Enough about Faction. What about....
All these threads about faction gain, but nothing about LB.
Ill omit SS because it has and always will be hard to NOT max out SS just getting guardian of Elona or elona vanq
But now that the update is out, is there a better way to gain LB rank than to ride in the wurms and kill margonites? Is there a vanq that returns loads of LB rep? Or are the wurms still the fastest way?
All these threads about faction gain, but nothing about LB.
Ill omit SS because it has and always will be hard to NOT max out SS just getting guardian of Elona or elona vanq
But now that the update is out, is there a better way to gain LB rank than to ride in the wurms and kill margonites? Is there a vanq that returns loads of LB rep? Or are the wurms still the fastest way?
I'm sure doing the wurm run is still a good option, not sure if its still the best. But you always could max out LB by vanquishing anyway so there always was more then 1 option.
The changes have at least made it so your get LB points while doing stuff you were doing anyway.
The changes have at least made it so your get LB points while doing stuff you were doing anyway.
vanquishing in vabbi or the desolation gives 5xnumber of monsters killed lb points
plus any points you get from blessings.
doing DoA fully once from a while back (before ursan nerf) got my warrior from r3 lb to r5 lb on the update. doing the whole quest is 7200 points.
remains of salahja and shadow nexus give lb points on kill, more depending on monster.
all the missions starting on grand court of sebelkeh give lb points per completion level (most with masters) and more on hm
turning in a nm night falls book gives 6000 lb points if turned in to the npc at chantry of secrets. wiki is not updated with an actual value, but 9000 is expected from the hm book. the young heroes of tyria book gives 4500 points.
a bunch of secondary quests in kourna/vabbi/desolation/realm of torment now give lb points as a reward or have more lb points added to them from previous times
thats just about everything, thank the wiki.
plus any points you get from blessings.
doing DoA fully once from a while back (before ursan nerf) got my warrior from r3 lb to r5 lb on the update. doing the whole quest is 7200 points.
remains of salahja and shadow nexus give lb points on kill, more depending on monster.
all the missions starting on grand court of sebelkeh give lb points per completion level (most with masters) and more on hm
turning in a nm night falls book gives 6000 lb points if turned in to the npc at chantry of secrets. wiki is not updated with an actual value, but 9000 is expected from the hm book. the young heroes of tyria book gives 4500 points.
a bunch of secondary quests in kourna/vabbi/desolation/realm of torment now give lb points as a reward or have more lb points added to them from previous times
thats just about everything, thank the wiki.
Did you read the Lightbringer section of the update?
Vanquishing gives you 5pts per kill
Books give you 6k NM or 9k HM (HM is an estimate)
Starting with Grand Court mission you receive LB pts for completion
There is a list of quests that reward LB pts.
Vanquishing gives you 5pts per kill
Books give you 6k NM or 9k HM (HM is an estimate)
Starting with Grand Court mission you receive LB pts for completion
There is a list of quests that reward LB pts.
Yeah, but the reason that people are focusing on faction more is because the max tier is so much more insane to get than the max of LB. It took only a few hours to max out LB on my monk with the wurm farm, and that isn't all that bad considering you get crap for LB points for just playing the game (or at least did).
As far as vanquishing being better, I can't really think of a place in particular, though I would assume that Vabbi is the prime choice since the Desolation can be a real bitch. I didn't have a hard time vanquishing Vehtendi Valley with two players and our heroes (no dedicated tank either), but I don't recall how long it took - I just know Wiki says there's 250 foes or so. Of course if you can get a 600/smite team, you should be able to vanquish a lot of places quickly and easily and possibly have runs better than farming (plus with potential of more good drops/chests).
DoA might be the best place for getting LB points still though.
As far as vanquishing being better, I can't really think of a place in particular, though I would assume that Vabbi is the prime choice since the Desolation can be a real bitch. I didn't have a hard time vanquishing Vehtendi Valley with two players and our heroes (no dedicated tank either), but I don't recall how long it took - I just know Wiki says there's 250 foes or so. Of course if you can get a 600/smite team, you should be able to vanquish a lot of places quickly and easily and possibly have runs better than farming (plus with potential of more good drops/chests).
DoA might be the best place for getting LB points still though.
Wrath of m0o
Ya..you can worm farm you LB/SS title in a few days as the Kurz/Lux title is a chore. I started working on my kurz title shortly after Nightfall came out and im just about to get rank 11.
So being that LB/SS is much easier to obtain, i maxed that out on almost all my characters, where as the faction title is going to be a major grindfest.
So being that LB/SS is much easier to obtain, i maxed that out on almost all my characters, where as the faction title is going to be a major grindfest.
Nobody's complaining about LB/SS since maybe 90% of the player base has already maxed both of them on at least one character.
Originally Posted by RTSFirebat
But you always could max out LB by vanquishing anyway so there always was more then 1 option.
