More Uses For Skill Points
Me and my guildies were toying with this idea for awhile before I decided to post this up for discussion/opinions.
On a toon, there is only so much skills we can purchase (except for sig of capture) and we can only use so many consumables (powerstone, essense, armor & grail) because we don't need that much cons in the 1st place. I know many would suggest that we craft these cons to sell but it is not really good use IMHO.
What I am suggesting (and it is only a suggestion so don't flame me like I've murdered your family or I owed you a gazillion amount of money) is that we can use our skills points to craft event consumables(Candy Canes, Booze, Snowman Summoner, Cakes, etc). I am not suggesting that exchanging the skill points is enuff. Why not make it similiar to the cons crafter in EoTN (skill points, materials & a small amt of gold) but these event consumables crafter are located in LA, Kaineng & Kamadan. It will always be available whether is there a major event or not.
Or during event, we could trade our skills points for event drops (e.g. wintersday = candy cane shards, canthan new year = lunar tokens, etc)
For all those who is looking to flame me, yes, I am a PvE title grinder & I am looking for ways to help me grind better.
On a toon, there is only so much skills we can purchase (except for sig of capture) and we can only use so many consumables (powerstone, essense, armor & grail) because we don't need that much cons in the 1st place. I know many would suggest that we craft these cons to sell but it is not really good use IMHO.
What I am suggesting (and it is only a suggestion so don't flame me like I've murdered your family or I owed you a gazillion amount of money) is that we can use our skills points to craft event consumables(Candy Canes, Booze, Snowman Summoner, Cakes, etc). I am not suggesting that exchanging the skill points is enuff. Why not make it similiar to the cons crafter in EoTN (skill points, materials & a small amt of gold) but these event consumables crafter are located in LA, Kaineng & Kamadan. It will always be available whether is there a major event or not.
Or during event, we could trade our skills points for event drops (e.g. wintersday = candy cane shards, canthan new year = lunar tokens, etc)
For all those who is looking to flame me, yes, I am a PvE title grinder & I am looking for ways to help me grind better.
X Cytherea X
I agree with the idea of more uses for skill points. Mine are just sitting there gathering dust. My suggestion is... let us exchange skill points for zkeys!
No thanx, more benefits for farmers...
Xx Da Best Xx
I dont think the skill points should be used for party points and such, mainly because an UW SC Alone can give you about 80-100k Xp..which is a good bit of Skill points(saying their easy to obtain...). But i do agree they need a better use.
I agree we shd have more use for skill points. As for me, I have accumulate quite a amount of skill points which i have no use for it. Don't ask me to change for cons as i too have many consets unused sitting in my inventory.
not really, since everyone will be able to trade in the skill points
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And by saying, thats fine we still can spend ours... well u can use the money you get ingame easily enough as well. However, making farming more profitable is not a good thing.
I dont think the skill points should be used for party points and such, mainly because an UW SC Alone can give you about 80-100k Xp..which is a good bit of Skill points(saying their easy to obtain...). But i do agree they need a better use.
But I agree.. would be good I could use the skill points for something.. maybe 5 skill points for a skill of your choice?
own age myname
That's a good idea. My chars have so many skillpoints, and when I want to make a new farming build I think couple k saved would be nice, and I'd use up my excess skillpoints.
This has all been suggested before here, but that doesn't make it any less of a reasonable suggestion. The addition of crafted consumables in EotN was a good way to use excess skill points, but any decent player in a decent guild team or with appropriately set-up heroes is able to vanquish pretty much anywhere in GW without using consumables...and these will be the players that can accumulate large numbers of skill points. Some more uses for skill points would be very handy.
This has all been suggested before here, but that doesn't make it any less of a reasonable suggestion. The addition of crafted consumables in EotN was a good way to use excess skill points, but any decent player in a decent guild team or with appropriately set-up heroes is able to vanquish pretty much anywhere in GW without using consumables...and these will be the players that can accumulate large numbers of skill points. Some more uses for skill points would be very handy.
Well, at least this thread has not become a flame galore. Please keep all constructive feedback coming. ANET. Remember to read this.

