby and 2 Diamond from Hidden Treasures.
I got 1Saphire from a Roaring ether in Vabbi.
I got 1 Ruby and 2 Diamond from Hidden Treasures.
Sapphires from Am Fah a total of three times. That's about it.
The only mobs that dropped sapphires/rubys for me were the Hulking Stone Elementals and they dropped them more than once.
Yup. Sapphires from UW/FoW, Rubies too, Diamonds in EotN djinns (but only once) and a LOT of sapphires from Hulking Elementals.
I've gotten rubies and sapphires in UW, and a sapphire from an Am Fah in NM a while back..
Ive gotten several in UW, got one during a vanquish on canthan noob-isle from a mantid, and one from a hulking stone elemental during a VQ in ascalon foothills

i gotten ruby + sapphire from warrens , about 2 years ago