Guild Wars Interview with Bobby Stein
Interesting article here about a writer for the Guild Wars universe. He mentions Guild Wars 2 several times in the article, but sadly it sounds as if they are not yet in full content production mode.
Interesting article here about a writer for the Guild Wars universe. He mentions Guild Wars 2 several times in the article, but sadly it sounds as if they are not yet in full content production mode.
Apollo Smile
"We’re seeding the world with lots of little details so that interested players can connect the dots."
The Lore Nut in me loves this.
The Lore Nut in me loves this.

Mmmm tidbits
pumpkin pie
Who will lived for 250 years beyond guild wars
Guild Wars 2 will introduce some new characters and races, but you might see a familiar face or two. |
I was hoping the asura race died off..oh well.
Ryan Bucek
Finally some word on what's going on with GW2!
However little it is I'm glad we've heard something.
However little it is I'm glad we've heard something.
This. It would be a fantastic way to bridge the gap between the heroes of GW and GW2, i.e., an immortal spirit awoken from sleep or encountered upon the discovery of the Hall of Monuments.
On topic: Going to read the interview now.
On topic: Going to read the interview now.
Konig Des Todes
"We’re seeding the world with lots of little details so that interested players can connect the dots."
The Lore Nut in me loves this. ![]() |
PS: The Lore Nut in you should join the Lore Guild in GW2 *exists in GW1 and will be set up in GW2 immediately*
Pyre, however, won't live that long. In between the time of GW1 and GW2 Pyre's Grandcub will be an adult and perform a revolution - so Pyre's probably long dead, possible for his grandcub too.
Now then, to read the interview, then sleep.
This. It would be a fantastic way to bridge the gap between the heroes of GW and GW2, i.e., an immortal spirit awoken from sleep or encountered upon the discovery of the Hall of Monuments.
Razah should become a god. But seriously, he would be an epic link between GW1 and Gw2 <_<;
Fril Estelin
Quasi-Eternal Life 100energy, 3600s, 3600000000s (Enchantment spell) Your character does not die until GW2 is released.
You've moved games! 100energy, 3600s, 3600000000s (Spell) Transfers your character (and its HoM) from a GW1 server to a GW2 server.
Ty for the interview!
You've moved games! 100energy, 3600s, 3600000000s (Spell) Transfers your character (and its HoM) from a GW1 server to a GW2 server.
Ty for the interview!
After reading the interview, I'm pleasantly surprised about what Mr. Stein had to say. It's a teaser, yes, but it's encouraging to know that they're making steady advances on GW2.
Something like this is nice just to know that they care and that it's a work in progress.
Something like this is nice just to know that they care and that it's a work in progress.
Operative 14
I found that article pretty interesting and informative. I almost think a developer blog where they talk in more detail about the points he lightly brushed on would be even more interesting to read.
Fril Estelin
One somewhat related comment: I noticed that comments posted on non-GW-related/centric websites/forum by people are usually quite positive and nothing like what we read on Guru (which has its own "personality" anyway), like the one attached to the article. People often refer to GW as a brilliant game, with nice graphics, lore and/or music. This suggests that even if they're not playing (for reason A, B, or C) there may be a big inactive fanbase (ready for GW2...).
I hope we'll see more articles like these over the next few months. I'm getting a good vibe about GW2
I hope we'll see more articles like these over the next few months. I'm getting a good vibe about GW2

Rick Thene
They'll rule the world, and you all know it.
When all's said and done, I want to know about the Forgotten. They better not get written out. Hell, chuck out the humans and we're set.
Man, we always suck arse in RPGs. Wonder why that is...
When all's said and done, I want to know about the Forgotten. They better not get written out. Hell, chuck out the humans and we're set.
Man, we always suck arse in RPGs. Wonder why that is...
Rothan Celt
Boy i best go get Razha :s but Xandra is so leetz

Very interesting read that interview. Thanks for posting the link.

