Double Gold, Scrolls and XP for Vanquishing this weekend
Well,got legendary
but I still need to do the whole eotn explorables so I hope thers gonna be people!
but I still need to do the whole eotn explorables so I hope thers gonna be people!
Interesting, but how could they change it? I can't see much to improve it other than make some ai less stupid and erratic when it comes to AoE,but that would be within the hard mode mechanic itself and not exclusive.
Maybe I'm just getting my hopes up. Tomorrow being the long awaited title change and this weekend being a title weekend could just be a coincidence.
It probably is just a coincidence, since most weekend events are tied to titles in some manner. But it's hard not feeling like a little kid right before Christmas, since there's so many different possibilties for improving the whole title system.
It probably is just a coincidence, since most weekend events are tied to titles in some manner. But it's hard not feeling like a little kid right before Christmas, since there's so many different possibilties for improving the whole title system.
ANet make really good changes off and on, which is why I still have (little) hope in them.
Good timing for lame weekend bonuses, got my final exams coming up ^^
Lycan Nibbler
Shayne Hawke
Makes me think that something big might be happening with certain bonuses.
I hope they add an end Reward Chest for vanquishes. I've already gotten all of the titles, but at least it would give me something that's at least a little challenging to do when I'm bored on GW.
p.s. double scrolls is lol.
I hope they add an end Reward Chest for vanquishes. I've already gotten all of the titles, but at least it would give me something that's at least a little challenging to do when I'm bored on GW.
p.s. double scrolls is lol.
Perfected Shadow
Doubling virtually nothing is still virtually nothing. |
Parson Brown
Pretty tired of vanquishing. At least I only have about 9 Proph and 7 EotN areas left. Maybe I'll do a couple this weekend.
Part that wonders me is.. why scrolls? Is there something hidden there? Or is it just plain stupid?
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Of the top of my head, try popping a scroll when you have high DP you will notice you DP going down 300% faster if you use a bezerker or lightbringer scroll.
If you need scrolls to keep your dp down you are doing something really wrong, wtb better teambuild?
Didn't use a single scroll to get my leg vanquisher.

Didn't use a single scroll to get my leg vanquisher.
If you need scrolls to keep your dp down you are doing something really wrong, wtb better teambuild?
![]() Didn't use a single scroll to get my leg vanquisher. |
Ive done Shards of Orr dozens of times now, and my friends and I have completely tweaked our builds to fit. It still seems that there are days where we get party wiped a few times. Maybe we are doing something wrong. *looks for Ursan* sigh
p.s. that Ursan bit was sarcasm. plz dont flame.
Well.. tbh.. maybe I used dp removal for a few times, but as I kinda stated above.. if you manage to build up so much dp that you have to use a scroll there's something wrong with your teambuild, so I usually went back into town to change stuff like that rather than wasting cash on consumables, not to mention I didn't have that much dp removal stuff when I did vanqs anyway :P
Originally Posted by daze
So you must have never been in a scenario where either in a dungeon or FoW where your party built up Dp for what ever reason? You are duper leet huh? You never needed to use a candy cane or four leaf clover? You must be either doing something very right or very Nerfy. Vanq = Nerfy, Leg Vanq = Long and Nerfy
Nobody uses scrolls to remove DP ffs.
Scythe O F Glory
I dont like it. I have only ever vanquished 3 areas, and absolutely hated every moment of it.
Im not condoning the soul use of scrolls for DP removal, but just as an alternative. All im saying is that your DP will go down a lot faster while under the effect of a scroll. And it has come in handy a couple times on the lower levels of a few dungeons. But by all means, if your party ends up with 45dp on the last level of a dungeon thats kicking your ass then use clovers or extremely expensive powerstones if you got em. But Just FYI, a scroll will work too just as long as you can keep killing mobs.
Well like someone pointed out earlier in this thread (I think it was this thread?), last weekend was an AB weekend, and we were supposed to get the title change last thursday. I'm assuming the kurzick/luxon title are going to get a big change, which is why the weekend event was AB. Again, this may have just been a coincidence too.
ANet make really good changes off and on, which is why I still have (little) hope in them. |

Will we get double faction for vanquishing as well this weekend?
Will we get double faction for vanquishing as well this weekend?
I dont like it. I have only ever vanquished 3 areas, and absolutely hated every moment of it.
don't gorget to grab a book as you vanquish now
Red Sonya
Who cares about scrolls I want a triple drop green item weekend again and every weekend thereafter haha. I'd also like triple drop juvinile termite legs and charr carvings and gargoyle thingys hehe before christmas

Got right at 40k Kurzick faction from vanq'ing Arborstone. That was in 1 if you guys want some good Kurzick faction this weekend, I'd suggest doing that.
Holy Moley and Sweet Mother Teresa! 
Our guild vanquished half the Jade sea tonight I went from having something like 115k to 240k in a matter of just a couple of hours!
Not only that, but we broke some where 1.6 million faction before it got to be 1am and some of us decided to call it a night.
Before this update, I would have never bothered working towards a r8+ luxon title but now, the darn thing is practically right in front of me!
Is November 13th a National holiday yet? If not, it should be!

