Sorrows Poll
Alright, I believe that Sorrows furnace deserves a chest every time you finish the final quest. The sheer amount of time required to do all the quests the first time, and only getting exp and a spiffy HoM statue is of rewarding of something I believe. However, since imo, this area is a bit easier then most dungeons, The chest wouldn't drop anything like a Voltiac spear or anything new. I believe it should....
Drop 1 Deldrimor ingot + 1 weapon (Prophecies, or shiverpeak in general skin drops, along with all the greens available in Grenths, SF has a chance of dropping) in Normal mode
Drop 1 Deldrimor ingot +1 weapon + another weapon OR Another deldrimor ingot, same rules above apply to skin drops, in Hard mode.
It could be called Sorrows chest, rage binders chest, iron forgemans chest, w/e that is relevant.
Drop 1 Deldrimor ingot + 1 weapon (Prophecies, or shiverpeak in general skin drops, along with all the greens available in Grenths, SF has a chance of dropping) in Normal mode
Drop 1 Deldrimor ingot +1 weapon + another weapon OR Another deldrimor ingot, same rules above apply to skin drops, in Hard mode.
It could be called Sorrows chest, rage binders chest, iron forgemans chest, w/e that is relevant.
uw/fow was kinda revived a while back...
urgoz/deep was possibly revived in the recent "books" update...
sf/tombs revival next????
urgoz/deep was possibly revived in the recent "books" update...
sf/tombs revival next????
I voted /signed. I think that both SF and Tombs need updating to make them equal to other chapter's elite areas. They are wonderful areas but their greens have become ignored items for the most part.
Adding chests with more possibilities might revive the areas.
Adding chests with more possibilities might revive the areas.
I totally forgot about tombs....Which proves even more that it needs a change lol.
Tombs wouldn't drop the greens since I'm pretty sure you get them no matter what at the end. Perhaps 1 weapon (some UW/FoW skins, nothing SUPER rare like the eternal blade or obby sword?) and a...hmm....ecto is too much...shard doesn't really fit...I guess a random rare mat drop?
Then the end bosses should be given signet of disenchantment to prevent Shadow form farming all the way. I am against a single person being able to run an entire 'dungeon' WITH a chest, so if you add a chest there, prevent SF farming. Group farms are fine with me since it takes a team, single is meh.
But lets keep te poll for Sorrows just for now.
Tombs wouldn't drop the greens since I'm pretty sure you get them no matter what at the end. Perhaps 1 weapon (some UW/FoW skins, nothing SUPER rare like the eternal blade or obby sword?) and a...hmm....ecto is too much...shard doesn't really fit...I guess a random rare mat drop?
Then the end bosses should be given signet of disenchantment to prevent Shadow form farming all the way. I am against a single person being able to run an entire 'dungeon' WITH a chest, so if you add a chest there, prevent SF farming. Group farms are fine with me since it takes a team, single is meh.
But lets keep te poll for Sorrows just for now.
Compare it to Slaver's Exile. You can repeat both, but Slaver's, you need to complete all parts, not just redo Duncan. However, Sorrow's, you can redo Final Assault without redoing the other 4 quests. I'd be willing to sign if you were required to redo all quests for the chest, not just the last.
Also, I'd not like to see the Grenth's Footprint greens from the chest, just the SF ones. They should not be a gaurantee, just a possibility.
Also, I'd not like to see the Grenth's Footprint greens from the chest, just the SF ones. They should not be a gaurantee, just a possibility.
Compare it to Slaver's Exile. You can repeat both, but Slaver's, you need to complete all parts, not just redo Duncan. However, Sorrow's, you can redo Final Assault without redoing the other 4 quests. I'd be willing to sign if you were required to redo all quests for the chest, not just the last.
Also, I'd not like to see the Grenth's Footprint greens from the chest, just the SF ones. They should not be a gaurantee, just a possibility. |
Also about comparing to slavers, most people only do justicer which you can do without doing ANY of slavers.
buuuuuuuut, i guess i can see what you mean
OH IDEA. Ok, so, you get a SF story book! Fill in all the pages (the quest where your a slave, only the main one is needed, not all the little quests you get from the summit taskmaster dude) so thats like what, 5 pages? Turn it into a dwarf inside the oupost in grenths footprint, he gives you a key, and you go to a chest located right next to the portal to get the drop.
I still think doing the last quest is enough tough
Daedra Deinheart
Doesnt sound like a bad idea, even though I do SF and Tombs weekly due to the fact I'm bored, then this will give me a reason to do it 

Konig Des Todes
For Heck's sake, I'm gonna say my suggestions for Sorrow's Furnace and add suggestions to Tombs and to the Titan Quests:
Sorrow's Furnace:
-Add 1 chest at the exit to Grenth's Footprint (inside SF) after the completion of each Sorrow's Furnace Quest
-Add new Sorrow's weapons (total of 11 skins). Both Green and Gold versions. Drops only from the chests.
