So I considered a few and now my Idea:
What if every Quest or mission in GW will give a new sort of points extra (Quest-Points). It would be possible to give a few points for small Quests and a lot for Missions in Hardmode for example. Every Player that is in a guild will automatic add points after finishing a quest or mission for his guild/alliance. Probably there will be a special NPC available in the guild hall after reaching a number of Quest-Points like (i read in another thread here) a green-weapon trader or a NPC that will sell Party Items, weapons or will allow to add a special to a weapon or armor.
Maybe one option will be that first time the points will be higher for a quest than the second time and so on. Another option could be how many real players are in the group.
Adding the points could be a new Account-title like the often wished Quest-Title.

The nice sideeffect is: There will be more Help in Missions and Quests and i think a lot of players will play more PvE again. A lot of them are actually still farming stupid points - i don´t think thats the intention of Guild Wars

(Sorry for my english - I didn´t use it very often