team text change
now i think it would be helpful if your name in team chat would change color according to what team you are on.
Kerwyn Nasilan
you mean in multi team things like AB?, your team will always be a lighter shade,
here to troll
im pretty sure he means like ha or gvg, red blue or yellow would be your team chat(although, i wouldnt be able to stand looking at the yellow text, it would burn my eyes =()
i do mean the red yellow or blue. and in ab i mean blue or red. same with ta and ra. and i dont think the yellow color will burn your eyes.
Um, you don't see the other teams team chat so why would it matter? Unless you mean change the teams chat color in local chat so you can see what player from what team is talking to you.
team chat is always blue. If you change team chat color to what ever side your on. It might start to keep confusing. Your team can change alot and you don't want to be thinking about this round i'm red, team chat is going to be red. Keeping team chat blue is very instinctive, you know someone in you group/team is talking.
I think u mean like Covah said^
I think u mean like Covah said^