EmJey`s Commission
Smilin' Assassin
Originally Posted by EmJey

hehe Ala im glad you like it, will send you the hi res image tomorrow, i better go to sleep now.
heres a face without a mask
oh~! now I'm really impressed:}
I did say that Ala is nearly always masked, but the way you painted her face is exquisite ~
heres a face without a mask
oh~! now I'm really impressed:}
I did say that Ala is nearly always masked, but the way you painted her face is exquisite ~
Kerwyn Nasilan

Rydia Merchan
Wow!! Stunning!!! I'm going to die when i see what you do with yassie!! I mean...wow, just wow.
O Frost O
wow great works so far and the style is kickin! I'm so jealous

OMFG I SO love it!!! who you gonna do after Yassie?
thanx for the comments guys, i appreciate it , no really i mean it im not just being nice and all :P
next is Yasmin , Rydias merchan character
and next after that i dont know yet,some of you did a really nice job on your characters and stories behind them, it is inspirational but im getting real busy with REAL life projects at the moment, alot of work is coming up for me earning my own bread and milk , so for now i cant say i will do more commissions anytime soon but i will sure let you know if i choose to do more.
Please try to understand i would love to draw all of you but that would take me a year to complete ,heh.
have fun
next is Yasmin , Rydias merchan character
and next after that i dont know yet,some of you did a really nice job on your characters and stories behind them, it is inspirational but im getting real busy with REAL life projects at the moment, alot of work is coming up for me earning my own bread and milk , so for now i cant say i will do more commissions anytime soon but i will sure let you know if i choose to do more.
Please try to understand i would love to draw all of you but that would take me a year to complete ,heh.
have fun
Eragon Zarroc
awesome. can't wait to see the next one come to life =D
Morag D
another great one
the mood in this is really lovely, and the flower tree is a nice touch! your backgrounds are amazing - the characters too, but that's what most people focus on, so respect

I meant to post this when I originally read this thread but I wanted to say your artwork is stunning. <3 It's absolutely beautiful.
Your work is absolutely stunning
I can't stop staring at that sin....

heres a sketch of yasmin.I havent decided with the background yet but i might go for something like entrance to the hall of heroes or something.

Eragon Zarroc
the jade sword goes very well with yasmine. the way she is holding the mirror makes for an excellent pose.
Rydia Merchan
I love that sword...I was so excited when I got it for her. Thinking on it, Hall of Heroes would actually be a pretty fitting place for her 
You've done some awesome changes since the email I got this morning. This is going to be so awesome. I can't thank you enough for this!!

You've done some awesome changes since the email I got this morning. This is going to be so awesome. I can't thank you enough for this!!
Smilin' Assassin
lookin' promising~!
JadeSwords and Mesmers were meant for each other .. and I can just imagine how beautifully her mirror will come out:}
JadeSwords and Mesmers were meant for each other .. and I can just imagine how beautifully her mirror will come out:}
That picture is,without a single doubt, gonna be your best yet! I can tell! I love it!
color palette
Eragon Zarroc
WOW! O_O that is the best one yet. It just radiates power.
incredible!! it looks awsome already!
Konig Des Todes
Why hasn't Anet contacted you as a concept artist? Your work is absolutely amazing! 

Kerwyn Nasilan
That's awesome, can't shake the feeling there needs to be something reflecting in the mirror though.
Amazing work, although, imo, rotate the mirror 180 degrees

Konig Des Todes
I disagree with above, the mirror looks great like that.

I love it!! a GREAT picture, and I think the rest speaks for itself =].
My friend Kiti put an image on ImageShack and I think it's a perfect example of the kinda style I want the image to be.

if it dosen't work:
I'm hoping it shows the pic lol. Ok there's ofc a few differences between this example pic and the image I'm picturing in my head. The first and obvious being there is gonna be a background lol. The second thing,also obvious, is that there's 6 or 7 ppl in the shot,not 4 [gah I can't remember ROFLMAO!].
The third difference is that ofc we aren't gonna be using weps.
But apart from those 3 differences this is the perfect example for how I see the picture. I also feel I haven't done enough of a story or discription for each of the characters so I'll sort that out and post back here when done it.
My friend Kiti put an image on ImageShack and I think it's a perfect example of the kinda style I want the image to be.
if it dosen't work:
I'm hoping it shows the pic lol. Ok there's ofc a few differences between this example pic and the image I'm picturing in my head. The first and obvious being there is gonna be a background lol. The second thing,also obvious, is that there's 6 or 7 ppl in the shot,not 4 [gah I can't remember ROFLMAO!].
The third difference is that ofc we aren't gonna be using weps.
But apart from those 3 differences this is the perfect example for how I see the picture. I also feel I haven't done enough of a story or discription for each of the characters so I'll sort that out and post back here when done it.
the picture wont display for me , try again
the picture wont display for me , try again

Rydia Merchan
That's awesome, can't shake the feeling there needs to be something reflecting in the mirror though. Well, it is of me...and I love it. And as long as the customer is happy!