Sweet! I'm getting all excited about GW2 again now.
I'm probably in a minority here but I am kinda hoping that it will not come out till late 2010, that way I'll get a good year or so of Diablo3 in before I have to abandon that for the mighty GW2
I'm probably in a minority here but I am kinda hoping that it will not come out till late 2010, that way I'll get a good year or so of Diablo3 in before I have to abandon that for the mighty GW2
i coulda swore the asuran race was wiped out? and that livia was the ruler of the world w/ the sceptor of orr she finds? hmm... is it possible that she becomes "immortal" or maybe lives waaaaay longer than the average human due to the powers of the sceptor?
this is all assumptions i have made. i didn't read the interview nor have i gotten a huge knowledge base of GW 2 for things that have been alreayd mentioned. meh...
this is all assumptions i have made. i didn't read the interview nor have i gotten a huge knowledge base of GW 2 for things that have been alreayd mentioned. meh...
Asuras are not wiped out, Dwarves are. Except for Ogden/some not-stoned Dwarves. Maybe they will recreate the race? Who knows.
Livia abandoned the SceptER (not SCEPTOR), that was her "Sacrifice".
Candidates for 250 lifespan:
Palawa Joko.
Livia abandoned the SceptER (not SCEPTOR), that was her "Sacrifice".
Candidates for 250 lifespan:
Palawa Joko.
Finally some word on what's going on with GW2!
However little it is I'm glad we've heard something. |
As for the familiar faces, I'd love to see Livia again somehow related to the city of Orr. But Kormir will definitly make an appearance, now beeing a god and all.
Jecht Scye
It's nice to hear an update on the progress of GW2 after so long of almost nothing. Thank you for posting the interview.
Glint is most likely alive, with the whole Dragon's thing going possibly in GW2 and possibly her child you protect in Glint's Challenge
Glint is most likely alive, with the whole Dragon's thing going possibly in GW2 and possibly her child you protect in Glint's Challenge
i am EXTREMELY interested in the dragons of GW. i am particularly interested in the dragon outside next by the charr camp/base in EotN by the lake. i forget the name of the zone and i am too lazy to go check as it is 7:27am (yay for off day
~LeNa~ |
The Dragon you are talking about is in Daladad Uploads if I remember and is also known as the Lake Dragon at the moment isnt it?
Well no one has mentioned it yet, so I'll throw out the possibility.....What if the "familiar faces" are ghosts. After all GW has plenty of ghosts scattered around so it's possible that we could encounter ghosts of familiar characters in GW2.
Quest: Merchant in ABC City is afraid to leave town because of wailing ghost in the canyon. Help him out. You go explore the canyon and discover the ghost of Cynn. She is wandering the earth looking for the ghost of Mhenlo. Re-unite her with Mhenlo and collect the quest reward.
New AB style PvP battles, except Togo's ghost tags along instead of the Ghostly Hero.
Quest: Merchant in ABC City is afraid to leave town because of wailing ghost in the canyon. Help him out. You go explore the canyon and discover the ghost of Cynn. She is wandering the earth looking for the ghost of Mhenlo. Re-unite her with Mhenlo and collect the quest reward.
New AB style PvP battles, except Togo's ghost tags along instead of the Ghostly Hero.
Morgoth the dark
I remember reading somewhere that the ancient dragons make Glint and Kuunavang look like cubs in comparison.
Those two were some tough cookies. If they are cubs when compared to the ancient, what the hell do we have to do to beat them? /beg and /slap?
Those two were some tough cookies. If they are cubs when compared to the ancient, what the hell do we have to do to beat them? /beg and /slap?
I remember reading somewhere that the ancient dragons make Glint and Kuunavang look like cubs in comparison.
Those two were some tough cookies. If they are cubs when compared to the ancient, what the hell do we have to do to beat them? /beg and /slap? |
Btw I say severak kilometers wide because of this concept art, believe it's a dragon from GW2? At least that's what I've heard around here.
having to rely on others all the time (like having uber NPCs while we're stuck at lv20) sucks big time.
Let us be the big basher for once... in SOLO.
Let us be the big basher for once... in SOLO.
Picking up on one of the small things there, it sounds like the gameplay mechanics are coming along nicely and it seems like the writers team are hard at work ^_^
although the story stuff ;-; makes me impatient
although the story stuff ;-; makes me impatient
Konig Des Todes
When all's said and done, I want to know about the Forgotten. They better not get written out.
I also suggest you reading my thread on the Forgotten in Overlook if you love Forgotten so much. Sums up all we know and makes a few theories.
i coulda swore the asuran race was wiped out? and that livia was the ruler of the world w/ the sceptor of orr she finds? hmm... is it possible that she becomes "immortal" or maybe lives waaaaay longer than the average human due to the powers of the sceptor?
The Scepter of Orr has shown absolutely no way to extend one's life - if any object can it's the Staff of the Mists which is destroyed. I am getting sick of the Livia=all powerful inbetween GW1 and GW2 ideas with no backup.
Asuras are not wiped out, Dwarves are. Except for Ogden/some not-stoned Dwarves. Maybe they will recreate the race? Who knows.
Livia abandoned the SceptER (not SCEPTOR), that was her "Sacrifice" |
Then you should look at Free Runner's thread that sums up all info on the Dragons we know of. And the zone you're looking for is Grothmar Wardowns, the dragon is the "Water Dragon" nicknamed "Grothmar" due to it's location.
Nice find, as for the characters and who it might be. We really don't know how long any of the races can live. Razah is ageless, so it could be him. Well just have to wait and see.
Also could be Glint.
Also could be Glint.
Konig Des Todes
Nice find, as for the characters and who it might be. We really don't know how long any of the races can live. Razah is ageless, so it could be him. Well just have to wait and see.
Also could be Glint. |
So, like I said, best guesses for people of races we have seen would be:
Centaur - Zhed and Mirza specifically
Dwarf - Odgen and Alkar (only non-stone dwarves I recall)
Asura - Vekk, Zinn, and Oola, possibly Blimm or those Asura Kids we see in Alcazia Tangle.
Then there are long living individuals:
And then the Gods.
Azazel you also amaze me with the ideas and information you come up with, suprized Anet hasn't hired you yet.
Anywho It seams that your right.
We already know that Joko is going to be in Gw2 at some point. So hes one that is offical.
But what about Norn, there are so little of them, that they gotta have a long life span. I still think Jora is going to be one that we see.
Anywho It seams that your right.
We already know that Joko is going to be in Gw2 at some point. So hes one that is offical.
But what about Norn, there are so little of them, that they gotta have a long life span. I still think Jora is going to be one that we see.
Konig Des Todes
As far as I know, there is no known life span on the Norn. This is probably because they are fighters and almost never die of old age. Egil Fireteller I think is one of the oldest known Norn - along with the other Skaalds.
And thanks for the compliment. ^^ A job at ANet would be more then grand, but I highly doubt to happen. I'd love to help out with the Lore stuff, but I am only good at observing, editing, and suggesting, no way can I come up with good stuff on my own.
And thanks for the compliment. ^^ A job at ANet would be more then grand, but I highly doubt to happen. I'd love to help out with the Lore stuff, but I am only good at observing, editing, and suggesting, no way can I come up with good stuff on my own.