-Add Sorrow Summoning Stone (summons a Dredge Monk)
-Made so that to redo The Final Assault, you need to redo all of To Sorrow's Furnace.
Chest Drop for To Sorrow's Furnace Quests:
NM: 1 Deldrimor Steel Ignot, 1 random gold, and 1 random gold or green.
HM: 2 Deldrimor Steel Ignots, 3 random golds or greens, and 1 Sorrow Summoning Stone.
Chest Drop for The Final Assault Quest:
NM: 2 Deldrimor Steel Ignot, 2 random gold, 1 random gold or green, and 1 Sorrow Summoning Stone
HM: 4 Deldrimor Steel Ignots, 4 random golds or greens, and 2 Sorrow Summoning Stone.
Tombs of the Primeval Kings:
-Add Statue to HoM (Looks like the three Darknesses?)
-Add the remaining maps of the HoH map rotation (with new monsters)
-Add a chest at the end, this chest drop new golds (Eternal weapon set - fill in what is missing in that set *yes I count Celestial Compass/Chaos Axe as part of the set* - also drops weapons skins that drop in HA's chest)
-Add 1 Spear Green, 1 Dagger Green, 1 Scythe Green, 1 Staff Green, 1 Wand Green, 1 Focus Green, and 2 Shield Greens that drops from the three Darknesses.
-Add Dark Summoning Stone (summons a non-boss Darkness)
Chest Drops:
NM: 1 Random Gem (Sapphire, Ruby, Onyx, Diamond), 2 random golds, and 1 Dark Summoning Stone
HM: 2 Random Gems (Sapphire, Ruby, Onyx, Diamond), 3 random golds, and 2 Dark Summoning Stone
The Titan Quests
-Add a chest at completion of each quest (looks like a Burning Titan with one Spark, one Dark Titan, and one Born Titan)
-Add a Statue to the HoM
-Make repeatable (Most important change!)
-Add a "Titan" weapon set (would be sweet if the skin of the weapons reflect the area you're in).
-Changed the Boss's profession for Defend Droknar's Forge, Defend Denravi, and Defend North Kryta Province to Warrior, Elementalist, and Monk, respectively. (Done to add better variety and not fight 4 Necromancers in the quests)
-Added 6 Greens (One for each core profession - named after the respective Titan Boss)
-Added 4 Charr Bosses to "The Titan Source" (Professions are Assassin, Ritualist, Dervish, and Paragon *use EN Charr Builds of respective professions*)
-Add Sparkling Summoning Stone (summons a Spark of the Titans)
-Made so that in order to repeat The Titan Source, you need to do the four Defend quests.
Chest Drops for the four Defend quests:
NM: 1 Random Gem (Onyx, Diamond), and 2 random golds.
HM: 2 Random Gem (Onyx, Diamond), 3 random golds, and 1 Sparkling Summoning Stone.
Chest Drops for The Titan Source:
NM: 2 Random Gem (Ruby, Sapphire, Onyx, Diamond), 3 random golds, 1 Sparkling Summoning Stone.
HM: 3 Random Gem (Ruby, Sapphire, Onyx, Diamond), 4 random golds, 2 Sparkling Summoning Stone.
The only thing I think would be troublesome for the Live Team to handle would be the new weapon skins, and designing the statues for the HoM.
Also, I voted for the "not this" as I have a slightly different change.
Edit: Reduced Summoning Stone rewards for Sorrow's and Titan Quests.
Sorrow's Furnace:
-Add 1 chest at the exit to Grenth's Footprint (inside SF) after the completion of each Sorrow's Furnace Quest
-Add new Sorrow's weapons (total of 11 skins). Both Green and Gold versions. Drops only from the chests.
-Add Sorrow Summoning Stone (summons a Dredge Monk)
-Made so that to redo The Final Assault, you need to redo all of To Sorrow's Furnace.
Chest Drop for To Sorrow's Furnace Quests:
NM: 1 Deldrimor Steel Ignot, 1 random gold, and 1 random gold or green.
HM: 2 Deldrimor Steel Ignots, 3 random golds or greens, and 1 Sorrow Summoning Stone.
Chest Drop for The Final Assault Quest:
NM: 2 Deldrimor Steel Ignot, 2 random gold, 1 random gold or green, and 1 Sorrow Summoning Stone
HM: 4 Deldrimor Steel Ignots, 4 random golds or greens, and 2 Sorrow Summoning Stone.
Tombs of the Primeval Kings:
-Add Statue to HoM (Looks like the three Darknesses?)