The assassin came out absolutely stunning man
Great Job.

i modified the assassin picture a bit , it needed more lighting here and there and everything was just a little too much blue i suppose, you can see it at front page.
as for Yasmin, i will continue work on your mesmer this weekend, im pretty crazy with all the work and things going on during working days.
as for Yasmin, i will continue work on your mesmer this weekend, im pretty crazy with all the work and things going on during working days.
ack the pic didn't come up? Goddammit I always get the links wrong! 1 second:
Luck be dammed if it still dosen't work,lol.
And all the details about this pic is on that post above
Luck be dammed if it still dosen't work,lol.
And all the details about this pic is on that post above
Originally Posted by EmJey

Tender Wolf
*faints* The beauty and realism of your art is truly unique. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I said you were one of the best artists on this whole site, if not the entire Guild Wars community. I am definately looking forward to what you have in store for me now. But please, take your time. I know you have others to do ahead of mine and I'm not surprised, because your work is so outstanding. Great job!

Mr. Fish
I know I have said this before, but you absolutely blow me away. Your new piece of the Assassin is just breath-taking. What I am about to say is 100% true and I hope other artists on this site don't hate me for it... : You are THE single best fan-site artist I have ever seen. Each piece of your artwork expresses a truely genuine mood. For crying out loud : You can create the attitude of a character through a drawing! I feel like I know the characters you have drawn just by looking at your art. Simply amazing. I know you must be at the point of insanity from reading the multiple similar comments I have wrote about your artwork, but I just have to express how amazed I am with every one of your pieces of art. I hope that you share your artwork with as many people as possible, because with talent such as that I have no doubt that there will be hundreds of others who share my awe. Three Thumbs Up!
~ ><> Fish
I know I have said this before, but you absolutely blow me away. Your new piece of the Assassin is just breath-taking. What I am about to say is 100% true and I hope other artists on this site don't hate me for it... : You are THE single best fan-site artist I have ever seen. Each piece of your artwork expresses a truely genuine mood. For crying out loud : You can create the attitude of a character through a drawing! I feel like I know the characters you have drawn just by looking at your art. Simply amazing. I know you must be at the point of insanity from reading the multiple similar comments I have wrote about your artwork, but I just have to express how amazed I am with every one of your pieces of art. I hope that you share your artwork with as many people as possible, because with talent such as that I have no doubt that there will be hundreds of others who share my awe. Three Thumbs Up!

~ ><> Fish
What Mr. Fish said is totally true! You are the best ever fan-site artist. I will post a recommend soon although there is a waiting line
. Well anyway I want to say your art is AMAZING!

sorry im slow, finishing the background.
Absinth actually yes i did go for that theme, i didnt plan to draw her face without a mask at first i sort of used the reference for her face from that drawing coz it kinda looks abit like Ala`s character
i dont work for massive black, im from the wrong country heh.
Absinth actually yes i did go for that theme, i didnt plan to draw her face without a mask at first i sort of used the reference for her face from that drawing coz it kinda looks abit like Ala`s character
i dont work for massive black, im from the wrong country heh.
Rydia Merchan
It looks beautiful!!!
On a lighter note, I like Ala without the mask, like my mes, I bet she just wears it sometimes to be a tease!
I'm very happy with the result so far!! I can't thank you enough.
On a lighter note, I like Ala without the mask, like my mes, I bet she just wears it sometimes to be a tease!
I'm very happy with the result so far!! I can't thank you enough.
Chicken of the Seas
I've finally decided on a char, went around in circles but ended up going back to my main again, should you decide to draw her. 
The weapons she uses are http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Image:Katana.jpg and http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Pronged_Fan although feel free to use one, none, or your own choosing
Sue Aside is a very mischievous and adventurous mesmer, sometimes too much for her own good. She worked as a bodyguard of sorts for the Kaineng traders who did not believe in violence as an answer. Instead, she would provide cover by showing the attackers temporary visions of phantoms that were not really there, allowing the traders and herself a quick getaway.
Through her line of duty she met a mysterious male mesmer and they fell in love. He bought her many expensive dresses, and armors before he finally purposed to her. On the day of their wedding, many traders who loved Sue attended to see this blessed day.
That day however proved fatal when her groom revealed himself as Am Fah. The groom and his side of the "family" raised their weapons to the traders, and many if not all were slaughtered that day. The Am Fah proved victorious and ran out of the wedding area to raid the houses of those whom they had killed.
Sue was left crippled and bleeding not only physically, but internally as well from the betrayal of her fiance. Since then, violence became an answer. Her methods became more torturous, especially with Am Fah. Not only would she give them false visions, but she would wear down their energy and cause them to attack themselves helplessly.
While she no longer works with the Kaineng traders, she can still be seen walking along the roads and cities of Cantha, seeking revenge on those who betrayed her.
If you chose mine feel free to dirty up her dress, she doesn't have to stay clean and pristine.
And yes, she is a bit inspired by the bride from Kill Bill.

