Sardelac Sanitarium forums



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007

Blades Of Burning Shadows [GoDT]-leader


it's obvious that Anet with ammount of developers for GW1 they have, won't use suggestions posted in that forum, while ppl are keep on making suggestions on daily basis. 90% of suggestions is either stupid or unrealistic, 9% of suggestions are great but too hard to be done and like 1% of suggestions could be used in game and doesn't take too much effort to do it(note: these percents popped in my head, just wanted to say how few suggestions are actually usefull there).

What's the point? Most of ppl that post in threads there either posts "in before lock/+1 before lock/you're stupid/was suggested 1000 times you noob/search is your friend you noob/etc.".

Imo either close those forums (those few usefull suggestions that pop up from time to time can be posted in riverside) or add some more strict rules. It really bothers me that a friend of me that finally registered on guru posted an idea there and just because he was knew and didnt know that idea was suggested before and rejected by community everyone calls him noob, adds sarcastic comments and flame him all over. This really isn't a good "welcome" to new players, i realize there is search option, but in those 4+ years since guru exists there were so many threads and sometimes it's hard to see if one suggestion was posted before - maybe it even had some weird topic title that didn't refer to suggestion.

Anyway, just wanted to say i highly disagree with comments in Sardelac forums, either invent some kind of warn function and add temp ban for ppl that flame or +1 there and add no constructive comments or something else - flame forums really aren't needed on guru...



Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

guardian, just because someone doesn't like a forum or sees no need for it is by no means a reason to close the forum. We continue to have a fairly decent amount of posts in this forum daily. I will, however, look over that forum and see if we need an increase in moderation or a rule guideline change to see if we can improve people's perception of it. So thanks for the heads up.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007

Blades Of Burning Shadows [GoDT]-leader


i didn't really think/expect it to be closed, but i really hate to see so much flame and sarcastic comments there. Imo a higher level of moderation in there would fix the "problem". Like i said, a friend of mine finally managed to register on gur, after few days he posts a suggestion in there and it's full of flame and sarcastic comments, nothing constructive, no link to previously created threads with same suggestion (ppl saying "was suggested before, use search"). Those are cases that i really dislike. I love guru and use it daily, but those unneeded sarcastic/flame comments really just kill my good time on here.