Speculate here on GW2's stage of development!
I know lots of people hate speculation threads, but at least it's something to talk about whilst waiting for more information. This thread's for people to give their opinions on how far GW2 is in development, based on the information we have so far. Here's my thoughts:
I believe that the game engine itself is now essentially complete. I reckon it looks impressive but ArenaNet are having major problems with its performance currently. They've probably been testing and tweaking the new engine for a month or two now, with only slight improvements in most cases. So, a few days ago, they finally decided to go ahead with licensing Umbra to boost performance dramatically. Over the next few weeks they'll be getting Umbra to work with the new engine.
I also think this means progress has been made on some game maps/areas. After all, why license performance-boosting technology without testing any maps with the current engine and seeing how they perform? There would be little point buying this technology beforehand, only to find that the engine works great without occlusion culling. As I say, progress has probably made on some maps - maybe one or two have been made so far, and this was where the performance problems came in. As there is still a very long way to go in terms of maps, this will take until about next Autumn to be completed.
The game engine's completion might also mean the server-side technology is progressing well. Switches of servers might be a reason for the current lag in GW1, as the newest and fastest servers are being prepared, tweaked and tested for GW2.
In terms of lore, the main story is almost certainly complete now. After all, the team knew what they wanted to do by the beginning of GW:EN's development, which began around the beginning of 2007 or earlier. The biggest task now is writing lore for the GW2 universe - side quests, characters etc. This is probably being done alongside the GW2 novels to save time, but will still take at least until next summer.
Some essential parts of the game mechanics are now by and large in place, confirming the main game features mentioned when GW2 was first announced. This part probably requires the most work out of all. I suspect the professions/races have been decided now, with the first skills being fleshed out in terms of their functions. Again, this is only the start of the skill mechanics, and the team are nowhere near balancing them. I bet this won't happen until the first betas next year.
Overall, based on my current (founded and unfounded speculation), I reckon more artwork will be revealed some time during the winter. Next, the first screenshots will be here next spring with more game information, followed by a slow but steady trickle of news/information/media over the summer into late autumn '09. Then, around November/December, the betas will begin, where players will begin to balance the game's skills through feedback, as well as try out a few quests, even missions. This will follow through into early 2010, with the last betas in March or so. Then the final game will be finished by late May, with the release in summer 2010. This is what the team meant by "closer to the release" in terms of betas.
Why do I think this? Well, ArenaNet have shown they can produce entire chapters incredibly quickly, and I don't think GW2 will take much longer than a year and a half more of development.
I believe that the game engine itself is now essentially complete. I reckon it looks impressive but ArenaNet are having major problems with its performance currently. They've probably been testing and tweaking the new engine for a month or two now, with only slight improvements in most cases. So, a few days ago, they finally decided to go ahead with licensing Umbra to boost performance dramatically. Over the next few weeks they'll be getting Umbra to work with the new engine.
I also think this means progress has been made on some game maps/areas. After all, why license performance-boosting technology without testing any maps with the current engine and seeing how they perform? There would be little point buying this technology beforehand, only to find that the engine works great without occlusion culling. As I say, progress has probably made on some maps - maybe one or two have been made so far, and this was where the performance problems came in. As there is still a very long way to go in terms of maps, this will take until about next Autumn to be completed.
The game engine's completion might also mean the server-side technology is progressing well. Switches of servers might be a reason for the current lag in GW1, as the newest and fastest servers are being prepared, tweaked and tested for GW2.
In terms of lore, the main story is almost certainly complete now. After all, the team knew what they wanted to do by the beginning of GW:EN's development, which began around the beginning of 2007 or earlier. The biggest task now is writing lore for the GW2 universe - side quests, characters etc. This is probably being done alongside the GW2 novels to save time, but will still take at least until next summer.
Some essential parts of the game mechanics are now by and large in place, confirming the main game features mentioned when GW2 was first announced. This part probably requires the most work out of all. I suspect the professions/races have been decided now, with the first skills being fleshed out in terms of their functions. Again, this is only the start of the skill mechanics, and the team are nowhere near balancing them. I bet this won't happen until the first betas next year.
