Quick save
Why don't they put a Quick Save in these games? Sometimes I'll enter a mission and play it for 2 hours, and then get interrupted and have to stop. The next time I play it starts me back at the beginning of the mission, so I have to play those 2 hours over again. If they had a Quick Save like every other PC game I've ever played, I'd be able to save frequently and restart at a more recent place.
This is an ONLINE game. If you were playing with people you couldn't SAVE it then load those people back up. You could always just leave the game on and have your character sit there. It shouldn't take you 2 hours to do a mission anyways.
isamu kurosawa
Pecause that makes perfect sense in a co-operative online game.

I'm just grateful for the temp saves that allow you to get back in the mission after a disconnect. I remember when the dc meant start over and tough luck for your team.
Kerwyn Nasilan
No, bad idea.
It shouldn't take you 2 hours to do a mission anyways. |

Maybe a quicksave option when doing with h/h would be nice, again, mostly for the dungeonzzzzzzzzzzzz!
As noted, there are few places it should take you 2 hours for a mission. The missions in Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall all can be completed within 30 minutes, some with in 10 minutes. This is a MULTIPLAYER game, and if you are playing with other people, they wouldn't be too happy about having to wait that long. If you are trying to do things like UW, FoW, Urgoz, Deep, DoA, etc. that you may spend a couple hours or more in depending on the team build and skill, then you plan for it. If you want to save and restart, play an offline, single player game.
Eddie Frenzy Spam
Epic thread is epic.
Really, at least read through your post out loud, at least once, and maybe you'll realise how retarded it is =/
Really, at least read through your post out loud, at least once, and maybe you'll realise how retarded it is =/
M @ T
Erm, I dislike the idea. And believe me, I've been forced to quit vanquishing, dungeoning, whatever (always with hero/hench, I never quit on people) because of real life. It happens. If it happens to you that much, maybe you should adjust the places you play in, or the way you play them if it's taking you so long that you can't ever finish. Be glad this isn't like WOW with 40 man raids that take 10 hours to do.
MMO are real time games, simply because they're intented to be played with others. The closest you'll get to a savepoint is the last outpost you visited.
As others have said most missions are about 30minutes of play. Dungeons can take longer, but if you're planning on doing a dungeon then plan for the time, and if you're interupted and playing on your own....find a safe spot you've already cleared to plant your character, keep the game open, and come back to it later. If you need to shut the game...well plan for more time next time.
As others have said most missions are about 30minutes of play. Dungeons can take longer, but if you're planning on doing a dungeon then plan for the time, and if you're interupted and playing on your own....find a safe spot you've already cleared to plant your character, keep the game open, and come back to it later. If you need to shut the game...well plan for more time next time.
lolz inb4close, anyway thats probably the stupidest idea ive ever heard. i dont see any other MMORPG having a save feature, cause well its just stupid.
Wrong forum
/notsigned for the stupidity just the same
If you want a save to come back later, you're playing the wrong game.
/notsigned for the stupidity just the same
If you want a save to come back later, you're playing the wrong game.
Just take heroes and hench, and if the mission is not timed, you can park your party in an area that is free from any patrols and leave GW running. H/H won't mind if you go afk for 30 seconds or 10 hours, and you can pick up right where you left off when you return. I've read that the server will disconnect you after a certain period of time in an area, but I am unsure if that occurs, or what that period of time may be. People afk their characters for hours in Pre-Sear for that LDoA title, after all.
The reason there is no save when playing with other humans is self evident.
The reason there is no save option when playing alone is you would save before and after every fight and everyone would have the survivor title.
The reason there is no save option when playing alone is you would save before and after every fight and everyone would have the survivor title.
You aren't alone. And if you were well then just go AFK.
You aren't alone. And if you were well then just go AFK.
Konig Des Todes
Does with me, most dungeons are very long winded, I do a level then go watch tv or something for a bit until I can be bothered doing next level
![]() Maybe a quicksave option when doing with h/h would be nice, again, mostly for the dungeonzzzzzzzzzzzz! |
Unless you use dial-up, you can always go afk if you're doing H/H and come back later, so no reason to there. And you cannot bring people back if you have to leave.
So, /notsigned for logic.
I just...don't even know where to begin flaming the OP. Seriously. I'm at a loss for lulz.
Congrats, OP, your suggestion was so stupid, it re-wired my brain.
Congrats, OP, your suggestion was so stupid, it re-wired my brain.
All missions, excluding the Elite Missions, only take about 30 minutes |
Wow some people can be so nit picky, how about a quicksave when you get horrendous lag out of the blue during a mission/quest thats taken a while to do, I'd need Octopus hands & feet to count the amount of times I've failed because of Dr Lag

Honestly, this suggestion just can't happen.
Closed to prevent flaming.
Closed to prevent flaming.