make gw have weather
Ranger Jaap
wouldn't it be fun if there was weather in guild wars. Like rain,thunder,sun etc... It would be more fun to explore areas and that kinda stuff.
there's weather in every zone, its just not changeable. there's even rain in a couple zones. I don't think the gw engine ever intended to be changeable in that sense, but wouldn't be surprised if gw2 outshines in that department...
pointless suggestion. gw has the weather and although it isn't random, we still have it. besides the 5 people working on guild wars surely don't have this as a proirity and we will never see the random weather feature in the original guild wars. if this was actually intended to be suggested for guild wars 2 there is already a gw2 suggestion thread
Ranger Jaap
meh close this. wasnt a realy good idea

that would be a massive update to gw and simply just too much work
rather hope they add it to GW2 ^^
don't give em more work they're late allready
rather hope they add it to GW2 ^^
don't give em more work they're late allready
I wouldn't mind it so long as it doesn't affect game play. But then I don't see why they would since it would just be a lot of unnecessary work.
This was requested a looooong time ago and many times since then. Gaile liked the idea, but said it wouldn't be implemented into GW1.
GW Has weather.
In some places there is fog, in some there is snow, in some other places it is raining...
The thing is that all areas but the Festival towns are fixed in time, so anytime you enter you enter at the same time, and no mater how much time you spend there, unless you move around, both the Time and the Weather are the same.
Some areas like Festival towns are an exception to that, but only in the way that they change their fixed time and weather for a different time and weather.
That's because GW is fully instanced and based on a fixed plot.
In some places there is fog, in some there is snow, in some other places it is raining...
The thing is that all areas but the Festival towns are fixed in time, so anytime you enter you enter at the same time, and no mater how much time you spend there, unless you move around, both the Time and the Weather are the same.
Some areas like Festival towns are an exception to that, but only in the way that they change their fixed time and weather for a different time and weather.
That's because GW is fully instanced and based on a fixed plot.
Konig Des Todes
wouldn't it be fun if there was weather in guild wars. Like rain,thunder,sun etc... It would be more fun to explore areas and that kinda stuff.
Other then as other's +1 posts have stated, the game has weather just none changing.
However, I think that having a changing weather system would be good for GW2, as it will have persistant areas. Night/Day system would also be of benefit (especially if they have it so some monsters change during night and day *such as nocturnal monsters coming out and NPCs disappear (sleeping)*).
GW1=No point, few resources, been around too long to add this and not have tons of QQ *although there will be those no matter what*
GW2=More than perfect suggestion. In fact, has been suggested, along with the Day/Night system, several times in the GW2 suggestions thread.
Numa Pompilius
The problem is that GW uses precompiled lightmaps. The light and shadows of objects in the world is precalculated, not calculated on-the-fly, so you'd get night with shadows from objects, and rain with sunlight through the trees.
This could be fixed, but not easily. WoW can more easily get away with changing the weather/time of day because it uses much simpler graphics (e.g. no shadows to take into account), whereas GW graphics would need extensive surgery.
It would however surprise me if GW2 does not have weather/time of day effects.
This could be fixed, but not easily. WoW can more easily get away with changing the weather/time of day because it uses much simpler graphics (e.g. no shadows to take into account), whereas GW graphics would need extensive surgery.
It would however surprise me if GW2 does not have weather/time of day effects.
Night/Day system would also be of benefit (especially if they have it so some monsters change during night and day *such as nocturnal monsters coming out and NPCs disappear (sleeping)*).
maybe a day/night version of every zone? so you choose upon entering to avoid issues. this would avoid many graphics issues with armor/weapon coloration.
its hard to change something like this in GW1 because the textures are pre rendered and in order to make weather changes your gonna need dynamic textures. Im pretty sure this will be implemented in Gw 2 though.
