Intense lagging since network maintainance
mastar of warrior
so i've been lagging ever since the network maintainance was completed.
anyone else having this?
getting random laggspikes with 3k+ ping , and im normally at 100 or so.
anyone else having this?
getting random laggspikes with 3k+ ping , and im normally at 100 or so.
Dunno. Got disconnected around 22:00 gmt+1 yesterday and couldn't log back in.
I have experience some sudden freezes which were not accompanied by the usual color shifting on the little connection dot. Been fairly random and maybe 5-10 secs in duration when they hit.
I had some lagg after the update aswell yesterday
Stolen Souls
I have been lagging and disconnecting badly, but I assumed it was because of the holiday event lagtacular that's going on. Anet event always = lag, so I assumed that was the cause.
I have never had this much lagg before. It usually just freezes for 15 secs or so. It might be the halloween event.. been a while since we had a big event anyway.
Xeng Suey
its not just you. took me 5 tries to get on yesterday. been pinging and freezing a lot since they did that maintainance. thought i have been lagging badly since this halloween stuff started.

I keep getting lag spikes
I've been getting quite a bit of lag off guild wars recently, but it has become a lot worse since the maintenance.
Ive been getting insane lag, its still slightly laggy now, but its no-where near as bad as it was before the maintenance.
I have been lagging a little but then again, I have been experiencing lag for a month now..
I haven't had too much intense lag, but the worst I've had yesterday, and even today, has been around 1k ping, but that's it.
I've had lag, but not too intense.
I've had lag, but not too intense.
OK I was getting paranoid. Checkin for bugs on my comp lol. Oh well Anets best anti-farming code is running. Ubernerf = Lag
would say both could be true
all the events, especially huge PvE ones are causing the game to lag more than usual
halloween was connected with update - game lags a bit more few days be4 and after every update
and the maintenance - suppose it will cause some lags too, till the clear system will get messed a bit^^
all the events, especially huge PvE ones are causing the game to lag more than usual
halloween was connected with update - game lags a bit more few days be4 and after every update
and the maintenance - suppose it will cause some lags too, till the clear system will get messed a bit^^
Jongo River
I had a couple of err 007 disconnects yesterday, but no problems today.
well this lag is big and very annoying especially if ur 55ing or farming in hard mode. I wish they could find a way so that every update and maintaince doesnt do this much lag
Stolen Souls
Was just in an awesome Costume Brawl group on my warrior, during our win streak (~20 games) I had major lag spikes in 5 games, disconnected (and thankfully reconnected) in 3 others. Actually once I dc'd within a minute of the start and when I came back we were starting against the next team. I didn't notice anything like this once before the maintenance.
If it ain't broke don't fix it. Something tells me underlying issues are here as to even roll out server maintenance, and it's not particularly par se security related. Had to be something that was going on ingame. If the servers haven't been down in years you mean to tell me now after all of a sudden there is a security vulnerability? LOL.
post hoc ergo propter hoc. You're saying the lag has happened BECAUSE of the maintenance?
False logic. We can't say this without concrete proof. There have been lag issues for about a month, that Support has asked people to document. Also, there is a major event going on.
It could be any number of things. Just don't take the easiest to blame.
False logic. We can't say this without concrete proof. There have been lag issues for about a month, that Support has asked people to document. Also, there is a major event going on.
It could be any number of things. Just don't take the easiest to blame.
Are you sure this is caused by the maintenance, or is it just the same lag we get every year during the festivals. I refuse to play while the festivals are happening for the pure reason that the lag is so bad. You won't see me logging in until at least November 2nd.
I have experience some sudden freezes which were not accompanied by the usual color shifting on the little connection dot. Been fairly random and maybe 5-10 secs in duration when they hit.
I also thought it was because of the holiday things going on though.
Maybe so; but I at least haven't had any issues pre maintainance, nothing on Friday, Sat, Sun or Mon, just after Tuesday. You mean to tell me there are more people logged in during the week than weekend? There are no such things as coincidences.
I'm with Ec]-[oMaN. I've done Costume Brawl and finished up Legendary Master of the North every day since CB opened. No issues - even over the weekend - until late last night and then today during my final vanquish (dc'd twice) and the mentioned CB run.
It just doesn't make sense to assume lag is ridiculously bad at noon ANet time on Wednesday but not once over the weekend. I'd be interested to see how many people play over the weekend and then during the week during these festivals.
It just doesn't make sense to assume lag is ridiculously bad at noon ANet time on Wednesday but not once over the weekend. I'd be interested to see how many people play over the weekend and then during the week during these festivals.
Well, contradictory to that, my lag was pretty intense over the weekend, yet seems to have cleared up now.
As has been requested by Gaile, please do ping maps/plots, use the GW tools provided, and log a report with Support with dates, times etc.
Your problem could be anything, anywhere, from your computer, to your ISP, to nodes in any country. The best way to avoid speculation turning into baseless blame is to use the tools at your disposal and track down the problem.
As has been requested by Gaile, please do ping maps/plots, use the GW tools provided, and log a report with Support with dates, times etc.
Your problem could be anything, anywhere, from your computer, to your ISP, to nodes in any country. The best way to avoid speculation turning into baseless blame is to use the tools at your disposal and track down the problem.
Sol Deathgard
Ya I wish to congratulate Anet on fixing everything but the oh so wonderful lag when they took the servers down to get a microsoft update. Way to go!!, makes me wanna buy 3 copies of GW2 just for more of this lag. /sarcasm.
Seriously, it's been going on 4 yrs & the severs are worse then when the game started.
Seriously, it's been going on 4 yrs & the severs are worse then when the game started.
Lycan Nibbler
Are you sure this is caused by the maintenance, or is it just the same lag we get every year during the festivals. I refuse to play while the festivals are happening for the pure reason that the lag is so bad. You won't see me logging in until at least November 2nd.
Post #55 seems to tell me either you were a troll there or a troll here.
Ive had a few lag spikes myself but Im waiting to see what its like after the event to see if its better than it was (seemed to always happen to me during a late night HB AT....).
i was having massive lag spikes before this. but i am just golden now.
Apparently "Network Maintenance" is defined as "Unplugging a buncha stuff, beating the server with wrenches, and then setting it on fire." >_>
SPY Sapping my servers!! |
Anyways, I haven't been getting any irregular lag.
Yeah, servers sucked last night in HA :\
Oh please. They don't even care enough about the game anymore to do "secret" maintenance aimed at managing excessive holiday loads, when it works well enough the rest of the time. The game was lagging awful the few hours the fix went in. All they did was install an M$ fix into the OS of their windoze servers.
Post #55 seems to tell me either you were a troll there or a troll here. Ive had a few lag spikes myself but Im waiting to see what its like after the event to see if its better than it was (seemed to always happen to me during a late night HB AT....). |

same here. massive random lagspikes.

Charlotte the Harlot
I get the random freezing for 5-10 seconds it seems to happen simultaneously for other players too, me and my friend always freeze at same time. It actually seemed to start about a day before the server maintenance actually happened.