a new build of guild wars is available....
hey guys when you see this message do you never exit till you know what the change is until it's on the wiki (and then never exit till there's no other choice)? Do you never trust anet to implement changes in the best way? I ask this because when i see this message the red light goes off. What are your thoughts?
I had to exit GW, because our 27th win wouldnt load into our 28th in CB
i usually wait for them to release the update note, then i'll proceed to update
No i really want to know what people think when they see this...
I always think "how did they ruin something now..." and i'm wondering how many others think this way.
I always think "how did they ruin something now..." and i'm wondering how many others think this way.
No i really want to know what people think when they see this...
I always think "how did they ruin something now..." and i'm wondering how many others think this way. |
For the record I don't think much about it one way or the other.
Well.. I simply close GW and dl the update. Then I go check the GW Wiki to see what they changed. I don't have a negative attitude about it, I haven't been let down by any of the updates recently.
If I'm doing quests or missions, I probably will restart and get the update. But when a build comes out a day into an event with fast/easy farms of the event items(ahem), I'm leery. It makes me think that Anet detected a large increase in a certain farm and an inordinate amount of these event items dropping from this specific farm per unit time, and released a quick patch to end it.
It's plausible...so I keep doing what I'm doing until I see the update notes...and if it's all clear then I'll reload when I get the chance.
It's plausible...so I keep doing what I'm doing until I see the update notes...and if it's all clear then I'll reload when I get the chance.
Icy The Mage
Personally, I wait, just in case they decided to nerf something that I was doing, as you don't have to restart for a few hours. After those few hours you gotta restart though, it just locks you out.
I went for at least 5 hours after the epic perma nerf came out ( yeh I wanted mass amounts of easy cash), you sure?
Konig Des Todes
I finish what I'm doing, then restart. If it's something I know/think that will happen, then it's different. If it benefits me, I finish what I'm doing. If it hurts me, I wait to see the update notes, if it does hurt me, which is very rare, I get as much out of the old build as I can. If it's something I look forward to, like the big monthly updates, then I might stop what I'm doing and get the build.
I always and check updates to see if I can "exploit" something a few more times before being forced to update. I ran the Ra/sin Urgoz exploit for a while before being forced out. As way back before Factions, we stayed till the end doing b/p tombs and sf before the minion nerf.
Its not useless, its asking people how they react to build changes.
Me, I finish what I do and dwnload it. Unfortunately, being in Aus means that I often dont have a choice as the build goes live whilst im logged off.
Me, I finish what I do and dwnload it. Unfortunately, being in Aus means that I often dont have a choice as the build goes live whilst im logged off.
unless im like farming or far into a mish i just quit and dl whats the use otherwise i will have to dl eventually wont i?
finish what im doing then restart
I do exactly the same thing. Just goes to show what some of us enjoy doing even after 40 months. I love easy money. I love easy no brainer farming spots. I hate when Anet nerfs what I like. Then there are those hardcore elitist fanatics that think easy is boring, imbalanced, needs nerfing etc... Bunch of killjoys. Go crawl into a deep hole and never come out!
baltazar knight
ahh :'( they deleted my post....
OT: like i said i don't care for the build i just exit when i want too
OT: like i said i don't care for the build i just exit when i want too
Personally I don't think about it at all. Literally. I just keep playing and figure the game will update itself the next time I logout.
I generally don't find out about the builds until it's posted here - I just don't see any point it worrying about it at the time because i have to close the game at some point and will have to have the update whether I want it or not.
I generally don't find out about the builds until it's posted here - I just don't see any point it worrying about it at the time because i have to close the game at some point and will have to have the update whether I want it or not.
I LOG, I get sick of the spam. if I could /ignore it wouldn't make a shits difference to me.
back when i was playing, i never updated until i knew wut the update was. that way, if there is an abusable glitch, i can take advantage of it until i was forced to relog.
I restart at the first convenient opportunity. No point in waiting really...
The only time I remember not exiting has impacted the game is when HoD sword (+5 energy) was removed from the game and some people were afk at the time of the update, then found out about it, crafted a full inventory of them and sold at 100k a pop.
Then a few months later +5 energy weapons came out in Factions...
The only time I remember not exiting has impacted the game is when HoD sword (+5 energy) was removed from the game and some people were afk at the time of the update, then found out about it, crafted a full inventory of them and sold at 100k a pop.
Then a few months later +5 energy weapons came out in Factions...
I always wait until they throw me out unless I'm doing a group activity
The Arching Healer
I just wait till anet kills my current game in CB when @ +20 cons.
I remember the people who bought dozens of henge of denravi swords because they waited to update. They made millions of gold just by waiting to update. I always try to wait until the update notes now.
I normally finish whatever I am at and then check the wiki to see what the update was. After finding out I simply reload or if there is nothing posted on it then I just reload anyway. Nothing major for me and I don't run to find my panic button. I'm gonna have to reload at some point anyway :P
The only time I tried to wait to update, was when you could AFK Lightbringer farm.
I waited way too long to try it, assuming ANet would nerf it faster then they did, so when I finally got started and figured it out, I didn't want to update.
They didn't let people stay logged in very long for that one. I think I got kicked after a few minutes.
I waited way too long to try it, assuming ANet would nerf it faster then they did, so when I finally got started and figured it out, I didn't want to update.
They didn't let people stay logged in very long for that one. I think I got kicked after a few minutes.