Konig Des Todes
really neat idea, although again it would be hard because gw servers are running nonstop with people around the globe playing at any given time. if such events were to happen, there would probably be issues with peak play time where one place on the world would have night more often or similar things. you could cycle it more quickly so that there was a more even spread, but then it would be difficult to target a certain enemy due to the time it would come out? also how would that work if you were clearing a zone? would new stuff spawn to kill if the weather/day/night change?
maybe a day/night version of every zone? so you choose upon entering to avoid issues. this would avoid many graphics issues with armor/weapon coloration. |
Also, it seems you think that the day/night thing would go with when you play, not so. I would say that there should be 1 hour in gw=15 minutes *or 30 minutes* in the rl. Making an entire day/night either 1/4 or 1/2 of the day. Could be made to be less, such as put the day not into hours but into Early Morning (pre-sunrise), Mid-Morning (sunrise), Late Morning (just after sunrise), Noon, Afternoon, Early Evening (pre-sunset), Mid-Evening (sunset), Late Evening (After sunset), Midnight. And have those parts every 15/30 minutes. The difference, other then possible mobs (or even quests with time frames), would be the amount of light you get. Midnight would be the darkest time, and Noon/Afternoon would be the brightest time, except on days with bad weather.

A full weather system requires real time lighting effects, and dynamic shadows. Guild Wars has great graphics for its low system requirements because the only thing that is accelerated in real time are the partice effects - All the lighting and shadows are pre rendered, which means that a modern graphics card has to do next to nothing to draw these images.
If Guild Wars had a real time lighting and weather effects, it would no longer be able to work on a Geforce 3, which TBH is seriously outdated by now anyway, but it also wouldnt run silky smooth at full details on a 6600 GT either ... Wait a minute, that is also rather outdated now =D
But yea, GW is an old game now with low system requirements. But it has great graphics for those requirements because of how eveeything is pre rendered.
GW2 will definately have a modern graphics engine with real time weather, but this cant be done for GW1 without a complete rewrite of the code, or without making a significant number of its player base suddenly unable to play it.
If Guild Wars had a real time lighting and weather effects, it would no longer be able to work on a Geforce 3, which TBH is seriously outdated by now anyway, but it also wouldnt run silky smooth at full details on a 6600 GT either ... Wait a minute, that is also rather outdated now =D
But yea, GW is an old game now with low system requirements. But it has great graphics for those requirements because of how eveeything is pre rendered.
GW2 will definately have a modern graphics engine with real time weather, but this cant be done for GW1 without a complete rewrite of the code, or without making a significant number of its player base suddenly unable to play it.
/signed but, it's useless.
I would love a dynamic weather system in GW1, even seasonality. Heading out into an explorable area, you might encounter heavy rain or a blizzard. Either would create a lot of fantastic scenerios for players to explore.
I'd even pay for the feature.
But, it's a suggestion I made last year and it was shot down by aNet and the users here.
I would love a dynamic weather system in GW1, even seasonality. Heading out into an explorable area, you might encounter heavy rain or a blizzard. Either would create a lot of fantastic scenerios for players to explore.
I'd even pay for the feature.
But, it's a suggestion I made last year and it was shot down by aNet and the users here.
They could make the weather/day/night cycles weekly or monthly, and change it when they do their weekly updates (that has become less frequent these days)
Altering the sky when they update shouldn't be that hard. they have all the textures already.
Altering the sky when they update shouldn't be that hard. they have all the textures already.
changing the sky is not enough. they have to take the shadows on the ground into account also, which is very hard considering all shadows for terrain objects are essentially drawn into the ground textures.
adding weather and moving sun/moon/clouds is basically out of the question at this moment. it simply won't work with the current game engine.
adding weather and moving sun/moon/clouds is basically out of the question at this moment. it simply won't work with the current game engine.
If you want weather, hit "m" and look at the clouds.
it would be a nice thing to have in gw2 were the weather changes from sunny to rain to snow if need be. i would like it better if the world had its own weather patterns.