I would really like to pay someone to teach me the areas of Underworld I don't know for speed clear. I will be easy to teach: I already know how to perma and terra, I just don't know how to complete the terra UW quests. My terra is already set up to do them; I just need the guidance.
My requirements:
Ventrilo or Teamspeak - I need you to explain verbally
A reasonable price - I'm open to negotiation on prices, but would like to stay in the price range of [Loki]'s terra teaching service, so approximately a conset in payment per area, or something like that. I can pay in ecto or gold, and will be likely to have you teach more areas if you cut me a break!
Please and thank yous =)
//EDIT: I can clear the chamber so that you can go show me whatever area, if that's a concern; that part I DO know how to do =)
Also: If someone wants me to teach THEM chamber and/or vale I can do that for a similar deal; you pay for the cons, I teach you.
Or even I teach you sin, you teach me a terra area! =) I really appreciate it and will be super excited if someone can help me here!!
UWSC Lessons
I'll teach you for free so long as you supply your own consets.
IGN: Mara Darkstrike
I have Vent.
I am mostly on during the afternoons EST.
IGN: Mara Darkstrike
I have Vent.
I am mostly on during the afternoons EST.
I fail at finding you in game somehow, but I will keep looking for you. Anyone else?
hey, ill teach u for the same price as loki's thread...since he dont come on much anymore...im in the same guild and i know what im doin
pm me ingame i cant gaurentee ill be able to show u strait away since i might be on a run etc..if i dont answer just pm me again in around 10mins coz sometimes im afk
Originally Posted by sororitygirl

I fail at finding you in game somehow, but I will keep looking for you. Anyone else?
That's because I live in the +5:30 GMT timezone >.>
ida ctually like to learn as well
i used to do speed clears alot as my monk
but well i cant now
so its sin time
i used to do speed clears alot as my monk
but well i cant now
so its sin time