Why does the Technician's Corner require thread approval?
Title says it all.
I tried posting there, and it asked to be approved. AFAIK, that doesn't happen in other forums...
Any particular reason?
I tried posting there, and it asked to be approved. AFAIK, that doesn't happen in other forums...
Any particular reason?
It doesn't Kokuyougan. The spam filter on the vbulletin forum software will moderate a post that has too many links/pictures or words thinking it's spam. If it happens just PM a moderator or admin and we can approve the post for you.
Hmm, that's likely to be a recurring problem in Techs' Corner. We get many "spec check" threads, where each component of a PC is individually linked. Most of them seem to come through ok - do you happen to know what the actual link limit is?
I have seen this as well, Snograt. Most of the ones I've seen have to do with HijackThis! logs, since it's a lot of code without much actual English, as far as sentences and grammar goes. This must tip off the spam catcher.
Ah yes, the HJT logs. Damn things are full of links. Does the spam filter still catch it if the log is enclosed within [code] tags?
Just as well HJT log posting hasn't caught on here - some forums are inundated with them. If it does, we may need a policy rethink or something.
Just as well HJT log posting hasn't caught on here - some forums are inundated with them. If it does, we may need a policy rethink or something.
Not sure about the code tags. I seem to remember it happening regardless of them. Some testing seems to be in order.
I just got a post sent for mod approval in the mesmer forum that merely quoted someone who had a half-dozen skilltags (ie [Blinding Flash]) in his/her post. I don't recall it doing that before....
As Inde said, if there are a lot of links, pictures (gwbbcode included) it'll throw it through the spam filter, which is the mod approval thing. Just PM a mod of the relevant section imo.
Or you know, don't post 5000 images and links....
Or you know, don't post 5000 images and links....
It also blocked a person who ws merely linking to the eu.ncsoft.com (or something) site. It only had one link.
Dunno, is there a way to make some links go through the filter the whole time?
Dunno, is there a way to make some links go through the filter the whole time?
The spam filter works by consulting a list of known spam messages and spam account usernames. If anything in the message matches up with anything in that list, it usually gets reserved for mod approval.
It's not a perfect system, but it sure has cut down on the spam we have to deal with.
It's not a perfect system, but it sure has cut down on the spam we have to deal with.