I say nerf to rep farming
Why not make rep collection like exp collection? If you aren't on the compass for the kill then no rep. Seems like a few who are able to exploit farming are gaining quite more than the paultry rep being aquired by the leechers.
Lawliet Kira
*Runs from trolls and flamers before they come*
If it isn't working like that already, it should.
Shayne Hawke
Forcing people to actually do something to get a reward? Blasphemy! /sarcasm
I will take losing all options that runners have for farming faction for others and trade it for making leechers' jobs tougher.
I will take losing all options that runners have for farming faction for others and trade it for making leechers' jobs tougher.
Why not just nerf the need for EoTN rep all together?
Konig Des Todes
While I don't favor grinding, the OP's argument, while poor, is logical in it's purpose.
I don't /sign just for reducing grinding, although it wouldn't affect grinding too much either way.
Anyways, -leaves before the rest of the trolls show-.
I don't /sign just for reducing grinding, although it wouldn't affect grinding too much either way.
Anyways, -leaves before the rest of the trolls show-.
Theres not wrong with REP FARMING,cuz i do it whenever i need(path to revelations,vanquishes,snowman and so on).
Now u're talking about rep farming through leeching,which is way diferent than rep farming,and i do agree it should be nerfed,even tho it doesnt really bothers me since vanquishing/books are 10 times faster
Now u're talking about rep farming through leeching,which is way diferent than rep farming,and i do agree it should be nerfed,even tho it doesnt really bothers me since vanquishing/books are 10 times faster
I personally don't see a problem with it, the people who chose to raise their titles in this way are more than welcome to imho.
As for exploiting farming, I'd rather do a whole load of runs sooner than spend 20 minutes trying to find 7 Leechers, then more leechers who will stay etc.
As has been already said, books are faster anyway so, /notsigned.
As for exploiting farming, I'd rather do a whole load of runs sooner than spend 20 minutes trying to find 7 Leechers, then more leechers who will stay etc.
As has been already said, books are faster anyway so, /notsigned.
Why not wait until you see what Thursday's "title balance" brings before making suggstions about title changes?
But, yeah. People shouldn't be rewarded for doing nothing.
But, yeah. People shouldn't be rewarded for doing nothing.
Zidane Ortef
Why not wait until you see what Thursday's "title balance" brings before making suggstions about title changes?
But, yeah. People shouldn't be rewarded for doing nothing. |
So with this said they should also nerf, running, 600/smite, people paying for titles afk.
It life get over it people we do the least amount of work possible to get what they want. If you chose to put your self above that its your choice personally I take every chance to make money off of people to lazy to do it themselves.
Titles are pretty much a joke anyways so what is the BFD how someone chooses to gain their reputation?
Either the long and easy way by dancing near the portal while another person kills raptors.
Or the faster and more challenging way which is to vanq/do books.
But either way a person chooses to gain rep has no affect on me what so ever so why should i care enough to have an issue with people leeching?
this just kinda seems like a pointless thread as rep leechers really dont impact the rest of us at all. the OP makes me think of a nosy neighbor. So ill just say this
stay out of my yard.
reminds me of a joke
there was this woman who called the police on her neighbor one day for exposing himself. When the police arrived they asked where the neighbor was when he was indecent. The lady replied "In his house. When you look out this window you can see him. He just sits in his house naked all day long. I can see him from out of my window." So the police officer looked out the window and said "I cant see anything." The neighbor replied once again "All you have to do is set this chair on top of this table and stand on the chair and you can see him"
im not good at telling jokes, but you may get the drift. The moral is: Dont go out of your way to be bothered by something and then complain about it.
Edited by Celestial Beaver: Removed reference to deleted post.
Either the long and easy way by dancing near the portal while another person kills raptors.
Or the faster and more challenging way which is to vanq/do books.
But either way a person chooses to gain rep has no affect on me what so ever so why should i care enough to have an issue with people leeching?
this just kinda seems like a pointless thread as rep leechers really dont impact the rest of us at all. the OP makes me think of a nosy neighbor. So ill just say this
stay out of my yard.
reminds me of a joke
there was this woman who called the police on her neighbor one day for exposing himself. When the police arrived they asked where the neighbor was when he was indecent. The lady replied "In his house. When you look out this window you can see him. He just sits in his house naked all day long. I can see him from out of my window." So the police officer looked out the window and said "I cant see anything." The neighbor replied once again "All you have to do is set this chair on top of this table and stand on the chair and you can see him"
im not good at telling jokes, but you may get the drift. The moral is: Dont go out of your way to be bothered by something and then complain about it.
