I was in Rata Sum and this character had these giant white triangle wings that continued to go up and down the entire length of the screen. Sure it's a problem on my end but I've been playing GWs for 3 years on this same pc and have never saw anything like this. She wasn't doing emotes or any kind of tonic or anything. This effect went on for about 20 minutes. Weird!!!
Ignore the black spray paint areas. Didn't want names to show.
Is this a glitch or my PC problems?
Stealthy Trapper
because you're sprawsmemgapwnagesce. but seriously they look like theyre coming from her nips like..laser beams.
lol @ laser niples.
I used to have a problem like this, textures would just stretch to infinite and ended up like those pictures, and it also happened on a few other games as well. That was my graphics card dying on me, on my new PC I never had that problem. If it only happens in GW, try reinstalling the game, something to repair the data files. Imo it might be fixed, but I'm betting on graphics card damage, sorry.
I used to have a problem like this, textures would just stretch to infinite and ended up like those pictures, and it also happened on a few other games as well. That was my graphics card dying on me, on my new PC I never had that problem. If it only happens in GW, try reinstalling the game, something to repair the data files. Imo it might be fixed, but I'm betting on graphics card damage, sorry.
I'd say:
*Your Gw.dat is corrupted and you need to download a new one
*Your Drivers may be out of date
Or maybe what kupp said.
Whats your computer's specs? Have you dusted it out recently?
*Your Gw.dat is corrupted and you need to download a new one
*Your Drivers may be out of date
Or maybe what kupp said.
Whats your computer's specs? Have you dusted it out recently?