The weapons she uses are http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Image:Katana.jpg and http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Pronged_Fan although feel free to use one, none, or your own choosing

Sue Aside is a very mischievous and adventurous mesmer, sometimes too much for her own good. She worked as a bodyguard of sorts for the Kaineng traders who did not believe in violence as an answer. Instead, she would provide cover by showing the attackers temporary visions of phantoms that were not really there, allowing the traders and herself a quick getaway.
Through her line of duty she met a mysterious male mesmer and they fell in love. He bought her many expensive dresses, and armors before he finally purposed to her. On the day of their wedding, many traders who loved Sue attended to see this blessed day.
That day however proved fatal when her groom revealed himself as Am Fah. The groom and his side of the "family" raised their weapons to the traders, and many if not all were slaughtered that day. The Am Fah proved victorious and ran out of the wedding area to raid the houses of those whom they had killed.
Sue was left crippled and bleeding not only physically, but internally as well from the betrayal of her fiance. Since then, violence became an answer. Her methods became more torturous, especially with Am Fah. Not only would she give them false visions, but she would wear down their energy and cause them to attack themselves helplessly.
While she no longer works with the Kaineng traders, she can still be seen walking along the roads and cities of Cantha, seeking revenge on those who betrayed her.
If you chose mine feel free to dirty up her dress, she doesn't have to stay clean and pristine.

Kerwyn Nasilan
Bumping this up.
I must say this is by far the best artwork I've seen. I'm really impressed. Many thanks to Kerwyn for bumping this. No idea how I managed to miss this thread.

Rydia Merchan
I'm excited to see her all finished and fancy!
I'm a fan of your work on backgrounds, they really give every piece a great amount of perspective and either contribute to the visual balance, like with the mesmer piece, or create a thematic ambiance, like with the assassin piece, and I really feel that it's an amazing strength to have.
However, if I may offer some constructive critique, it feels like the anatomy in the mesmer piece could use some refinement, like in the upraised shoulder; where the rotator cuff and latissimus dorsi come together at the right edge of the character's torso is a touch wide, and much too smooth of a curve.
Keep in mind that the entire area isn't a single muscle but a grouping of them; even though the character isn't exactly 'ripped', there will be an unevenness there. The next bit would be the upraised arm; anatomically, the visible gap between the upper arm and her head should be smaller as a result of the entire arm being lowered by about a finger's length and brought closer to the body very very slightly.
Proceeding down to the hips, if you'd notice there's a bit of disparity here on the angle of the character, the implied bends in her body, and the curvature of her back as opposed to the hips. This may just be a character thing, but it somewhat feels as though her butt should start just a wee tad bit higher, either that or her torso should be a wee bit shorter (and thus everyone else moves up a touch), at least that's how I'd do it
Pretty awesome start on that piece though, and judging by the linework it seems like you focused most of your time on that beautiful background so far anyway, so I can't wait to see the finished piece! ^_^
However, if I may offer some constructive critique, it feels like the anatomy in the mesmer piece could use some refinement, like in the upraised shoulder; where the rotator cuff and latissimus dorsi come together at the right edge of the character's torso is a touch wide, and much too smooth of a curve.
Keep in mind that the entire area isn't a single muscle but a grouping of them; even though the character isn't exactly 'ripped', there will be an unevenness there. The next bit would be the upraised arm; anatomically, the visible gap between the upper arm and her head should be smaller as a result of the entire arm being lowered by about a finger's length and brought closer to the body very very slightly.
Proceeding down to the hips, if you'd notice there's a bit of disparity here on the angle of the character, the implied bends in her body, and the curvature of her back as opposed to the hips. This may just be a character thing, but it somewhat feels as though her butt should start just a wee tad bit higher, either that or her torso should be a wee bit shorter (and thus everyone else moves up a touch), at least that's how I'd do it
Pretty awesome start on that piece though, and judging by the linework it seems like you focused most of your time on that beautiful background so far anyway, so I can't wait to see the finished piece! ^_^
I need to visit this section of the forums more often. Let me just say WOW, your art is absolutely fantastic! I'll be keeping a tab on this thread for sure.