Guild Wars Crashes My Monitor/GFX
Hey, i hope some of you can help me out on this one.
I recently changed my PSU and GFX to the better (620W, Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX+) Since that my computer has begund crashing during Guild Wars. I can play Warhammer Online without any problems but Guild Wars seems to crash more often. Even in Windowed mode my GW crashes.
My System
Intel Core Duo 2.13 Ghz
Geforce 9800GTX+
2 GB Ram
Windows XP Pro SP3
My old GFX ran GW stable and was a 7600 GT.
My Crash details:
I can go from a Website (Youtube listening to some music) and ALT+TAB into GW (Windowed) and my screen goes blank and says that it has lost its signal. I once tried to Run GW and Warhammer Online at the same time and the GFX temp was steady on 42 degrees.
I have not Overclocked anything at all and i use the newest Nvidia drivers. I play GW on highest detail but at Refresh Rate 60 hz.
I recently changed my PSU and GFX to the better (620W, Nvidia Geforce 9800GTX+) Since that my computer has begund crashing during Guild Wars. I can play Warhammer Online without any problems but Guild Wars seems to crash more often. Even in Windowed mode my GW crashes.
My System
Intel Core Duo 2.13 Ghz
Geforce 9800GTX+
2 GB Ram
Windows XP Pro SP3
My old GFX ran GW stable and was a 7600 GT.
My Crash details:
I can go from a Website (Youtube listening to some music) and ALT+TAB into GW (Windowed) and my screen goes blank and says that it has lost its signal. I once tried to Run GW and Warhammer Online at the same time and the GFX temp was steady on 42 degrees.
I have not Overclocked anything at all and i use the newest Nvidia drivers. I play GW on highest detail but at Refresh Rate 60 hz.
BUMP / New Info
I can restart the pc. Start GW and walk out into isle of nameless and as soon as i do that my monitor will loose signal and i will have to reboot.
I can restart the pc. Start GW and walk out into isle of nameless and as soon as i do that my monitor will loose signal and i will have to reboot.
your card might be faulty, but it's really hard to know for certain.
did you completely remove the older video drivers before installing your new card? what is the brand of your new PSU? the more info you give us, the better we can diagnose the problem.
did you completely remove the older video drivers before installing your new card? what is the brand of your new PSU? the more info you give us, the better we can diagnose the problem.
Yes i did completely remove my old GFX drivers, today i updated my chipset drivers which didnt help. My new PSU is a 650 W Energon PSU.
The wierd thing is that its only really GW that Crashes and i can easily make it crash by just walking out into Isle of Nameless and 5 secs later it crashes:S
Yes i did completely remove my old GFX drivers, today i updated my chipset drivers which didnt help. My new PSU is a 650 W Energon PSU.
The wierd thing is that its only really GW that Crashes and i can easily make it crash by just walking out into Isle of Nameless and 5 secs later it crashes:S
does it crash in any other explorable, or is it just the isle of the nameless? if that's the case, you might just have a corrupted .dat file.
The Crash has also occured in GvGs. But i havent actually PvE'ed so i'll just go run around in PvE-land and see if i crash, if i dont i will delete the .dat file and dl a new one. If not i will post here again.
An update on my situation:
Deleting the Gw.dat file didnt solve my problem.
Deleting the Gw.dat file didnt solve my problem.
Elder III
Do you have onboard graphics as well on your motherboard? If so you might try pulling the 9800 and trying GW without it.... if it runs ok (albeit slower) then it could be your GPU driver.... which version are you using???
No i shouldnt have an onboard GFX on my mainboard, I have reinstalled the Nvidia drivers 2 times now, i havent tried with older drivers actually.
I have noticed 1 thing, if i connect my Monitor with a DVI cable it seem to crash in more games than if i connect it with the older type of cable which name i've forgotten.
Drivers i have updated:
Nvidia drivers.
Mainboard drivers
Some sound drivers (Since i heard they could cause crashes)
But none of this helped.
I have noticed 1 thing, if i connect my Monitor with a DVI cable it seem to crash in more games than if i connect it with the older type of cable which name i've forgotten.
Drivers i have updated:
Nvidia drivers.
Mainboard drivers
Some sound drivers (Since i heard they could cause crashes)
But none of this helped.
i have the same problem
my old gfx was 7600 GT now i have a gainward 9800 gtx+ and GW crashes
and only it's a bit weird
my old gfx was 7600 GT now i have a gainward 9800 gtx+ and GW crashes
and only it's a bit weird
Gneppe i have a question...whats's your MoBo, CPU model?