Edited by Celestial Beaver: Removed reference to deleted post.
I personally don't see a problem with it, the people who chose to raise their titles in this way are more than welcome to imho.
ps.and why are you ppl are so mad because of rep farm? other ppl can do run and u cant???? learn how to play then....
...i say:dont like pve skills,dont use them,let other people have fun playing this game
totaly agreed with you Taixen.if ppl want to farm that way,why not.if you dont like it,dont do it....
ps.and why are you ppl are so mad because of rep farm? other ppl can do run and u cant???? learn how to play then.... ...i say:dont like pve skills,dont use them,let other people have fun playing this game |
I think there should be no need to farm any reputation whatsoever. If you did all the quests/missions you should have all rep titles maxed or nearly maxed. This whole rep idea is just to make people grind. I am looking forward for Thursdays update.
I think the OP idea will reduce the annoying leeching happening mostly in norn rep runs but will also affect the welcomed (by some) leeching in raptor runs. Anyway I do not like leeching at all. You want something do it yourself.
You copied your arguments from some "I love Ursan" thread? The way of argumentation seems somehow similar....
I think there should be no need to farm any reputation whatsoever. If you did all the quests/missions you should have all rep titles maxed or nearly maxed. This whole rep idea is just to make people grind. I am looking forward for Thursdays update. I think the OP idea will reduce the annoying leeching happening mostly in norn rep runs but will also affect the welcomed (by some) leeching in raptor runs. Anyway I do not like leeching at all. You want something do it yourself. |
One is an apple and the other is an orange.
Men... Nerf the Nerf topics PLS.
Play the game as you want it and leave those who play it different
Play the game as you want it and leave those who play it different
Let the farmers farm.. They need to be paid. Let the leechers leech, they need to get some small fraction of rep. Pointless request as there are many other topics that warrent Anet's attention far more than this.
like ive said before, if you give people a grind free title, like suggested with many posts above and in similar threads, they lose interest in the game. would you keep playing a game where you had GWAMM just by playing through the campaign? no. dont complain about grind, it gives people a way to keep interest in a game.
think about this, honestly ask yourself, if they took grind away and just handed you titles, would you keep interest in the game?
think about this, honestly ask yourself, if they took grind away and just handed you titles, would you keep interest in the game?
It's just wrong that rep can be leeched from anywhere, it should work just like exp. Removing leeching exploits doesn't make any titles more grindy.
All the rep titles are fine as they are now in terms of difficulty/time required, this is the only change I'd like to see (maybe an improved point gain rate for a rep title which you had already Max'ed on another char aswell, but that's not a must-have)
It's just wrong that rep can be leeched from anywhere, it should work just like exp. Removing leeching exploits doesn't make any titles more grindy.
All the rep titles are fine as they are now in terms of difficulty/time required, this is the only change I'd like to see (maybe an improved point gain rate for a rep title which you had already Max'ed on another char aswell, but that's not a must-have)
The Meth
It works just fine. The difference is that when half the team doesn't get XP, the part of the team that does get the XP gets 2x as much. Therefore if 8 players split up into 2 groups of 4 and each group killed 100 enemies, each group would get the same experience as if all 8 killed 200 enemies.
With reputation, it works the same way. If 2 groups split up and kill 100 enemies each, they get as much faction as if they had killed 200 enemies together. The way the OP proposes would make it so that if 2 groups split up and killed 100 each, they would only get as much credit as they would for killing 100 in a group. This makes no sense, each player had to do 2x the work to kill enemies, they should get 2x the reward.
If you are whining about a few players leeching off farmers, well its no different from leeching off exp farmers is it? All the leechers would do if this was implemented is run within map range. Big deal.
With reputation, it works the same way. If 2 groups split up and kill 100 enemies each, they get as much faction as if they had killed 200 enemies together. The way the OP proposes would make it so that if 2 groups split up and killed 100 each, they would only get as much credit as they would for killing 100 in a group. This makes no sense, each player had to do 2x the work to kill enemies, they should get 2x the reward.
