Ive been hearing that even if you use this mod in Guild Wars your account is risking being banned / suspended, is this true?
or is it only Texmods that phsically change the game?
(sry if its in teh wrong section i didnt know were to post it)
SNOW | Cookie™
Cartograprahpy made easy on Texmod
Shayne Hawke
To my understanding, TexMod switches images in your gw.dat, which many virus scanners will see as a trojan. In reality, nothing is wrong with your computer.
With so many people having said that they've used it, I doubt you'd be in any danger of a ban.
With so many people having said that they've used it, I doubt you'd be in any danger of a ban.
Considering that many Texmod files, including Cartography Made Easy, are listed for download on the official wiki, it hardly seems likely that Anet has a problem with people using it.
anets stand on texmod is its ok but if the program causes some kind of problem dont complain to them .
so no you will not get banned for it
so no you will not get banned for it
there is no ban for using textmod, but I would say DL it with care. I've Dl it 2 times and both times afterward I've been hacked. I know imma get flamed, but I seriously think the DL had a trojan or keylogger attached. *puts on flame proof undies*
there is no ban for using textmod, but I would say DL it with care. I've Dl it 2 times and both times afterward I've been hacked. I know imma get flamed, but I seriously think the DL had a trojan or keylogger attached. *puts on flame proof undies*

there is no ban for using textmod, but I would say DL it with care. I've Dl it 2 times and both times afterward I've been hacked. I know imma get flamed, but I seriously think the DL had a trojan or keylogger attached. *puts on flame proof undies*
Unless you know for certain that the version of TexMod you downloaded contained a trojan, keylogger, etc., then you obviously can't be certain that installing it is the reason you were "hacked." If you have a firewall and want to be super paranoid, you can always block TexMod from all network traffic. TexMod does not need internet access to run, after all.
Anyway, only download TexMod from a trusted source, like the official wiki's link, and scan every .exe before you install it.