Sorry Papryk i havent checked up on this issue since i kinda gave up on solving this. The problem still persists, i have reinstalled loads of drivers, contacted Nvidia support and PlayNC support. Nothing has been helping.
My Mobo is a Micro Star Model: MSI-P4M890. I dont know if the problem might be there.
My Mobo is a Micro Star Model: MSI-P4M890. I dont know if the problem might be there.
Hello, i got the same problem with my geforce 9800gtx+.
always some sekonds afther i enter the game, my monitor shows me no signal, and i cant do anything wit my computer.
So i think this could be a general problem for this graphics card.
i have conteacted the gw support but there was still no reply.
If anybody have any idea please let me know, im a bit rich and would spend some money on a solution. my payment is no money but i have some kuunavangs in a large amount...
greetz. blizz
always some sekonds afther i enter the game, my monitor shows me no signal, and i cant do anything wit my computer.
So i think this could be a general problem for this graphics card.
i have conteacted the gw support but there was still no reply.
If anybody have any idea please let me know, im a bit rich and would spend some money on a solution. my payment is no money but i have some kuunavangs in a large amount...
greetz. blizz
Raku Clayman
Hello, i got the same problem with my geforce 9800gtx+.
If anybody have any idea please let me know, im a bit rich and would spend some money on a solution. my payment is no money but i have some kuunavangs in a large amount... greetz. blizz |
I recently read an article that suggested upgrading to the latest drivers doesn't always make things better. I would try using slightly older drivers although I think, if I read the posts correctly, you already tried this.
Here's an obscure posibility: It could be possible that you don't have the latest Direct X package. Go directly to the MS site and download and reinstall the latest for your OS.
When you said you were a bit rich, I was going to suggest switching to a Radeon 4800 series card. After years of just using Nvidia graphics cards, I switched to AMD and am very happy. I can run GW with all the graphics on full and it runs incredibly smooth.
I recently read an article that suggested upgrading to the latest drivers doesn't always make things better. I would try using slightly older drivers although I think, if I read the posts correctly, you already tried this. Here's an obscure posibility: It could be possible that you don't have the latest Direct X package. Go directly to the MS site and download and reinstall the latest for your OS. |
1. i mean im a bit rich ingame, so for the solution of this problem, i would spend some money, you guess?
2. i have also the newest drivers on everything on my computer, and i also have the 9800gtx+
So i would say its a general problem on the graphicscard. im trying to contact the support, but they are kinda fool...
so, well i can play farcry2 over 5 hurs, without any problems, isnt this curious?
tomorrow ill recieve a new PSu, if the game then also wont start, it have to be the graphics card, there cant be any other solution!
Btw is your card also from GAINWARD? If yes, then i would say, that gainward have to check up their whole graphicscards from this line.
have to be an general problem.
On a german forum i alsohave created a thread abut this problem, well. ill see what happens^^
Try forcing the game to run in only one core. Search here, or on the internet for "ForceCore".
To test it to see if that would be a solution, start up GW. Hit ctrl-alt-del and start the Task Manager. In the "Processes" tab, find "gw,exe", right click on it and select "Affinity" (or "Set Affinity"). In there, uncheck all but one cpu, hit OK, close Task Manager and continue playing GW. If it doesn't crash, then you can use ForceCore to set the affinity automatically (it needs to be set each time you run GW).
To test it to see if that would be a solution, start up GW. Hit ctrl-alt-del and start the Task Manager. In the "Processes" tab, find "gw,exe", right click on it and select "Affinity" (or "Set Affinity"). In there, uncheck all but one cpu, hit OK, close Task Manager and continue playing GW. If it doesn't crash, then you can use ForceCore to set the affinity automatically (it needs to be set each time you run GW).
Oh someone with the same problem. How nice (Finally its not only me.)
I have had a looong support question by Nvidia and PlayNC.
Nvidia concluded that my card might be faulty, so i guess i will try another card.
My 9800GTX+ is a Palit i think. So not Gainward.
I have had a looong support question by Nvidia and PlayNC.
Nvidia concluded that my card might be faulty, so i guess i will try another card.
My 9800GTX+ is a Palit i think. So not Gainward.
youre Wrong all the way in my opinion.