If you are whining about a few players leeching off farmers, well its no different from leeching off exp farmers is it? All the leechers would do if this was implemented is run within map range. Big deal.
think about this, honestly ask yourself, if they took grind away and just handed you titles, would you keep interest in the game?
What kind of game is it if you play it by being AFK?
All these lucky/unlucky boardwalk games, leeching etc etc is a contradiction to what a game should be. GW is still a wonderful game but some of the titles are just.... hmm... ridiculous. I think if they want us to play GW more they should provide us with a content not with a title for grinding. Anyway even if the title is for enormous grind people should get it only after they do this grind. Just to be just for all who got it. I understand that titles for some are important and therefore I think OP ideas is great. If you can get something by AFK it is not worth much or not at all.
Sweet Mystery
People do as people will.... dont moan about how they choose to do something and do what you want to do....
Another post where everyone wants to have a go at others doing things rather than concentrate on doing what they want. I dont care if people leech... its all part of life... we have the work dodgers in reality so they are in the game too.... big deal....
Another post where everyone wants to have a go at others doing things rather than concentrate on doing what they want. I dont care if people leech... its all part of life... we have the work dodgers in reality so they are in the game too.... big deal....
Another post where everyone wants to have a go at others doing things rather than concentrate on doing what they want. I dont care if people leech... its all part of life... we have the work dodgers in reality so they are in the game too.... big deal....
Anyway if something in my opinion is unethical or immoral I would oppose it and not ignore it. Simply because one way or another it influences me and other players in the game. I can agree that some things are just unimportant and should just be ignored but you can still share your opinion on the forum right? I think such threads even if some of them are a bit exaggerated are important. We can all see what is important for some of the players and people can share their opinions. Some people can realize that what they do can be actually disturbing for others and take more care. I know I may not like many things around and have to live with them but If I have a chance to change them to my liking then why not?
QQ people who leach rep make me sad because its not fair QQ 
QQI know that it doesn't affect me in the least bit but it still twists my panties because i like to spend my time worrying about what other people do. QQ
QQ I know titles really are pointless in GW but since i earned mine the fast and challenging way, others shouldnt be able to earn theirs the slow and easy way QQ
Wow that felt good to let my emotions out like that. Time to go look for a tissue.
But for real, Leeching rep is nothing like Ursan, Buying gold, or botting STOP COMPARING THEM
Leeching is not unethical, its just lazy. Bottom line is you are paying for a service. Period. Boo freaking hoo.
If leeching is unethical, then so is buying runs, taxis, powerlevelers. NO DIFFERENCE. All it is is someone with extra cash who wants to not put any effort forth to achieve their goal.
What do botting, gold buying and Ursan all have in common???? Give up? They all drive down the economy of the game.
ready for the follow up question?
Does leeching reputation affect the game economy or impact another player? Give up? The answer is NO
Somebody call the waaaambulance we have multiple crybabies in critical condition who need their diaper changed STAT.

QQI know that it doesn't affect me in the least bit but it still twists my panties because i like to spend my time worrying about what other people do. QQ
QQ I know titles really are pointless in GW but since i earned mine the fast and challenging way, others shouldnt be able to earn theirs the slow and easy way QQ
Wow that felt good to let my emotions out like that. Time to go look for a tissue.
But for real, Leeching rep is nothing like Ursan, Buying gold, or botting STOP COMPARING THEM
Leeching is not unethical, its just lazy. Bottom line is you are paying for a service. Period. Boo freaking hoo.
If leeching is unethical, then so is buying runs, taxis, powerlevelers. NO DIFFERENCE. All it is is someone with extra cash who wants to not put any effort forth to achieve their goal.
What do botting, gold buying and Ursan all have in common???? Give up? They all drive down the economy of the game.
ready for the follow up question?
Does leeching reputation affect the game economy or impact another player? Give up? The answer is NO
Somebody call the waaaambulance we have multiple crybabies in critical condition who need their diaper changed STAT.
Sir Pandra Pierva
if anything what i think would cool would be to make a whole series of quests for the gwen titles and by doing them and the campaign and all dungeons you get r10. remove the books and the annoying grind........or leave em in as well but have that option as well.
edit:Campaign in both HM&NM and dungeons as well.
doing all of those gets you r5 of master of the north then vanq it all and you get r6<_<
just an idea
edit:Campaign in both HM&NM and dungeons as well.
doing all of those gets you r5 of master of the north then vanq it all and you get r6<_<
just an idea