mouse,keyboard emulation software .VS. GW


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2008

Imperial Isle

GuildLeader X Hunters [XIX]


I've been in the stores alot lately looking at different hardwares that might help me play the game more comfortably. I keep coming back to the traditional videogame style controllers for pc games. My question is will GW respond properly with keyboard and mouse emulated controllers, or should I just stick with 'ol'faithful (mouse and keyboard)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006


will it respond properly? yes

but response isnt really the issue here...
the issue is that gw requires many different key/mouse functions
that jus wouldnt all fit on ur average gamepad

it will suffice for casual playin tho

if u dun have a gamepad
u can try lessoning the use of the mouse by assigning ur numpad to the skills
and possibly targetting
so u can do 2hands on keyboard

the only thing u -have- to use ur mouse for is organizing inventory, npc dialogues, and map drawing
everything else can be done wit keyboard if u assign it rite

btw, im a lil confused by "ive been in the stores" and "keyboard and mouse emulated controllers"
-any- controller (hardware) can emulate the keyboard/mouse wit the proper software
(i recommend joy2key)



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



Yes, you can do that with JoyToKey. I've used that with a Sony Dualshock to play GW. See this thread. Advanced search turned up a few more, and I think this thread probably has the best combination of hardware and controls. There's also a guide in community works designed primarily for the 360 pad, but the controls are very limited.

Originally Posted by snaek View Post
the issue is that gw requires many different key/mouse functions
that jus wouldnt all fit on ur average gamepad

the only thing u -have- to use ur mouse for is organizing inventory, npc dialogues, and map drawing
everything else can be done wit keyboard if u assign it rite
The "Use joystick (#)'s Configuration" feature of JoyToKey works just like the Shift key on your keyboard, nearly doubling the number of buttons available by using combo presses.

JoyTokey can emulate mouse control. Mine is mapped to an analog stick.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2008

Imperial Isle

GuildLeader X Hunters [XIX]


ty for the info i just din want to go and spend the money if it wasnt going to work... As it is right now i only use my mouse for as you said npc's and storage (inventory), all my skills and commands are set to my prefered quick keys