So will Jade Quarry become at least slightly active again?
Or will it just get this small population increase until after everyone gets their 5,000 extra faction cap?
It'd be a shame if the latter, I actually played a real match at the Jade Quarry last night for the first time ever, and it was very fun. Before that I had only been in there once, and that was an organized mapping group.
It'd be a shame if the latter, I actually played a real match at the Jade Quarry last night for the first time ever, and it was very fun. Before that I had only been in there once, and that was an organized mapping group.
No one can know what will happen in the future, but ANet seems determined to make all areas fun and "profitable" to play - note the changes to the elite Factions areas also.
So if the JQ population drops again, ANet might make further changes.
So if the JQ population drops again, ANet might make further changes.
Konig Des Todes
I don't know about in a week or so. But right now it is packed on the Kurzick side. And very fun compared to Aspenwood. Hopefully it will stay active.
Shayne Hawke
Jade Quarry active? Nobody told me about this discovery!
I wasn't expecting anything big to happen with Jade Quarry, as similar benefits have been passed to FA and AB as well. If people do decide to stick with it, that's great. Super great.
I wasn't expecting anything big to happen with Jade Quarry, as similar benefits have been passed to FA and AB as well. If people do decide to stick with it, that's great. Super great.
Man...I'm missing out on all the fun, gotta reinstall the game :S.
Probably not. I tried it once because i heard people were in there and i got 15 straight minutes of restarting counter bullshit. Still worthless as ever.
The Meth
There were quite a few people for the first few hours after the update, but it died down. JQ just has a lot of rather annoying things and the map confuses most people who haven't played it before (which is probably 98% of the guild wars playerbase).
Copenhagen Master
well with new update more people have been in there I played two games yesterday and only reset twice... but then again that was becuase of new update so we will see but more people have been doing Aspenwood it is quicker and faster factions IMO
Parson Brown
I got a match there last night, but I had to wait through 10-12 countdown resets.
Probably will only try 1 more time, just to get the bump for the other faction.
EDIT: On a side note, I cleared The Deep for the first time in a year tonight. But, I'm not sure that will last either. Maybe if the new item was a bit better than the Pronged Fan? Don't get me wrong, I think it looks nice, but I don't see it drawing crowds.
Re-Edit: LOL, I didn't even know that fan was put in over a year ago! Thought it was new with the update!
Probably will only try 1 more time, just to get the bump for the other faction.
EDIT: On a side note, I cleared The Deep for the first time in a year tonight. But, I'm not sure that will last either. Maybe if the new item was a bit better than the Pronged Fan? Don't get me wrong, I think it looks nice, but I don't see it drawing crowds.
Re-Edit: LOL, I didn't even know that fan was put in over a year ago! Thought it was new with the update!
Shadowspawn X
Konig Des Todes
Earlier today I went there only got 3 timer restarts total, did three matches. So, yes it has become slightly more active.
It's not to hard to get in, get in now and do all the exploring you need to before it's to late lol.
Mr. Undisclosed
Ugh I only wanted the higher faction cap for bigger vqs and crap. Took what felt like forever to actually win on the kurzick side. Not even mentioning all the friggin counter resets.
The guys should stop messing around and make all PvP arenas core.
Yet to keep the initiative to buy Factions - players without it should not receive Allegiance faction, just Balths.
Yet to keep the initiative to buy Factions - players without it should not receive Allegiance faction, just Balths.
I think I might just have to go have a look.
I just played a few rounds. First time it took like 20 minutes to get in, but then there were about 20-30 people on our side. Next two times it only took about 5 minutes to get in, although, it took extra time to actually get the 8 people needed to play.
It was fun. Played around with my ranger for a while, then just got my ele and started nuking the hell outta npcs and we finally won one. That said I don't care too much about faction, so I'm not sure if I'll be going back.
It was fun. Played around with my ranger for a while, then just got my ele and started nuking the hell outta npcs and we finally won one. That said I don't care too much about faction, so I'm not sure if I'll be going back.
you know i think a better way of doing these missions would be, if every time the ab map changes and depending on what side. it closes off one and opens the other. so if the luxons are deep in kurzick lands then the fort would open up and if the kurzicks were deep in luxon lands then the quarry would open up. and the amount of wins would help push the sides. (just like how ab works now.)
I actually had a match yesterday and a whopping 3,250 faction for winning. The match ended in the situation 9-8 for us so I don't know if you get even more if you manage to win in time.
It's not as straightforward as Aspy, and it seems most people are a bit out of it. It really favors nukers as clearing shrines is much more difficult for a single character (like my mesmer), but I focused on killing enemy jade carriers most of the match.
It's not as straightforward as Aspy, and it seems most people are a bit out of it. It really favors nukers as clearing shrines is much more difficult for a single character (like my mesmer), but I focused on killing enemy jade carriers most of the match.
I'll try going there after I'm done with the other things... there are so many things to do now...
I think the main problem with Jade Quarry is simply this: everyone knows that noone is playing jade quarry, so noone goes there to play jade quarry, and everyone that does go there sees that noone plays jade quarry... A self affirming cycle of bad reputation

The Meth
An IA ranger with apply poison owns too much here. Fire off 2 volleys then go on to the next shrine while it degens to death in about 10 more seconds. Npcs never touch ya. I almost feel bad for those who went in with melee and lost 80% of their health before even getting to the enemies. Its way too easy to kill entire groups just by playing keep away while killing off an npc which causes 5 npcs to spawn on your side.
fire ele ftw
To my surprise yesterday I had less timer restarts in jade quarry than I had in the fort aspenwood. I remember waiting 6 hours once to have it mapped. I hope it will stay busy longer than a week.