I live in Adelaide, Australia, where our time zone is currenlty GMT +9:30.
I've played GW for the past 3 years, and I'd just like to say how dissapointed I am in the way GvG is in my time zone.
I'm current leader of Blades of the Dingo [AUST], a guild thats been around for a long time. Once part of the Dingo's alliance, and now part of the [OCAU] alliance.
Anyway, the alliance has many experienced PvPer's who love to GvG, but our time zone situation means that many nights we log on, we set up an 8 man team, and then spend most of the time waiting for an actual game. My record currently stands at 2.5hours waiting for one game, which was over in 6 minutes, not our win. We waited for over 2hours for 6 minutes of game play

I would like to suggest to the game developers that if I and many of the other Australian pvp community are expected to wait until 2010 for the release of GW2, you had bl**dy well do somthing about the very frustrating wait times.
I know many of you will say, set up and go HA, but that's not what we like to do. As it is, I'm very frustrated for A-Net's decision's in the changing of GvG play. No thieves, no NPC's walk, no Guild Lord walk, no catapult's. I mean WTF!!! Bring back a bit more strategy into the game.
As a start, I think it would be a huge success if an expansion could be released, which allowed a team of 8 waiting to GvG to enter some random PvE battle against random opponents. At least this would pass the boredom of waiting for an actual game.
Is there anything in the pipeline that soon may be like this?
If not, your going to loose a lot of dedicated players who are getting bored and heading to greener pastures. Logging on for 2hours of running in your guild hall is not what I consider enjoyment. srry