-Add the remaining maps of the HoH map rotation (with new monsters)
-Add a chest at the end, this chest drop new golds (Eternal weapon set - fill in what is missing in that set *yes I count Celestial Compass/Chaos Axe as part of the set* - also drops weapons skins that drop in HA's chest)
-Add 1 Spear Green, 1 Dagger Green, 1 Scythe Green, 1 Staff Green, 1 Wand Green, 1 Focus Green, and 2 Shield Greens that drops from the three Darknesses.
-Add Dark Summoning Stone (summons a non-boss Darkness)
Chest Drops:
NM: 1 Random Gem (Sapphire, Ruby, Onyx, Diamond), 2 random golds, and 1 Dark Summoning Stone
HM: 2 Random Gems (Sapphire, Ruby, Onyx, Diamond), 3 random golds, and 2 Dark Summoning Stone
The Titan Quests
-Add a chest at completion of each quest (looks like a Burning Titan with one Spark, one Dark Titan, and one Born Titan)
-Add a Statue to the HoM
-Make repeatable (Most important change!)
-Add a "Titan" weapon set (would be sweet if the skin of the weapons reflect the area you're in).
-Changed the Boss's profession for Defend Droknar's Forge, Defend Denravi, and Defend North Kryta Province to Warrior, Elementalist, and Monk, respectively. (Done to add better variety and not fight 4 Necromancers in the quests)
-Added 6 Greens (One for each core profession - named after the respective Titan Boss)
-Added 4 Charr Bosses to "The Titan Source" (Professions are Assassin, Ritualist, Dervish, and Paragon *use EN Charr Builds of respective professions*)
-Add Sparkling Summoning Stone (summons a Spark of the Titans)
-Made so that in order to repeat The Titan Source, you need to do the four Defend quests.
Chest Drops for the four Defend quests:
NM: 1 Random Gem (Onyx, Diamond), and 2 random golds.
HM: 2 Random Gem (Onyx, Diamond), 3 random golds, and 1 Sparkling Summoning Stone.
Chest Drops for The Titan Source:
NM: 2 Random Gem (Ruby, Sapphire, Onyx, Diamond), 3 random golds, 1 Sparkling Summoning Stone.
HM: 3 Random Gem (Ruby, Sapphire, Onyx, Diamond), 4 random golds, 2 Sparkling Summoning Stone.
The only thing I think would be troublesome for the Live Team to handle would be the new weapon skins, and designing the statues for the HoM.
Also, I voted for the "not this" as I have a slightly different change.

Edit: Reduced Summoning Stone rewards for Sorrow's and Titan Quests.
Calista Blackblood
Speaking as someone who has never fully completed sorrows,I have no clue as to what to change but imo,anything that revives sorrows furnace and brings it par with the deep urgoz uw doa and fow is good in my book.
Opening another can of worms but its mainly about those wishing for new content to be added. Would there be any harm in re-working all of the elite areas? Personally i've done fow,uw and the deep more ways than i care to remember,the outcomes are always predictable and the quest chains always the same with little -no variation.
Yes something like this would make any team build in use now defunct,and may just effect ecto shard and gem prices,but it would rekindle the proverbial flames from the respective areas and add a new dimension to it.
Farming with permanant invincibility,might be quick with a decent team,but where is the real challenge? Something that should be addressed across the board imho
Opening another can of worms but its mainly about those wishing for new content to be added. Would there be any harm in re-working all of the elite areas? Personally i've done fow,uw and the deep more ways than i care to remember,the outcomes are always predictable and the quest chains always the same with little -no variation.
Yes something like this would make any team build in use now defunct,and may just effect ecto shard and gem prices,but it would rekindle the proverbial flames from the respective areas and add a new dimension to it.
Farming with permanant invincibility,might be quick with a decent team,but where is the real challenge? Something that should be addressed across the board imho
Definitely not as it stands now - I can run hero/henchies and finish the final assault quest in like 45 minutes easily. (I've done it for moa, so I know for sure) They'd have to make it so you had to redo the previous quests, then maybe I could see an end chest. Similar to mallyx, you don't have to do them all at once, but they have to be crossed off before the party can get into the last quest zone.
Shayne Hawke
Great ideas in general. I'd support some sort of revival for Sorrow's Furnace. That might actually get me to try it for once.
For Heck's sake, I'm gonna say my suggestions for Sorrow's Furnace and add suggestions to Tombs and to the Titan Quests:
[[ etc etc etc etc etc etc ]] |
/signed, absolutely.
Antares Ascending
Signed and voted. Why not! It would hopefully revive interest in what was a super popular area. While its not all that hard...much easier after doing i t at least once it does take time. Fun area to.
a nice refresh of Sorrow's to get the crowds back would be good. It's an enjoyable run many people ignore these days in place of UW/FoW/Slaver's/DoA.
Way back in 2005 when it came out it was fresh and new. The statue is a nice addition to the HoM, as is the black moa chick but a chest reward of some kind would be a nice way to stimulate interest in this one again.
a nice refresh of Sorrow's to get the crowds back would be good. It's an enjoyable run many people ignore these days in place of UW/FoW/Slaver's/DoA.