Maybe I got the wrong interpretation of your post (it's late, my brain is a little sleepy) but :
-How in the first place do you get a lot candy canes, booze and other events items ?
A)By farming
B)By spending a lot of money
-How do you get a lot of skill points ?
A)By farming
B)By buying the stars (which, I don't think are getting crafted by a lot of people).
So technically, it wouldn't really change anything.
-How in the first place do you get a lot candy canes, booze and other events items ?
A)By farming
B)By spending a lot of money
-How do you get a lot of skill points ?
A)By farming
B)By buying the stars (which, I don't think are getting crafted by a lot of people).
So technically, it wouldn't really change anything.
PvP characters can't farm (I mean farm in PvE areas, I see you coming about AB, XD), and they get much less XP than PvE characters. And they have absolutely no use for skill points, so at least they should be able to trade skill points for something, being it Victory tokes to exchange in traders for booze, fudge or fireworks, or Zaishen keys or something like that.
nothing with z keys please, otherwise booze/sweettooth would be alright, lucky/unlucky too maybe?
Raul the Rampant
I seem to recall that traveling to the elite areas like UW and FoW used to have a price tag... however since the advent of permafavor it seems to be no different from any other zone out there. Seems to me that the only reason people actually go down there is to farm anyway, so why not implement an entry fee of 1 skill point? This wouldn't hurt the farmers as they'd very likely get the point back and then some each run, and it wouldn't hurt the non-farmers because they've become nothing more than farming areas. Maybe even offer the choice between spending 1k or a skill point to enter should we ever lose favor for some reason.
It wouldn't really have an impact on anything, but it would maybe keep that pile of unused skill points from increasing as fast.
It wouldn't really have an impact on anything, but it would maybe keep that pile of unused skill points from increasing as fast.
sounds good to me, I've got 74 skill points left over doing nothing...
Maybe I should go for that skill cap title, but I'm too lazy.
Plus you technically are farming in PvP arenas, you're just farming difficult, stubborn, bastards that won't die.
sounds good to me, I've got 74 skill points left over doing nothing...
Maybe I should go for that skill cap title, but I'm too lazy.
Plus you technically are farming in PvP arenas, you're just farming difficult, stubborn, bastards that won't die.
pumpkin pie
Use your skill points to gain reputation from "alliance: ie asura, norn, vanguard" of your choice.
other then that, I don't see anything that I need to exchange at this moment, but /signed for the over all idea to have more use with skill points.
other then that, I don't see anything that I need to exchange at this moment, but /signed for the over all idea to have more use with skill points.
I kinda like the suggestions, Since it is for pve and pvp. zkeys, norn/ebon/norn/asuran pts, buy skills, etc. Keep them coming.
Since norn/ebon/norn/asuran pts is mention, might as well throw in kurz/lux pts also, since it takes ages to max it.
Since norn/ebon/norn/asuran pts is mention, might as well throw in kurz/lux pts also, since it takes ages to max it.
I agree that there should be more uses for skill points, but I don't think echanging them for things like zkeys or other "tradeables" is really a good idea. I mean, some of my characters have over 500 skill points and if I could get 500 zkeys I'd be thrilled, but I'd also be rich as hell and I doubt I'm the only one with multiple characters wth many hundreds of SPs. I don't think the economy of the game could handle creating essentially thousands and thousands of instant lottery winners in the game. 
Using them for title points is a good idea to me since it doesn't really affect the game as a whole, only individuals. Or 5-10 Skill points = 1 elite or something as was suggested.
/signed with an asterisk

Using them for title points is a good idea to me since it doesn't really affect the game as a whole, only individuals. Or 5-10 Skill points = 1 elite or something as was suggested.
/signed with an asterisk
Anything of the above suggestion will be fine... Need to find ways to get rid of my 2000+ skill pts..

Amnel Ithtirsol
great ideas above.
If the skill points could somehow be converted into reputation - not zkeys or anything you can trade - the farmers will also benefit but not to the extent which was suggested above.
Absolutely anything to remove 'some' of the grind...
great ideas above.
If the skill points could somehow be converted into reputation - not zkeys or anything you can trade - the farmers will also benefit but not to the extent which was suggested above.
Absolutely anything to remove 'some' of the grind...

Online Gamer
I like the idea of getting rid of skill points but not for party items/sweets but for something else like a TITLE! skill point collecter or something or trade them for PvE titles points like 1 skill point=10 points toward a title or somethin
If skills poitns were to be exchanged to z-keys it would definitely not be equal trade.. 10 skill points for 1 key sounds fair.. or even 15 skill points (maybe more).
If this change occurs I will continuously farm raptors in HM. Not counting the boss which gives an ungodly amount of exp, even the raptor nestling yield to me 273 each. Uh...times that by like 30 and it takes around 2 minutes. WTF.
Or I could leech all day on my alliance HFFF.
Or I could leech all day on my alliance HFFF.