i'm almost on a daily basis repairing my data archive. I did multiple reinstalls, from only -image to a whole new client. I have multiple backup game.dat's and i even copied back and forth from my laptop.
Funny thing is; on my laptop i never have problems and I copied the same game.dat to my desktop, which daily repairs.
Now i have the feeling it's maybe not the .dat that is broken but something else. I was wondering if there's any way to bypass the check that will make me repair my .dat to see if it's really broken, or if it's like an over enthousiastic virus/spam filter.
Anyone familiar with/sollutions for/ideas for this problem?
Skip 'repair data archive' check.
Right click your .dat file. See if there's a -repair switch on the extention.
constant repairing generally means a slightly defective harddrive. try running a diagnostic on the harddrive to see if it has any bad sectors.
As far as I can check (not sure what you mean, i checked 'properties' on the game.dat file?) there isn't. I put -pass and -email on my game.exe shortcut, nothing extra. And I don't use textmod or anything else.
Well, that's not really good news then. I've had some problems with this drive in the past, which later 'seemed' to be resolved. Though it's perfectly possible that it's declining ever since. Seems like a viable reason though. Bah.
Well, that's not really good news then. I've had some problems with this drive in the past, which later 'seemed' to be resolved. Though it's perfectly possible that it's declining ever since. Seems like a viable reason though. Bah.
Oh, yeah, not the .dat file, sorry, it's early.
You could run a HD diagnostic, as Moriz says, since there's no -repair on the gw.exe.
You could run a HD diagnostic, as Moriz says, since there's no -repair on the gw.exe.
Too supply something in advance here is the S.M.A.R.T. readout (by speedfan)
As you can see the current value's are quite okay (hd is about 4, maybe 5 years old). The lowest value on the raw error something was once 1, at that time i had a lot of bluescreens/sudden shutdowns. I almost bought a new HD back then when everything suddenly went back normal. Reading the values that i got later (same as at picture) i assumed it was all fixed.
Maybe smart-status isn't as reliable as it seems?
Btw, any good hd checkers? windows one never found anything or keeps complaining everything is in use so it can't do shit.
On suggestion of a technical friend I'm gonna do a check with ultimate boot cd. I can only hope it's not as bad as it sounds
As you can see the current value's are quite okay (hd is about 4, maybe 5 years old). The lowest value on the raw error something was once 1, at that time i had a lot of bluescreens/sudden shutdowns. I almost bought a new HD back then when everything suddenly went back normal. Reading the values that i got later (same as at picture) i assumed it was all fixed.
Maybe smart-status isn't as reliable as it seems?
Btw, any good hd checkers? windows one never found anything or keeps complaining everything is in use so it can't do shit.
On suggestion of a technical friend I'm gonna do a check with ultimate boot cd. I can only hope it's not as bad as it sounds

Could also be your RAM causing problems - and if you say you are overclocking anything I'll reach through the screen and strangle you.

I am not. Speedfan is only there for observing. I rarely look at it, but sometimes when i think things look weird i check it for temps.
WD analysis couldn't find anything. I'm just going to try to live with the repairs. I have no reasons to suspect it's my RAM as i don't have problems with any other programs or games. Apart from gw i don't have any HD problems as well btw, except for the one mentioned above years back.
WD analysis couldn't find anything. I'm just going to try to live with the repairs. I have no reasons to suspect it's my RAM as i don't have problems with any other programs or games. Apart from gw i don't have any HD problems as well btw, except for the one mentioned above years back.
http://www.hdtune.com - Designed to check hard drives.