Your favorite in-game events?
Knightly Bird
Well i'm going to be setting up an in-game event soon for a mass of people and I want to know -- from the community, what events you like most that can be set up with just a few people.
Whether it be racing, questionares, 1v1 battles, etc... what does the community enjoy the most?
Whether it be racing, questionares, 1v1 battles, etc... what does the community enjoy the most?
300+ping spikes disconnects across the board. My idea of a fun event.
AFK-ing at the rings.
the savage nornbear
I enjoy guaranteed free money from birds. So promise me that and I'll come.
hmm i enjoy scavenger hunts, as long as it doesnt require someone to farm for hours also enjoy questioners.
Shayne Hawke
Halloween, because it starts in two days.
Besides that, any event with Gamer points is better than anything without. My favorites in order are probably Snowball, Brawl, RBR, and then DA.
Besides that, any event with Gamer points is better than anything without. My favorites in order are probably Snowball, Brawl, RBR, and then DA.
Halloween, because it starts in two days.
Besides that, any event with Gamer points is better than anything without. My favorites in order are probably Snowball, Brawl, RBR, and then DA. |
Actually, I enjoy Dodge ball (Runes + Lightning Orb) for the DA-esque battles that can play out.
Other than that, scavenger hunts can be fun. Hide and Seek with clues is amusing.
There are a handful of people that ran RP events as well as trivia on Guild Wars' lore and other such things.
Costume Brawl is probably my favorite minigame. Snowball arena gets second place.
Player created events are pretty neat too. When you've been one one respective official event, you've essentially been to every other respective event.
Player created events are pretty neat too. When you've been one one respective official event, you've essentially been to every other respective event.
The double-party points was awesome.
dragon arena
Owik Gall
The halloween is the best event in my book because you get to be part of the costume brawl. It's where you join a team of 5 and duke it out, HB style. Minus the heroes, of course. Although I would prefer 4 instead of 5. Anyways, having four people teams duke it out and capping shrines seems a lot more fun than HB, and not to mention it's a lot more cooperative. Come on, what intelligence does a Hero have? And let's not forget how annoying it is to flag them in fast reaction speed. So yeah, Costume brawl, without the costumes, I'm good for. Either 4 or 5 per team is good with me also.
Jumping Is Uselss
Halloween is my favorite event. Because it was the 1st GW holiday event and the decorations wowed me the most.
Shayne Hawke
DA was my favorite arena by far, until I discovered that it's the shittiest option for winning Gamer points in terms of speed. Granted, it shows a better grasp of PvP than RBR ever will, and it's a better teacher of fundamental PvP necessities than Costume Brawl or Snowball, and there's just something about one-hit kills that's fun and keeps the player on edge.
It just sucks for getting Gamer points. By switching from doing DA on weekends to doing RBR, I started earning double the Gamer points that I did before. Plus, it's easier for me to get up and take a break from gaming in RBR to do a quick chore or stretch or grab a quick meal, because I won't be holding down the rest of my awesome team.
It just sucks for getting Gamer points. By switching from doing DA on weekends to doing RBR, I started earning double the Gamer points that I did before. Plus, it's easier for me to get up and take a break from gaming in RBR to do a quick chore or stretch or grab a quick meal, because I won't be holding down the rest of my awesome team.
COSTUME BRAWL. End of story.
The worm nest catching game or something like that lol. They need to make a title for that lol.
Halloween, hands down.
Shayne Hawke
Dies Fourth
As an alliance leader im constantly looking to battle the " I'm boooooooooooooored" i used to see in ally chat.
Heres a link to our alliance events page on our forums, please feel free to use/borrow/tweak or even add to any event we have or give us ideas for new 1's
The froday night lotto is pretty much a standard lotto useing the /roll emote to choose the winner.
Sunday nights " Sylents Strip Squares of Monopoly" is currently the alliance favorite and takes place in the Wizards Isle guild hall i believe cuz the large tiles on the floor.
Tuesday night is " Guild Wars Nuclear Beltch of Death and Desrtruction" basically a word scramble of towns/outposts/cities and GuildHalls of alliance guilds
the clues look like ~~~~~~ @$r<c,#h l&i#n)s ~~~~~
thats an example and is " arch lions" reversed its " lions arch"
the ppl zone to the international dist n open trade to win.........the catch is....the hosts are normally on a sugar rush and very difficult to catch so alot of times it ends up with 2-5 ppl chasing the host till some1 cuts him/her off and opens trade.
Wends. night is " Fatal Says" basically our version of " Simon Says" with a few of our own twists thrown in
scavenger hunts were nice, we have several new ideas were trying to get our guilds to host.............wish us luck and we wish you luck in entertaining your members as well
Heres a link to our alliance events page on our forums, please feel free to use/borrow/tweak or even add to any event we have or give us ideas for new 1's
The froday night lotto is pretty much a standard lotto useing the /roll emote to choose the winner.
Sunday nights " Sylents Strip Squares of Monopoly" is currently the alliance favorite and takes place in the Wizards Isle guild hall i believe cuz the large tiles on the floor.
Tuesday night is " Guild Wars Nuclear Beltch of Death and Desrtruction" basically a word scramble of towns/outposts/cities and GuildHalls of alliance guilds
the clues look like ~~~~~~ @$r<c,#h l&i#n)s ~~~~~
thats an example and is " arch lions" reversed its " lions arch"
the ppl zone to the international dist n open trade to win.........the catch is....the hosts are normally on a sugar rush and very difficult to catch so alot of times it ends up with 2-5 ppl chasing the host till some1 cuts him/her off and opens trade.
Wends. night is " Fatal Says" basically our version of " Simon Says" with a few of our own twists thrown in
scavenger hunts were nice, we have several new ideas were trying to get our guilds to host.............wish us luck and we wish you luck in entertaining your members as well
wind fire and ice
Dragon Arena,best hands down.
Assuming this means one that a player can organise, Im thinking best would involve trivia, races, or dressups
Xunlai Guru Agent
Personally I really enjoy 1 VS 1 scrimmages, how about arranging a tournament?