Farming LB points from Margonites in "Requiem for a Brain" and "A Show of Force" is incredibly quick in comparison to Faction. See http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guide...omotion_points
Besides, 50,000 LB points is a drop in the bucket compared to 10,000,000 faction for Kurzick/Luxon savior. You can get that done in a weekend or two. For Kurzick/Luxon, you're still looking at around 400 hours, a massive grindfest.
Besides, 50,000 LB points is a drop in the bucket compared to 10,000,000 faction for Kurzick/Luxon savior. You can get that done in a weekend or two. For Kurzick/Luxon, you're still looking at around 400 hours, a massive grindfest.
i had 14k to go after the update and maxxed it this weekend vanqing. Get about 2k per area in vabbi...with the bonus mind you. But hey i got some areas vanqued too, so two birds and one stone...and less boring than wurm farming imho
Ya, I'd like to disagree lol. I'm kinda happy that they have new ways to get this title. I can't stand doing more than 3 runs of that wurm farm... >.<
If you have already vanquished Elone pre update, I'd just clean up some sidequests that reward LB points, and then finish up with the wurms.
Ya, I'd like to disagree lol. I'm kinda happy that they have new ways to get this title. I can't stand doing more than 3 runs of that wurm farm... >.<
I suspect that this title update is so earning max Lightbringer on off-main characters will be less of a grind, and therefore more people will be able to take more than one character into DoA. Before, everyone was sick of wurm farms after they maxed the title on one character, and that character may not have been the best choice for DoA, however it was their main. I maxed mine on my Ritualist, and you rarely see them down there. I'll steamroll a Nightfall HM book with my ele and get into those retarded Cryway groups that seem to be the latest fad.
Amnel Ithtirsol
Sunspear and Lightbringer title points will automatically be added to your title if you have already completed any of the quests or missions listed except the Domain of Anguish quests. You will only get title points for the Domain of Anguish quests if you have beaten Mallyx since the addition of the Hall of Monuments to Guild Wars in August of 2007. |
There has to be some error in calculating one's previous LB points. I remember I had a storage character almost full of Mallyx's greens... back from Ursan days. Storage char has 45 slots. So at least 35 - 40 greens from that chest which means 35 - 40 full runs then... And that's just on completed runs, goodness knows how many semi-completed runs I made.
At 7200 points per full run that amount of greens tells me that my LB points should have gone up from around 51000 odd where I was before the update to between 300000 and 340000 points after. Instead I only got around 13000 points added with the update. o.O
But, anyway, I had LB maxed already so who cares... just thought I should share.
You only get the retroactive credit once. The character info does not record how often you've done repeatable quests- the only record the game has at all is your hall of monuments. If it sees a mallyx monument there, it gave you a one-time credit for all the associated quests, nothing more.
Amnel Ithtirsol
ahh... makes sense. Wasn't too clear in the update notes though.

Eragon Zarroc
wurms are just the best absolute farm. update just allows u to more points from missions and vanq so u dont have to do wurms as much
Arwen Erina
IF you have a good team doing DoA regulary, you should be able to get from r5 - r8 in 4 full runs. That is IF your a sin, mes, ele or monk tho.
Else i would go for the worms.
Else i would go for the worms.
Shemsu Anpw
With a good group? lol I've only found like 2 groups that could actually form. Everyone keeps dropping after the wait. Did DoA pick up after the up the update, or do I just have bad luck with PUG's?
Ashadim with 4 600/smite teams, split up and take a section each, you slaughter through it in around 15-20mins with a nice amount of lb faction =]. Just keep repeating and voila you are maxed in almost no time (best thing is pretty much any caster type can any/mo this area as 600 due to the very low amount of shutdown hexes
i vanq'ed elona pre-lb update and books and only received about 34k LB total. This amount included all of the LB pts I had before by just playing through missions etc prior to vanq'ing. Had to to the wurm farm for the rest. all a moot point now, but just thought i'd share. I like the 4-team 600/smite farm method, 600/smiting in vabbi has always been pretty lucrative for me, wish i'd kept all those irridescent/diamond aegis' now that i see them going for 10-20k per!
What about books, not many people mention about farming LB or factions points through books after books. I take it that books are not as worth it?
These are the main pve ways to earn factions/lb points nowadays. The ones that are most recommended seem to be 1 and 2. 5, if you have a good guild to support you through elite missions, otherwise it can be a pain to PUG them since you cant hench them.
1) Repeating Quests
2) Vanquishing
3) Books
4) Challenge Missions
5) Elite Missions
These are the main pve ways to earn factions/lb points nowadays. The ones that are most recommended seem to be 1 and 2. 5, if you have a good guild to support you through elite missions, otherwise it can be a pain to PUG them since you cant hench them.
1) Repeating Quests
2) Vanquishing
3) Books
4) Challenge Missions
5) Elite Missions