looking for partners t ocraft an armbrace

I SileniuS I

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2007


im looking for a few ppl that wanna go craft an armbrace with me. In my opinion City of Torqua is the easiest and the point is to finish it on nm to make it easier and craft an armbrace at the end. PPl who are interested please post here or pm me ingame.

IgN : Selenia Spellsword



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2007

living room


meh im pretty bored, so why not, i will mainly play para, SY or any other elite. If you need me pm me at Touched By Balthzar


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2008




You will need to access the Underworld (UW) via the Temple of Ages (ToA) [Note, this guide is based on ToA (Tyria). However, you can also access UW via Zin Ku Corridor (Cantha) or Chantry of Secrets (Elona).] In order to enter the Underworld, the world will need to have Favor of the Gods first. This shouldnt be that hard......ppl are always maxing titles lol.Even so, Gaining Favor is beyond the scope of this guide.Once the world has Favor, you can speak with the Voice of Grenth. If you do not see him standing by Grenth’s statue, type /kneel and he will appear. Once your party is ready, speak with the Voice of Grenth and pay tribute of 1000 gold. You will be instantly transported to UW. (Note, all party members must be ascended in order to enter UW. This also limits the henchmen in ToA since they are only level 15.)
While you cannot take henchmen on this trip, you can take Heroes! A two man team can each take 3 heroes making a nice balanced team. [Balanced Team Example: Healer, Healer/Protector, Minion Master, Fire Nuker, Searing Flames Ele, Stance Tank, Spiteful Spirit Necro, & a RitLord - With build similar to this you can make it to the spider in under 30 minutes!]