[SD] Silent Dragons is Recruiting friendly and active player to join us is our quest. We do all kinds of PvE; from quests all the way to dungeons, etc. We are a fairily layed back Clan, but do wish to get competitive in PvP in the furture. We are currently trying rebuild our guild, and make new friends and allies along the way.
We are a Kurzick based guild who enjoy taking part in any Guild Wars activities. We have our own dedicated TeamSpeak 2 server and website: www.silentdragons.net
To ask for an invite or to talk to us more about the Clan, just send me a message here on GuildWarsGuru or Private Message our Leader or one of our Officers in game:
Sd Dragonrider/Dragon Rider Alpha (Leader)
Sd Dragonshooter
Maxus Mann
Servant of Gwen
Apollo The Rageful
Arones the Swift
[SD] Silent Dragons is Recruiting
Minion Lord