1. i mean im a bit rich ingame, so for the solution of this problem, i would spend some money, you guess? 2. i have also the newest drivers on everything on my computer, and i also have the 9800gtx+ So i would say its a general problem on the graphicscard. im trying to contact the support, but they are kinda fool... so, well i can play farcry2 over 5 hurs, without any problems, isnt this curious? tomorrow ill recieve a new PSu, if the game then also wont start, it have to be the graphics card, there cant be any other solution! Btw is your card also from GAINWARD? If yes, then i would say, that gainward have to check up their whole graphicscards from this line. have to be an general problem. On a german forum i alsohave created a thread abut this problem, well. ill see what happens^^ |
so there's 2 solutions:
-the problem is the gw engine
-the problem is Gainward that made a shit gfx...
so we have to spam their support :s
Raku Clayman
1) Aluvard, I realized you meant game rich. And, besides, I would never take anything for helping someone or making suggestions that might fix a problem.
2) An easy way to determine if it is a video card problem would be to borrow a friends video card and see if that card makes a difference.
3)When I upgraded my video card a couple of months ago, I'm glad I chose a Radeon, this time, instead of an Nvidia, which I've used for the past 10 years, or so. When I did buy Nvidia, I usually bought MSI or PNY because I've had good luck with their products.
4)If you do a search in all the Guru forums for "GTX+" you will see that there are a lot of complaints and various problems.
5)I hope you solve the problem without having to spend any more money and I am eagerly looking for you to post a successful solution.
2) An easy way to determine if it is a video card problem would be to borrow a friends video card and see if that card makes a difference.
3)When I upgraded my video card a couple of months ago, I'm glad I chose a Radeon, this time, instead of an Nvidia, which I've used for the past 10 years, or so. When I did buy Nvidia, I usually bought MSI or PNY because I've had good luck with their products.
4)If you do a search in all the Guru forums for "GTX+" you will see that there are a lot of complaints and various problems.
5)I hope you solve the problem without having to spend any more money and I am eagerly looking for you to post a successful solution.
So well, im writing the whole day with the support of GuildWars and Gainward....but still no solution..
ill try some other things, that may can help.
As soon as i find a solution ill open a big big thread to help other by this problem..
a bit crappy this all, but well shit happens^^
ill try some other things, that may can help.
As soon as i find a solution ill open a big big thread to help other by this problem..
a bit crappy this all, but well shit happens^^
I contacted NC Soft support but still no response...
my screen goes blank and says that it has lost its signal |
1. Run GW
2. When it goes black, hit alt+enter
3. Hit F11 and change to a more suitable resolution
4. ???
5. Profit
If that does not work try knocking your refresh rate down to 75Hz via display properties.
Sounds like you're simply running GW at a resolution either your graphics card or your monitor does not support, at your current refresh rate.
1. Run GW 2. When it goes black, hit alt+enter 3. Hit F11 and change to a more suitable resolution 4. ??? 5. Profit If that does not work try knocking your refresh rate down to 75Hz via display properties. GL |
You who are trying to contact support i have a longer support ticket in Nvidia support and PlayNC support. PlayNC simply couldn't help and Nvidia said that shit happens and bugs appears when new cards are released.
What monitor are you using?
Are you able to exit gw once it crashes? (Alt+enter/Alt+F4/Ctrl+Escape/Alt+Tab/Ctrl+Alt+Del?)
Are you able to exit gw once it crashes? (Alt+enter/Alt+F4/Ctrl+Escape/Alt+Tab/Ctrl+Alt+Del?)
What monitor are you using?
Are you able to exit gw once it crashes? (Alt+enter/Alt+F4/Ctrl+Escape/Alt+Tab/Ctrl+Alt+Del?) |
None of those exits are possible. The Computer looks like it's still running but the screen recieves no signal. Sound can sometimes loop or just stop. The result in GW is like an error 7 except i have to reboot to get the screen back.
Okay, i think my GraphicsCard is really damaged.
Games like: Crysis, Far Cry2, Silkroad Online, Guild Wars
have the same Problems.
Ill send my GraphicsCard back and will get a new Card.
I hopethat it will work then.
Ill let you know if it works^.^
Games like: Crysis, Far Cry2, Silkroad Online, Guild Wars
have the same Problems.
Ill send my GraphicsCard back and will get a new Card.
I hopethat it will work then.
Ill let you know if it works^.^
It seems that after I increased the fan speed of the GPU the PC froze less often. The temp. of the GPU before i did that was 60°C, now it's 50°C. I used also the new beta drivers 180.8X (cant remember right now).
It seems that after I increased the fan speed of the GPU the PC froze less often. The temp. of the GPU before i did that was 60°C, now it's 50°C. I used also the new beta drivers 180.8X (cant remember right now).
