Ok, I am looking to buy runs through HM missions for Masters / Bonus etc.
I am looking for Vanquishes throughout most areas.
I am looking for package deals, I don't really want to get 1 or 2 from one person then do it all over again with someone else.
Everything I need is listed below, Hard Mode and Bonuses unless otherwise stated are needed.
Leave what you can do for me (consider that I will be afk the entire time with a vamp wep) and costs. My char is a monk but it should not matter since I should be considered to be afk. Cons or anything else u need is up to you, I only supply the cash cost of the run/vanq. If you fail I'll most likely be afk so I probably won't know how many tries it took you. If it gets done I don't really care.
Let me be honest, I am very lazy and I just can't bring myself to do all of these things before gw2 comes out. Plus there is just too much stuff to have to do...sigh. I'd rather farm.
Preferably we can come to an arrangement where you will take me around to the various missions/areas ect. for one set cost all at once.
HM Missions (Masters and / or Mish+Bonus:
The Great Northern Wall
Ruins of Surmia
Nolani Academy
The Frost Gate
Gates of Kryta
D'Alessio Seaboard
Divinity Coast
The Wilds
Bloodstone Fen
Riverside Province
Dunes of Dispair - only need Bonus
Ice Caves of Sorrow
Iron Mines of Moladune
Thunderhead Keep
Abadons Mouth
All Areas needed except those listed below
Melani Keys done
Gandara moon fortress done
All Areas needed except those listed below...
Saoshang trail done
Shadows passage done
bukdek byway done
tanhnnakai temple done
melandrus hope done
morning veil falls done
ferndale done
panjang peninsula done
Kenya province done
Sunqua Vale done
jaya bluffs done
waijun bazzar done
pongmei valley done
haiju lagoon done
mount quinkai done
maishang hills done
All Areas needed except those listed below
Perdition rock done
Regent Valley done
tascas demise done
mineral springs done
pockmark flats done
scoundrels rise done
Griffons Mouth done
travelers vale done
Ascalon foothills done
cursed land done
watchtower coast done
All Areas needed except those listed below
Ice Cliff Chasm done
arbor bay done
Side note: I may be present during these to take Shrine Bonuses.
I am typically on Thurs and Fri during the daytime and Weds and Thurs Nights all night. Payment can be secured via a partial down payment and then the remainder upon completion or near-completion of the agreed jobs you will do for me. Or you can hold my fow armor until i pay-whatevers. Thanks for looking.
WTB: HM Mishs/Vanqs runs
I may be able to do some vanquishes for you while you AFK. Pricing will probably be 50g a kill to 100g for the harder areas.
PM me in game, my IGN is Jacque Spayde, if you are interested.
PM me in game, my IGN is Jacque Spayde, if you are interested.
i am able to vanquishes every area you need, price will be 100g for each, will be able to vanq around 3-5 vanqs aday.
and i will not do a half part deal, means you only want my servise for the crappy ones, like majerstery rest and icedome.
the payment will be done after each vanq, and if you are afk for alonger time, i will just wist you next time ill see you online to claim the payment
wisp me if you wanna make a deal, my IGN: sir alex ke
for the missions i can do most of the missions in tyria.
and i will not do a half part deal, means you only want my servise for the crappy ones, like majerstery rest and icedome.
the payment will be done after each vanq, and if you are afk for alonger time, i will just wist you next time ill see you online to claim the payment
wisp me if you wanna make a deal, my IGN: sir alex ke
for the missions i can do most of the missions in tyria.