Unsuspecting Strike


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2007

Well I am thinking of going for the typical DB + MB spam build but just wondering which is a good lead attack to take with it. Now Unsuspecting Strike is amazing since it does huge damage right away, but usually if there are a lot of monsters in the way you won't really get the chance to hit the extra damage from the mob being >90% hp. What do you guys think about this skill, worth to take or better to take something like Golden Fox strike?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2008

The Warrior Priests [WP]


Take something cheap, fast, and weak like Jagged Strike. The whole point of DB+MB spam (IMO) is that you want your target to stay alive for a while so that you can continuously do mass amounts of AoE damage. Personally I like using the Vanguard skill Sneak Attack, Golden Fox is a pretty decent alternative as well since you should always have Critical Agility going.

Bowstring Badass

Bowstring Badass

Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Character selection screen figuring what I want to play...

Purple Lingerie - :D

Golden fox strike>golden fang>db+mb. DW is to OP to give up. Although wild strike is nice to... But yeah take golden fox strike or another cheap lead.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Amazon Basin [AB]


Why do you need a lead? Golden Phoenix strike right into it, MB will recharge it. Yes you should have some enchants anyway.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2007

living room


golden fox strike is the one i would use.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2008

The Warrior Priests [WP]


^ You quoted the entire argument against your post. Once you hit Moebius Strike, Golden Phoenix is auto-recharged.

I maintain either a weak lead or a skip like Golden Phoenix.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2008

your best options are either GPS or sneak attack(if you are afraid you won't get mobius off and have to wait for the recharge)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2007

Delayed in order to meet ANet's high standards



Golden Fox - Wild.

If there's one thing I hate it's being blocked.

Super Igor


Join Date: Mar 2008

why should you kno? Oo


Well its not bad, can do a really good damage but I honestly prefer golden fox > wild strike over it, just because it cannot be blocked an removes those pesky stances.