Still it doesnt really explain my instant crash in guild wars. I can start the computer for the first time today, start guild wars walk out of a city and the crash will happen.
well yesterday i played like half a hour before it crashed (before that it was like 5 minutes) the temp of the GPU is max 50° so it's relatively cold...maybe the new drivers helped a bit? I still dunno...
So, have you tried forcing GW to run in only one core, like I suggested earlier?
for what? do u understand that the problem here is the 9800 gtx+? if i run my old 7600gt gw will run fine...even on my intel quad core 9550
So, I take it the answer is no?
Do you understand that that sort of dumbass attitude won't help you get help?
Do you understand that that sort of dumbass attitude won't help you get help?
dude if u dont understand that the 9800 gtx+ is the problem..and not multi-core CPU u wont really help us with what u are writting...
It's not a dumbass attitude...just doesnt hurt
It's not a dumbass attitude...just doesnt hurt
Dude, your's is a dumbass attitude.
You - a person who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about (not that you should) - are trying to tell me - a person who has helped many people on here - that it's GOT TO BE the 9800GTX that's the problem. (And yet, you can't fix it.)
Even though I shouldn't waste my time on you, I will offer this bit of info.....
The problem with GW locking up, particularly with a repeating sound loop, has basically been traced to some obscure conflict between the many drivers installed and WinXP itself. I don't think anyone has found a definitive solution to it yet, but it does seem to have disappeared for people who have the latest drivers, and, particularly, the latest update patches from Microsoft.
A cure that works in many cases is to force GW (and some other games) to run in only one core. This may not be a complete fix, and no-one is saying multi-core cpus are to blame, but it does work in many cases.
So, can YOU understand that? Can YOU understand that the 9800GTX is NOT the same as a 7600 and may utilize functions and software routines that the 7600 doesn't?
You - a person who obviously doesn't know what he's talking about (not that you should) - are trying to tell me - a person who has helped many people on here - that it's GOT TO BE the 9800GTX that's the problem. (And yet, you can't fix it.)
Even though I shouldn't waste my time on you, I will offer this bit of info.....
The problem with GW locking up, particularly with a repeating sound loop, has basically been traced to some obscure conflict between the many drivers installed and WinXP itself. I don't think anyone has found a definitive solution to it yet, but it does seem to have disappeared for people who have the latest drivers, and, particularly, the latest update patches from Microsoft.
A cure that works in many cases is to force GW (and some other games) to run in only one core. This may not be a complete fix, and no-one is saying multi-core cpus are to blame, but it does work in many cases.
So, can YOU understand that? Can YOU understand that the 9800GTX is NOT the same as a 7600 and may utilize functions and software routines that the 7600 doesn't?
dude u are boring. my card is probably broken because i tried another 9800 gtx+ of my friend and with his card it works fine...
too hard for u mister-i-know-everything-about-pc-stuff? rofl
jeeez... -_-
too hard for u mister-i-know-everything-about-pc-stuff? rofl
jeeez... -_-
I'd like to point out that I never said it wasn't your 9800GTX was the problem. I simply asked if you had tried running GW in only one core. It was you that started being the ignorant dumbass. A simple answer of yes or no would have sufficed.

Elder III
Just wanted to post here in Quakers defense; Quaker has been helping people on these forums for a good length of time, and he knows his stuff pretty well. In any case if someone suggests something, whether you think that it will make any difference or not, a little courtesy goes a long ways...
peace out brothers
peace out brothers
What we have here is a failure to communicate - nicely.
Papryk, RMA your card and get back to us - hopefully in a happier frame of mind.
Papryk, RMA your card and get back to us - hopefully in a happier frame of mind.
anyway..I know that my card is a big FAIl and I'm sending it back....hope they will give me a new one soon...
ps. I tried the core thing today...same crash after 1 hour of playing...
ps. I tried the core thing today...same crash after 1 hour of playing...
yeah im a little upset. Just bought the game too. Spent 30$ for nothing. It seems cool and all, but I cant go 15 seconds without my comp crashing. It completely shuts down. Maybe my comp is overheating, but jesus, I dont have this problem with WOW or Warhammer. Ill consider it a loss. My specs are:
AMD athlon x2 3.0 ghz
Nvdia 9600 gt
4 GB ram
Oh, and windows vista.
I have never had this problem. Im starting to think my comp is TOO GOOD to run this game,
AMD athlon x2 3.0 ghz
Nvdia 9600 gt
4 GB ram
Oh, and windows vista.
I have never had this problem. Im starting to think my comp is TOO GOOD to run this game,