I cannot COnnect!
i cant connect, router issues error 58
Without you telling anything else nothing much can be said.
Without you telling anything else nothing much can be said.
ok here is the problem now, i can connect to augory rock, and i cant travel, cause it loads 0% and says i lost connection....
ok here is the problem now, i can connect to augory rock, and i cant travel, cause it loads 0% and says i lost connection....
it only happens on my friends account
when im on mine everything is fine
it only happens on my friends account
when im on mine everything is fine
Try logging into another character and changing the district that you are in, I've had a similar problem with Consulate Docks and fixed it in that way, (Is a long shot, but worth a try for the time it takes)
Solution: Play on your own account.
Try logging into another character and changing the district that you are in, I've had a similar problem with Consulate Docks and fixed it in that way, (Is a long shot, but worth a try for the time it takes)
nope, and its hard for me to log in to mine, i keep getting error 58
and thanks for helping , stay on my own account? keep your dumb answers to yourself? trying to help a friend out alright? people like you should get warned or banned, instead im going to for telling you off