Video Card Error?

Flaming Penguin

Flaming Penguin

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2008



I'm having some problems mapping into some cities in EoTN. When I try to map into some cities and dungeons, such as Rata Sum, I get a black screen and then a pop up the says there was a video card error. This happens on my desktop. I can run into the city, but when I try to map to it, this happens. I can get on my laptop, which has the exact same video card, and everything works perfectly fine. Both systems are nearly identical. The only difference is that I have the Factions game disc installed on my laptop and the EoTN disc installed on my desktop. Any suggestions on how to fix this or what is making it do this?



Core Guru

Join Date: Feb 2007


Blinkie Ponie Armie [bpa]


It won't make a difference which disk you used to install the gasme with, since it's the same gamer client in both cases...The onlyt difference is which updates are on the disk, and that'll be superceded when you update the client whilst playing.

Laptop and desktop graphics cards often have similar names but are different, mainly because of the differences in space they're intended to occupy.
Knowingt which cards it is you have may help with the more technically minded, but at a starter I'd suggest you check with your card manufacturer's website that you have the latest drivers