Originally Posted by Bug John
in doa, monsters have skills to defend themselves too + higher caracteristics + infinite energy + skills to counter defense (interrupts, denial, knockdown) + huge damage = it's not that easy to defend against brute force and deal enough damage to kill them
Not really. They can't properly manage their interrupts (they camp), or their energy denial (low energy set gogo), or their knockdowns. The only enemies which
really annoy me are the Anguish Titans (or whatever they're called; they steal skills and use with SoM). The thing is though, I was 6 skills short, had my WoH left and was WoH'ing myself to a decent amount of health against roughly 4 of them every 3-6 seconds for 4 minutes straight due to a massive overaggro of a shit ton of mobs in the area.
yes, I'm stuck on DoA, but it's meant to be one of the most challenging elite areas, thus reflecting anet's definition of high end pve
no matter what you say, you can't reasonably argue that doa can be completed by a group without a tank or pve skills, especially with "smarter" monsters spiking your backline
Considering that it has been done with heroes, (and I recall it's done without PvE skills or tanking), I don't see the need in arguing against this.
removing ursan made more harm than good to the community, as explained in another thread, try to find a pug in doa... it will most likely be cryway or fail, kill cryway and see what remains
This isn't because of the take out of Ursan, this is because of the shear laziness of players. DoA is one of the hardest areas in Guild Wars, yet there are only... two places which are difficult and make you blow up under one mistake, which Racthoh has already pointed out. The only way you can safely bring up the activity in DoA is by upping the rewards, and you can even say that's a downside.
how on earth can you think NERFING things will make people play more ? did you really expect ursan nerf would encourage people to create "balanced" pugs ?
Well I for one absolutely hated playing Ursan because it went against 3 design schemes of the game: isn't rewarding skill, skill bars and their respective professions, and was also powered on grind. It removed all of that. I would have been less spiteful towards the skill if it wasn't powered on grind and using your skill bar had more bearing to the skill itself, other than keeping inherant things (Primary attributes, armour etc...). Now, keep in mind that when you bring a Warrior with the Mesmer secondary, you gain an obscene amount of armour for a certain amount of time depending on what you spec into Inspiration, which proven numerous occasions where profession discrimination took place.
stop nerfing, give us diversity, and leave the casual player with his ursan / cryway, this doesn't affect your gameplay
Actually, it does affect peoples' gameplay. For one, when Ursan was out and about, how often did you see a non-Ursan PuG? That directly affects those who PuG by putting limitations on what they do, it doesn't give "diversity", it takes it. Two, if that player was really "casual", they wouldn't want to grind out their Norn title. Heck, if that player was casual that player would know that it'd be dumb going for HM titles.
Now, I'm not as spiteful to Cryway as I ever was with Ursan. The reason is it's one skill to deal damage, and another skill if you bring a Mesmer hex, and then the rest of your skill bar doesn't matter, you're only limited by your secondary profession.
you think pulling is ok ? I think it's exploiting artificial stupidity just like tanking, why wouldn't a monster see that his friend just beside him is being pulled ? just because they don't belong to the same group ?
One can argue simply doing PvE is exploiting the AI. For example, a certain Warrior boss in GW:EN has Frenzy
and Flail. Now, Frenzy used in the wrong situation can be bad for your health, and what does this boss do? I think it's obvious. Another example is the fact they all have limited skill bars and can't prot effectively (you can say the same for heroes on the prot bit, but then you've got AI exploiting AI

). Last but not least, mistakes. Mistakes happen almost everywhere you go, no matter where you are. Even the best people make mistakes sometimes, and AI sure does make alot of mistakes, but it's always best to take advantage over it.
Now, I agree that PvE is inherantly broken from a balanced standpoint, but in order to fix this? It needs a massive overhaul, and when I say massive, I mean pretty much 100%. Enemies in PvE with obscene amounts of armour, health, energy, energy regen, damage, attribution, buffs up no matter what their primary is and so on, I can go on for ages with that. But I guess you see the point now.