Overall, based on my current (founded and unfounded speculation), I reckon more artwork will be revealed some time during the winter. Next, the first screenshots will be here next spring with more game information, followed by a slow but steady trickle of news/information/media over the summer into late autumn '09. Then, around November/December, the betas will begin, where players will begin to balance the game's skills through feedback, as well as try out a few quests, even missions. This will follow through into early 2010, with the last betas in March or so. Then the final game will be finished by late May, with the release in summer 2010. This is what the team meant by "closer to the release" in terms of betas.
Why do I think this? Well, ArenaNet have shown they can produce entire chapters incredibly quickly, and I don't think GW2 will take much longer than a year and a half more of development.
pumpkin pie
In the year 1328AE Dragons awoken!
things that comes to mind that's not working properly:
Livia: will probably becomes some kind of undead queen creatures thingy since she is seen to be grabbing the sceptor of orr at the end of eyes of the north (or at some point) she probably gain long life or is absorb by the evil power emitted from the scepter and becomes a 200 years old but still sexy villian. also the fact that all 2 campaign including eye of the north all the main character are female, evenia, komir and varesh, even the dragon glint is female.
character could probably be able to swim underwater and reach the sunken city of Orr, or it may have been "lifted" when the dragons awoken and took over the underworld tunnel causing somekind of earth shifts that causes the city of Orr to resurface, and it will be a very majestic and beautiful city because the buildings are guarded bye the gods.
hrmz, probably lots of plyers will name their character Dragon slayers
According to the Bloodstone story, there may be quests/ missions that sends us looking for the remaining 4 parts of the bloodstone, rumours has it one of the stones is beneath the harvest temple!
the jade sea by then would prabably be Un-frozen!
okay, got carried away, the developer probably think it might take too long to come up with a good system so they've use existing technology IE: "umbra" so anyway,
things that comes to mind that's not working properly:
Livia: will probably becomes some kind of undead queen creatures thingy since she is seen to be grabbing the sceptor of orr at the end of eyes of the north (or at some point) she probably gain long life or is absorb by the evil power emitted from the scepter and becomes a 200 years old but still sexy villian. also the fact that all 2 campaign including eye of the north all the main character are female, evenia, komir and varesh, even the dragon glint is female.
character could probably be able to swim underwater and reach the sunken city of Orr, or it may have been "lifted" when the dragons awoken and took over the underworld tunnel causing somekind of earth shifts that causes the city of Orr to resurface, and it will be a very majestic and beautiful city because the buildings are guarded bye the gods.
hrmz, probably lots of plyers will name their character Dragon slayers
According to the Bloodstone story, there may be quests/ missions that sends us looking for the remaining 4 parts of the bloodstone, rumours has it one of the stones is beneath the harvest temple!
the jade sea by then would prabably be Un-frozen!
okay, got carried away, the developer probably think it might take too long to come up with a good system so they've use existing technology IE: "umbra" so anyway,

Stage B.
Apok Omen
I just hope they dont halfass it like a lot of sequels in other games.
see what bullshit we can try to pull to shut our community up phase
so i herd umbra was going to be used in gw2
They're probably still in the underrated creative-phase.
They're probably still in the underrated creative-phase.
NO! No speculation threads...not even with an actual speculum and specticles...It's like going to get a message without the happy ending, pointless! Give it up, quit guessing, it doesn't help and is an utter waste of time...like the "What's the prettiest do-dad" threads....just ...let...it...go! I WILL NOT ADD TO THESE REDICULOUS THREADS THAT DO NOTHING BUT START RUMORS!!!! *pant-pant* Besides, everyone knows they are in the midst of alpha testing...or are they?

Speculation threads alone are fine. People who go away from speculation threads thinking that what they've read is true, are not.
Why moan and groan about GW2 when GW1 is offering us SO MUCH good material to bitch about?
We don't want to shoot all our guns already!
We don't want to shoot all our guns already!
Numa Pompilius
Yes, we absolutely need a THIRD thread speculating about the development of GW2.
I vote to /close this.
I vote to /close this.
well....hm, by now they would have...a NAME for it besides gw2. yup thats about as far as I see them having gotten to by now. (and lots of parties and such for the 'devs' working on it).
seriously who really cares??? they will tell us something when there is something to tell, until then....we are not there yet!
seriously who really cares??? they will tell us something when there is something to tell, until then....we are not there yet!
pics or it didnt happen
the only "work" I think we will see out of them soon will be another excuse to have the date pushed back for the beta, lol