What is your Favorite Sweet!
I know I like the cupcakes the best with the +100 health, +10 energy and speed boost, but I must say I also like having 18 in my attributes with some candy corn and golden eggs. Candy Apples are nice with just the 100/10 boost, and Pumpkin Pie is nice for Melee for sure. Throw all four together with a +10 morale from Pumpkin Cookies and you are a one man killing machine!
What combinations of candy do you use?
What combinations of candy do you use?
You sort've took mine, so yeah :P
Crème Brûlée because it is +3 points to the title

Ranger Jonah
For some reason I like Candy Apples...

Creme, dont have to go outside when i wanna use it, and less clicking for title
Shayne Hawke
Woohoo a +1 thread.
wind fire and ice
Birthday Cake=awesome.
I concur with the Crème Brûlée. I'm only interested in the points for my Sweet Tooth. That, and they are available 365 days a year, thanks to the Zaishen Chest.
pretty much everything you mentioned together.
The Red Messenger
birthday cupcakes...great for chaos planes farming. basically gives you an extra skill slot because you dont need a run
Golden Eggs
They count towards TH when picked up & of course towards Sweet Tooth.
They count towards TH when picked up & of course towards Sweet Tooth.
Candy canes?
Nick Of Troy
i like Birthday cupcakes
Originally Posted by Shayne Hawke
Chocolate Bunnies because they give the best speed boost for the best time.
Chocolate Bunnies! Yummy! I love those things (in reality too)!
another: whats your favorite **** useless thread -_-
Riot Narita
The ones that free up a skill slot:
Cupcakes instead of a running skill
Pumpkin Pies instead of an IAS skill
I farm these like crazy when they're dropping, to make sure I have enough to last for the coming year. They last 10 minutes, and are non-removable except by death. The health/energy/activation boosts are just gravy.
I use Pumpkin Pies on my Paragon instead of Aggressive Refrain. I get the same IAS, but there's no huge startup cost, no cracked armour, and no need to spam shouts/chants between fights to maintain it. AND I get 25% faster skill activation and an extra skill slot. AWESOME.
And by the way, a 1-minute alcohol followed by Drunken Master gives +33% running speed AND 33% IAS from a single skill.
Cupcakes instead of a running skill
Pumpkin Pies instead of an IAS skill
I farm these like crazy when they're dropping, to make sure I have enough to last for the coming year. They last 10 minutes, and are non-removable except by death. The health/energy/activation boosts are just gravy.
I use Pumpkin Pies on my Paragon instead of Aggressive Refrain. I get the same IAS, but there's no huge startup cost, no cracked armour, and no need to spam shouts/chants between fights to maintain it. AND I get 25% faster skill activation and an extra skill slot. AWESOME.
And by the way, a 1-minute alcohol followed by Drunken Master gives +33% running speed AND 33% IAS from a single skill.
I quite like the whole Excellence line since it's a relatively decent compromise between price/pleasure.
Although this is what I am "investing" into lately:
The only way to achieve a sugar rush!
What's this? What's this?
There's color everywhere
What's this?
There's white things in the air
What's this?
I can't believe my eyes
I must be dreaming
Wake up, Jack, this isn't fair
What's this?
Come to papa!
Oh yum Upier.. Although I have been eating this lately ...
Very delish.
And uh, for the sake of the post, I prefer the sweets that I can eat in town. Least favourite is pumpkin cookies because I have to continually zone to eat those for sweettooth title .
Very delish.
And uh, for the sake of the post, I prefer the sweets that I can eat in town. Least favourite is pumpkin cookies because I have to continually zone to eat those for sweettooth title .

Well as you can see, some of you use them soley for the title, while others have realized an enhanced gameplay buff from them.
Pumpkin Pies are comming this month!
Pumpkin Pies are comming this month!
Bunnehs in da chocolate
isamu kurosawa
<3 lindt.
you cant beat:
or especially
so i'd have to go with as my favourite gw sweet.
you cant beat:
or especially
so i'd have to go with as my favourite gw sweet.
Sugary Blue Drinks for the effect when you speed click a whole stack