New Halloween Items?
Persian Daddy
Green Crystaline? (lol at sundering)
WTB Pumpkinhead Shield!
Green Crystaline? (lol at sundering)
WTB Pumpkinhead Shield!
LOL if this is real then goodbye last rare sword skin
Damn, lucky bastard.
Although now that I look at his screenshot again, I'm skeptical. Look at the text around the item. He obviously purposely added noise around the edges so that it would be harder to see his photoshop.
Although now that I look at his screenshot again, I'm skeptical. Look at the text around the item. He obviously purposely added noise around the edges so that it would be harder to see his photoshop.
lol and I just sold 150 bags I got from costume brawl...
Oh well, the fact that someone got it and posted on guru in the first few hours after the event started makes me think this won't be so rare.
I'd sell it for 100k + however many ectos you can get for it before every chaos-gloved, black-FoWed Wammo (tormented shield optional) gets his hands on a ZOMG PURFECT Q9 SUNDERING CRISTALLINE!!1
EDIT: I just realized you're a w/mo with black fow, chaos gloves and a tormented shield. GG me, I guess you're keeping it. :P
Oh well, the fact that someone got it and posted on guru in the first few hours after the event started makes me think this won't be so rare.
I'd sell it for 100k + however many ectos you can get for it before every chaos-gloved, black-FoWed Wammo (tormented shield optional) gets his hands on a ZOMG PURFECT Q9 SUNDERING CRISTALLINE!!1
EDIT: I just realized you're a w/mo with black fow, chaos gloves and a tormented shield. GG me, I guess you're keeping it. :P
Kerwyn Nasilan
12 chars
12 chars
Its not fake geez lol the SS is fine. I just love how someone finding a new item brings out all the forensic image specialists. LMAO
Needs in-game confirmation.
oh nice, essjay on GW
Lycan Nibbler
The green type looks somewhat blurry compared to the other type.. hmmmm
Calling BS until another person gets one.
I think you're missing the point. Either way, whether it was ANet or this fella, they definitely missed the name. Mad King's Carver >>> else.
He's a pumpkin. C'mon.
He's a pumpkin. C'mon.
I think you're missing the point. Either way, whether it was ANet or this fella, they definitely missed the name. Mad King's Carver >>> else.
He's a pumpkin. C'mon. |

You're telling me that King Thorn would carve up his own kind?
I mean, I know he's "The Mad King Thorn" but come on!

Also, if that's supposed to be a... carver then where's The "Mad King's Scooper"? (AKA, a giant spoon to scoop out pumpkin seeds with?)

Wish Swiftdeath
id guess anet would use the name carver for an axe
I want to say this is real, but everything inside of me says not a chance.
wind fire and ice
Not going to believe till i get ingame proof,ive opened 200+ bags and havent gotten any thing different then the usual items,and none of my friends have gotten any thing different im sure,they would have told me,soo,i doubt this isnt shopped.
10ectos if you show me ingame,that goes for every one.
10ectos if you show me ingame,that goes for every one.

Anet what the hell? This is the last straw! The weapons economy is ruined foreverrr (moreso than it already is).
Pour One For Jose
nice troll there
nice troll there
The weapon set icon is the same as a normal crystalline. I call shenanigans.
Congrats if it's real. Show it to me in game for a free 5k.
Congrats if it's real. Show it to me in game for a free 5k.
Skin sucks, needs better stats.
i build websites and use all types of photo editing tools. this is either a fake or a bad ss cause there is no reason for 'JUST' the green lettering to be blurry and not the gold.
like everyone else i am calling shenanigans until further proof
like everyone else i am calling shenanigans until further proof
fake imo need more evidence
Now that people point it out, the font does look odd.
Letters in "King's Slicer" are noticeably thinner than "Mad"...
Letters in "King's Slicer" are noticeably thinner than "Mad"...
Its a shoop, I can tell by the pixels
i build websites and use all types of photo editing tools. this is either a fake or a bad ss cause there is no reason for 'JUST' the green lettering to be blurry and not the gold.
like everyone else i am calling shenanigans until further proof |
If you look closely, there is noise behind the gold text as well.
What I thought was odd was only that there was more around the green text, but it could just as easily be how it was rendered.
well then, there goes the plan to sell all the bags..
Shayne Hawke
Lol @ Sundering.
Its sundering what more proof do you need.
I prefer a green eternal blade tbh.

605 health
32 energy
Warriors have 20 base energy and 480 base health. I'm sure someone with more time can figure out how a sword/shield and armor can provide those numbers. I'd also vote for fake, as I'm guessing the sword has +5 energy.
32 energy
Warriors have 20 base energy and 480 base health. I'm sure someone with more time can figure out how a sword/shield and armor can provide those numbers. I'd also vote for fake, as I'm guessing the sword has +5 energy.
I'ma call fake as you don't post the text saying you got it from a ToT bag, and I just opened 850 and got nothing. Not saying that's 100% evidence, but it's a start.
Compare the small E in Slicer to the small E in the shield's name...fake.
It could be real, in which case it would be like the mini Polar Bear. super-rare might as well not even bother hoping for it.

It could be real, in which case it would be like the mini Polar Bear. super-rare might as well not even bother hoping for it.
im feeling that this is a fake. if u got one.... why blurr out ur name?
Personally I think it's fake (the name text just looks all wrongly spaced to me), but even if it was real, a crystalline doesn't seem very... Halloween-y.
A Dead Sword would have been more fitting.
A Dead Sword would have been more fitting.
Neo Nugget
I started to zoom in on the pic, and you can see a big difference in the pixels right by the +30 health and 15^50 mods.
But who knows, I could be going blind or something
Too bad it probably isn't real
But who knows, I could be going blind or something

Too bad it probably isn't real

Polar Bear minipet never existed!!!!!!!!
Looks real. There's a slight glowing on the green due to JPG being a terrible format. Turn up the gamma and the lower text has compression problems as well. That's only to say it looks right as far as not being a poor fake. Somebody might have went to more effort.
Hollow Gein
Bah!! If this is real, what a waste!! Not even a unique skin and they'd better have Mad King Weapons for all classes, not just warriors.
Pwny Ride
It's co-incidental that the said player has a full set of FoW, and multiple Tormented Weapons? It's a fake screenshot. Things like this dont only happen to the rich. It would have been more realistic had they wore lower class armor and weaponry.
It just gives it away.
It just gives it away.
I think it's fake. For one thing, the guy blurred out his name on the screenshot (but left it in his profile) so we couldn't PM him in game.
That and just the terrible quality of this picture in general makes it unlikly.
Edit: On closer examination it looks reasonally well done. Would still like more confirmation.
That and just the terrible quality of this picture in general makes it unlikly.
Edit: On closer examination it looks reasonally well done. Would still like more confirmation.
Unless someone else can corroborate this (being shown ingame) im inclined to agree its a fake.