Forum Subscription Emails Are Messed Up?
Just lately when i recieve an email reply from the forum for tracked topics it is a little strange, it only started recently but i thought i would report it just incase nobody else has.
I took out the other peoples names and messages etc but i have left the rest of the email as it is shown...
Dear T1Cybernetic,I took out the other peoples names and messages etc but i have left the rest of the email as it is shown...
xxxxxxxxxxxx has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - Minipet Pricing Guide (Don't ask for PCs) - in the Price Check forum of Guild Wars Forums - GW Guru.
This thread is located at:
Here is the message that has just been posted:
<script type="text/javascript">/*
*/if (!GWBBCODE_HOOK) {/*
*/ var GWBBCODE_HOOK = true;/*
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*/ = 'none';/*
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*/ /* Include overlib.js *//*
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*/ include_gwbbcode.src = 'gwbbcode/gwbbcode.js';/*
*/ document.body.insertBefore(include_gwbbcode, document.body.firstChild);/*
*/</script>message removed bla bla bla...
There may also be other replies, but you will not receive any more notifications until you visit the forum again.
All the best,
Guild Wars Forums - GW Guru
Unsubscription information:
So it looks like gw bbcode is messing it up. No idea what to do about that. I'll look into it.
If it helps i have not seen any other errors or anything out of the ordinary except the emails and as far as i can see it all started on the 6th of november (06.11.2008) as that was the last time i recieved a normal email.
"EDIT" 6th sorry...
"EDIT" 6th sorry...
thought it was just me....been getting that too ...starting on the same date as well
I had something similar - my one was a friends request.
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">/*
*/if (!GWBBCODE_HOOK) {/*
*/ var GWBBCODE_HOOK = true;/*
*/ var gwbb_dynamic_url = 'gwbbcode';/*
*/ /*
*/ /* Include the overDiv div *//*
*/ var overdiv_div = document.createElement('div');/*
*/ = 'overDiv';/*
*/ document.body.insertBefore(overdiv_div, document.body.firstChild);/*
*/ /* Include the send iframe for the pickup feature *//*
*/ var send_frame = document.createElement('iframe');/*
*/ = 'send';/*
*/ = 'none';/*
*/ send_frame.src = 'about_:blank';/*
*/ document.body.insertBefore(send_frame, document.body.firstChild);/*
*/ /* Include the gwbbcode.css *//*
*/ var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; /*
*/ var cssNode = document.createElement('link');/*
*/ cssNode.type = 'text/css';/*
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*/ = 'screen';/*
*/ headID.appendChild(cssNode);/*
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*/ /* Include overlib.js *//*
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*/ /* Include gwbbcode.js *//*
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*/ include_gwbbcode.src = 'gwbbcode/gwbbcode.js';/*
*/ document.body.insertBefore(include_gwbbcode, document.body.firstChild);/*
Interesting - gwbbcode getting into the automated emailing function - I do hope it's not trying to phone home HTML Code:

Worked on this some last night, it looks like gw bbcode is hooking itself into every template. Now... to just find all the templates that it's not supposed to be in and undo that.
Commander Ryker
For the record, I was having the same problem.
not sure whats been done, but I am still getting that coded stuff in my pm-emails.
Yeah it is, although it makes a change from the norm
so i am not complaining...

Yep, got that today as well.
Shadow Kurd
Same problem here
Just wondering if any breakthroughs have been made, I am still suffering the email problem so i thought i would ask

Marty Silverblade
My PM emails get screwed up, but my reported post emails are fine.
Still working on getting the gw bbcode updated. No news yet.
You probably know this already, Inde, but just in case:
Originally Posted by Liu Pi
- Or individually replace your gwBBcode files with these: skill_db_1.php, skill_db_2.php and skillname_db.php, then check if you have the latest skill icons from here in your img_skills. That won't solve the hooking problem (so, er, totally OT then...) - but it will update gwbbcode to the latest skills on the official wiki.
Rhiana Reborn
Was about to make a thread about this, but found this one
Got an email for a thread I'm tracking, and it still has all the code it in. Any progress notes?

Got an email for a thread I'm tracking, and it still has all the code it in. Any progress notes?
No, I updated the gwbbcode just a few days ago but I don't know if there is a solution to this. I'll send a personal email to the guy that does it and we'll see what response we get.
Marty Silverblade
I got a good PM email today, so from me everything is good (note that I only get PM, reported post, and friend request PMs).
Rhiana Reborn
Received a PM roughly 2 hours ago, and the notification email was still full of code.
Hope i am not being a pain but i thought i would poke a post here to see if there is any new developments

That would be because... I disabled gwbbcode T1. Pure accident. :P
Aha so it was you!
Emails look great in my inbox now though
But what happened to gwbbcode? is it not being updated now ?
Emails look great in my inbox now though

Uh no, see the other *ahem* thread below this one.
Heh it's never easy and on that note i think i will leave you alone! Looks like there is enough work to be done as it is without me adding to it
Good luck though...