Our guild vanquished half the Jade sea tonight I went from having something like 115k to 240k in a matter of just a couple of hours!

Not only that, but we broke some where 1.6 million faction before it got to be 1am and some of us decided to call it a night.
Before this update, I would have never bothered working towards a r8+ luxon title but now, the darn thing is practically right in front of me!
Is November 13th a National holiday yet? If not, it should be!
Red Sonya
I know why doesn't Anet/NCsoft just sell those that want those titles the faction to get the titles say $1 every 10000 or just sell them the titles outright. Gives them a way to make lots of money and then nobody has to grind ever on anything.

Well, just off the top of my heads, they could improve vanquishing by...
a) Increasing the rewards all together so they aren't so... crappy. Maybe more exp/gold. Maybe a dungeon reward style chest spawns somewhere (with better rewards for harder areas, possibily even exclusive weapon skins that only drop in certain vanquishing runs, thereby encouraging people to vanquish certain places). b) create some sort of target pinging system on the radar that activates automatically once you've killed like ~80% of the monsters in a zone (ie, you no longer have to waste a half hour running from one side of an empty zone to another trying to find that one random mob that you missed, but it instead shows you where to go). c) provide a better group mechanic to allow players that want to vanquish to find each other. d) provide numbers on the vanquish bar rather then a percentage. Right clicking the HM icon "you have killed 150 of 174 monsters in this zone, and there are 15 additonally pop ups still active in this zone." Rather then having to squint at that little bar and say "eh, it looks like I only have to kill another 5 or so monsters." |

The double weekend bonus is very nice though. I've done Canthan Vanquishing but i'm running Mt Qinkai a few times just now , 20 mins for ~135kills and 17k faction.
Mourne about no.
Calista Blackblood
I'm not quite sure what I was expecting regarding the update and this choice weekend "event".But it has been awesome!,vanquished 2 areas with guildies and between 8 of us (some did more areas) guild faction shot up a few hundred k in around 2-3 hours (maybe someone could verify that :P)
The faction rewards per 45 mins were far superior to < 30 mins of depressing hero flagging
The faction rewards per 45 mins were far superior to < 30 mins of depressing hero flagging
I thought we were suppsoed to play the game for fun and not be greedy for rewards? Turns out that only applies to things that you don't care about it would seem. The rewards are fine.
I'm not quite sure what I was expecting regarding the update and this choice weekend "event".But it has been awesome!,vanquished 2 areas with guildies and between 8 of us (some did more areas) guild faction shot up a few hundred k in around 2-3 hours (maybe someone could verify that :P)
The faction rewards per 45 mins were far superior to < 30 mins of depressing hero flagging |

I like this double faction thing, I just wish it'd stay after the weekend.
It's okay if it doesn't, that's still a full bar of faction every hour or so if I vanquish the same areas.
Sakura Az
with the new rewards and double rewards from vanquishing.. its insane the amount of faction you gain, i love it, i vanquished gyala a few times, took 40 mins or less and got about 24k luxon faction including the blessing.
Jae Onasi
The faction rewards per 45 mins were far superior to < 30 mins of depressing hero flagging
Just vanquished pongmei valley, didnt get any faction at the end.
Its only for Echovald Forest and Jade Sea areas
Echovald Forest :
Drazach Thicket
The Eternal Grove
Melandru's Hope
Morostav Trail
Mourning Veil Falls
Jade Sea:
Boreas Seabed
Gyala Hatchery
Maishang Hills
Mount Qinkai
Rhea's Crater
Silent Surf
Unwaking Waters
Echovald Forest :
Drazach Thicket
The Eternal Grove
Melandru's Hope
Morostav Trail
Mourning Veil Falls
Jade Sea:
Boreas Seabed
Gyala Hatchery
Maishang Hills
Mount Qinkai
Rhea's Crater
Silent Surf
Unwaking Waters
For the love of everything that is fun - keep the 100 faction per kill for vanquishes.
So sweet!
So sweet!
To date, I haven't been particularly interested (heresy!!!) in gaining Luxon or Kurzick faction beyond what I needed for a particular character to progress through Factions or get elite armor, but I made good use of the new update this weekend in getting Legendary Spearmarshal for my mesmer. On my previous character, I think I had to vanquish about 23 areas, going back and doing one at least twice (Holdings of Chohkin, if memory serves) to make Sunspear R10; this weekend, I started from just under R9 on Friday and maxed Sunspear late Saturday night, and only had to vanquish 10 areas (repeating Marga Coast from a pre-update vanquish, and a couple of false starts on Turai's Procession) to do it. Made Norn R7 from about 41k this morning by vanquishing Varajar Fells with The Path to Revelations active, too.
I've vanquished arborstone 3 times this weekend. It's an easy vanquish with heroes/hench, and I got about 40k faction too.
Even when it's no longer double faction, 20k faction an hour is faster than the 13/14k I could get through hfff.
