Originally Posted by Pleikki
What about treasure hunts? wisdoms? lucky/unlucky? they're not that cheap to max if you want max em ^^
Why would you do that when you can bot Kurzick FF?

Ohhhhhhhh snap!
Okay, but seriously, there are 29 really easy titles to get (+1 for survivor, so 30...). The time/money consuming ones end up being:
Treasure Hunter & Wisdom----> With these titles becoming account-wide, it should get easier
PvP Titles (lawl)
Zaishen Title
Those listed above are IF you don't do them on a new character on which you have survivor. If you do GWAMM on a survivor character, it's stupidly easy, because then you don't have to do any of the real tricky titles. Then all you need is money for the consumable ones, which just comes from getting the other titles, and playing the game normally.
It took me about 4-5 months to get GWAMM, and that was going at a fairly relaxed pace. I had my cartographer titles almost complete just from playing the game in previous years, and when HM came out, me and my guildies did some vanq-ing and missions for fun, so when I decided I wanted GWAMM, I really only needed 15 titles. I got the 3 consumable ones (party/booze/sweet) in two weeks because I had a pile of money sitting around, and after that I just had to convince myself to do vanquishing, and lots of HM dungeons and HM DoA to up my LB and other rep titles
