Yorkshire Reapers and Adonis Maximus alliance seek Respectable allies


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2008

West of London

Yorkshire Reapers


Is your alliance full of bickering kids whom slag you off at every oppertunity and prevent you getting a team together? you might then want to consider moving your guild to our alliance.

We are no pressure guilds run by adults who know how to have fun. We have no swearing (within reason) rules and do not tolerate idiots. We are looking for like minded guilds to share our guild Wars experience with.

We love AB, zaishen trapping, hard mode and running less experienced players through missions.

Please contact "Trubs Thunderthighs" in game, MSN [email protected] or leave a message on www.yorkshirereapers.co.uk/forum/

I look forward to playing with you.
