Can't stay logged in to GURU
I have to login everytime I come in, and even thoughout the day I will be logged out if the screen refreshes while I am searching through the lists. Is there some setting on my pc I need to change, so I don't logout? This used to not be a problem, as I would stay logged in for months at a time.
Clear your cache and cookies. Works for the majority of people.
Yup, worked for me.
Also be sure you have cookies enabled for the site. If you have Firefox, open tools>options>privacy then click the exceptions and if guru is blocked, remove the block, if its allowed leave as is. If you're using Internet Explorer, open tools>internet options>privacy>click sites button and add guru to allow.
Clearing the cache hasn't worked for me in both Iinternet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3. I'm getting popup ads as well.
You will always get popups. That's the only reason this site still exists, since it's basically the sole source of revenue.
I had the problem that when I had that temp ban I couldn't actually log OUT. Which was of course a real pain for my sister who also views the site from my computer when she's down from Canberra. I sent a support message about it so that she could still view the site but no one ever got back to me; the only reply I got was when I set up a temporary account for viewing ONLY so she could actually have a browse (which I was forced to do as no one ever replied to my inquiry, so I took matters into my own hands), and an incredibly rude mod sent me a message about 2 hours before my ban was lifted saying I'd better not post in the last two hours or she'd perma-ban me. I was INCREDIBLY unhappy with her, as after three days of not posting only viewing why she thought it was necessary to even mention it two hours (of which two hours I was in bed anyway) before the ban was lifted.
I was speaking to a friend and she said that she's had the same problem with being completely unable to log out. Could the two problems be connected?
I was speaking to a friend and she said that she's had the same problem with being completely unable to log out. Could the two problems be connected?