Unsuspecting Strike
Well I am thinking of going for the typical DB + MB spam build but just wondering which is a good lead attack to take with it. Now Unsuspecting Strike is amazing since it does huge damage right away, but usually if there are a lot of monsters in the way you won't really get the chance to hit the extra damage from the mob being >90% hp. What do you guys think about this skill, worth to take or better to take something like Golden Fox strike?
Take something cheap, fast, and weak like Jagged Strike. The whole point of DB+MB spam (IMO) is that you want your target to stay alive for a while so that you can continuously do mass amounts of AoE damage. Personally I like using the Vanguard skill Sneak Attack, Golden Fox is a pretty decent alternative as well since you should always have Critical Agility going.
Bowstring Badass
Golden fox strike>golden fang>db+mb. DW is to OP to give up. Although wild strike is nice to... But yeah take golden fox strike or another cheap lead.
Why do you need a lead? Golden Phoenix strike right into it, MB will recharge it. Yes you should have some enchants anyway.
golden fox strike is the one i would use.
Stealth Bomberman
^ You quoted the entire argument against your post. Once you hit Moebius Strike, Golden Phoenix is auto-recharged.
I maintain either a weak lead or a skip like Golden Phoenix.
I maintain either a weak lead or a skip like Golden Phoenix.
your best options are either GPS or sneak attack(if you are afraid you won't get mobius off and have to wait for the recharge)
Golden Fox - Wild.
If there's one thing I hate it's being blocked.
If there's one thing I hate it's being blocked.
Originally Posted by Dzjudz
You forget the recharge requirement of Moebius Strike.
Its a pretty easy requirement to meet...
Super Igor
Well its not bad, can do a really good damage but I honestly prefer golden fox > wild strike over it, just because it cannot be blocked an removes those pesky stances.