Scepter of Orr / Staff of the Mists
"The Staff of the Mists was a twin to this Scepter, and created at the same time."
Scepter of Orr: The Scepter of Orr controls forces from beyond the known reality, such as:
"The Staff of the Mists was a twin to this Scepter, and created at the same time."
Scepter of Orr: The Scepter of Orr controls forces from beyond the known reality, such as:
- Undead
- Titans
- Makes this outer world obey the bearer's will
Scepter of Orr's PowerStaff of the Mists: The Staff of the Mists controls forces of the known reality, and can therefore:
Signet. The power of the Scepter flows within you. (+1 Energy regeneration
Scepter of Orr's Aura
Signet. You feel the power of the Scepter. (+10 maximum Energy)
- Alter life itself depending of the controller's will
- controls the physical world
- Alters a player's life while being wielded or by being near.
Power of the Staff of the MistsSo seeing as they a twin pair of scepters, they could possibly hold the same powers because the Staff of the Mist does infact prove that it extends life.
Skill. As the magic of the Staff of the Mists runs through your veins, you gain +4 Health regeneration
Curse of the Staff of the Mists
Skill. The Staff of the Mists does 30 damage to all foes within range every 4 seconds
Konig Des Todes
Twin pair of Staves, yes. Same powers, No.
The Staff of the Mists, as you pointed out, affect's one's life - the physical aspect of life. The Scepter of Orr affect's one's energy - the mental aspect of life.
If the Staff of the Mists can extend one's lifespan (not entirely proven btw, all that's known is that it basically acts like a monk/necromancer - heals and steals life - extending the lifespan has not been seen, it's only a well supported theory), then the Scepter of Orr would be able to expand one's knowledge, concentration, and mental abilities.
I smell Psi powers coming from the Scepter of Orr now.
The Scepter of Orr and the Staff of the Mists can be linked to the four schools of magic rather well actually.
Staff of the Mists:
Preservation (Believed to be the source of Monks' magic) - heals the weilder
Aggression (Believed to be the source of Necromancers' magic) - steals life from enemies.
Scepter of Orr:
Destruction (Believed to be the source of Elementalists' magic) - increases energy pool (Elementalists have high energy, therefore it can be said that Destruction requires lots of Energy and this is the part of Destruction that goes to the Scepter of Orr).
Denial (Believed to be the source of Mesmers' magic) - increases energy regeneration.
While the Scepter doesn't fit as well as the Staff, it still fits well (would fit better if it was energy stealing instead of energy regeneration).
The Staff of the Mists, as you pointed out, affect's one's life - the physical aspect of life. The Scepter of Orr affect's one's energy - the mental aspect of life.
If the Staff of the Mists can extend one's lifespan (not entirely proven btw, all that's known is that it basically acts like a monk/necromancer - heals and steals life - extending the lifespan has not been seen, it's only a well supported theory), then the Scepter of Orr would be able to expand one's knowledge, concentration, and mental abilities.
I smell Psi powers coming from the Scepter of Orr now.
The Scepter of Orr and the Staff of the Mists can be linked to the four schools of magic rather well actually.
Staff of the Mists:
Preservation (Believed to be the source of Monks' magic) - heals the weilder
Aggression (Believed to be the source of Necromancers' magic) - steals life from enemies.
Scepter of Orr:
Destruction (Believed to be the source of Elementalists' magic) - increases energy pool (Elementalists have high energy, therefore it can be said that Destruction requires lots of Energy and this is the part of Destruction that goes to the Scepter of Orr).
Denial (Believed to be the source of Mesmers' magic) - increases energy regeneration.
While the Scepter doesn't fit as well as the Staff, it still fits well (would fit better if it was energy stealing instead of energy regeneration).