Way back in 2005 when it came out it was fresh and new. The statue is a nice addition to the HoM, as is the black moa chick but a chest reward of some kind would be a nice way to stimulate interest in this one again.
Sorrow's it's more like a Dungeon than like an Elite area.
It could perfectly y have a Dungeon door icon, a reward chest...
But quests should be changed so you have to make all of them before getting the chest, not just by repeating the last quest.
That is, make the 4 first repeatable quests, then the final, and the chest appear.
Miss any of them before making the last one, and even if the chest appear for another player, you wont be able to open it. And if no player has made all quests, the chest won't even appear.
It could perfectly y have a Dungeon door icon, a reward chest...
But quests should be changed so you have to make all of them before getting the chest, not just by repeating the last quest.
That is, make the 4 first repeatable quests, then the final, and the chest appear.
Miss any of them before making the last one, and even if the chest appear for another player, you wont be able to open it. And if no player has made all quests, the chest won't even appear.
Alota yes votes! O_o...are you paying attention Anet?

as one who has only finished fa on ONE character (never got around to getting a good group back before my original 4 never finished it)....I would love somekind of chest at the end---even just a deldrimor steel and say a gold weapon would be good enough to please me.....would even give me pause to do it with my other characters---
Konig Des Todes
Sorrow's it's more like a Dungeon than like an Elite area.
It could perfectly y have a Dungeon door icon, a reward chest... But quests should be changed so you have to make all of them before getting the chest, not just by repeating the last quest. That is, make the 4 first repeatable quests, then the final, and the chest appear. Miss any of them before making the last one, and even if the chest appear for another player, you wont be able to open it. And if no player has made all quests, the chest won't even appear. |
Making Sorrow's Furnace, Fissure of Woe, and Underworld harder with new monsters only, Sorrow's Furnace with making the last quest being similar to Duncan - need to do To Sorrow's Furnace before The Final Assault, and making Tombs longer (more then just 4 levels - new levels can have a couple anti-SF skills) would put those four "Elite" areas into on par with Urgoz/Deep/Slavers' at least (I think FoW and UW should be on par with DoA).
Reverend Dr
I read this as:
Good, Perfect for Shadow Form I say /sign |
I read this as:
Consuming Flames, [[Shadow Form].
Buh-bye, [[Shadow Form].
Nice knowing you.
/signed and voted for this.
The Little Viking
Thats what i meant, only a possibility.
OH IDEA. Ok, so, you get a SF story book! Fill in all the pages (the quest where your a slave, only the main one is needed, not all the little quests you get from the summit taskmaster dude) so thats like what, 5 pages? Turn it into a dwarf inside the oupost in grenths footprint, he gives you a key, and you go to a chest located right next to the portal to get the drop. I still think doing the last quest is enough tough |
Its 5 am, have yet to be to bed..hope this made sense.
I don't see why everyone complains about all the books.
1) Its a fun thing to read since I'm a lore junkie, and it puts you more into the mind of the protagonist
2) You don't need to do them. Specially if you already beat the missions and have your titles and what not. Rewards really not all that special unless your doing it for faction.
3)You only need 1 book in your inventory at a time.
4)Use other characters for storage also. My Warrior has 3 sets of armor on her at all times from lack of storage, storage has 7 sets of different armor, some quest items for certain farmable quests in her inventory along with ID kit and salvage (both salvage kinds) and a couple cons, and still never gets filled up since I sell crap after every fight or whatever. 11 characters and none of them are storage and I still have enough room.
As for my reason for adding a story book, is it is easier for them to code a book then to change how you do a quest line most likely. Besides, those who don't do SF (since this suggestion wouldn't be adding any NEW weapons, it would just make the reward more worthwhile) wouldn't get the book anyways.
1) Its a fun thing to read since I'm a lore junkie, and it puts you more into the mind of the protagonist
2) You don't need to do them. Specially if you already beat the missions and have your titles and what not. Rewards really not all that special unless your doing it for faction.
3)You only need 1 book in your inventory at a time.
4)Use other characters for storage also. My Warrior has 3 sets of armor on her at all times from lack of storage, storage has 7 sets of different armor, some quest items for certain farmable quests in her inventory along with ID kit and salvage (both salvage kinds) and a couple cons, and still never gets filled up since I sell crap after every fight or whatever. 11 characters and none of them are storage and I still have enough room.
As for my reason for adding a story book, is it is easier for them to code a book then to change how you do a quest line most likely. Besides, those who don't do SF (since this suggestion wouldn't be adding any NEW weapons, it would just make the reward more worthwhile) wouldn't get the book anyways.
revive tombs/sf and add statue for tombs g0g0g0g0