Overshooting Max Titles
Do you have any titles that you have a lot more points than is required to max it?
In my case, I have over 150,000 points in Sunspear on my main (max is 50,000). For some reason, I like the Fahranur, the First City farm with my Monk. I know there are hundreds of more profitable ways to farm, but I just enjoy it and probably do at least one run each time I log.
What is your most overshot title or do you have any? If so, what’s the story?
In my case, I have over 150,000 points in Sunspear on my main (max is 50,000). For some reason, I like the Fahranur, the First City farm with my Monk. I know there are hundreds of more profitable ways to farm, but I just enjoy it and probably do at least one run each time I log.
What is your most overshot title or do you have any? If so, what’s the story?
Rhamia Darigaz
one or two of my characters' norn titles are like a couple thousand over from when i did those norn point runs from olafstead.
is this win?
is this win?
Mine would be my Kuzick title i have over 16mil(max is 10mil)
wind fire and ice
all my eles eotn titles are atleast 10k over there max from doing quests after i maxed them,my rangers LB was about 50k over max also.
79k SS and 54k LB. No reason for me to continue those titles, I detest grind

My monk's LB is 245k due to way to miuch 55 HM DoA and Ursan back in the day
I have 1 million billion on my drunk title.
Oh. You mean, in Guild Wars? the game?
Nothing overshot. If anything, all of my titles are ridiculously UNDER the limit.
Oh. You mean, in Guild Wars? the game?
Nothing overshot. If anything, all of my titles are ridiculously UNDER the limit.
27k over in norn
Something like 4 million exp for Legendary Survivor.
Nigel Tufnel
The Lost Explorer
my over shots are 141/140 on elonian skill hunter
but seriously i have like 60K LB and 80K in Sunspear the EotN reps i have are only like 3K to 10K over max

but seriously i have like 60K LB and 80K in Sunspear the EotN reps i have are only like 3K to 10K over max
Hmm, my dwarven on monk is 640k from doing Rragar's Over and over.
Only a few K over lb and ss titles lol. Usually just get to the limit and stop, might be different with the AB title whenever I max that out lol.
I'm over in SS/LB and some of the EotN titles as well. hehe
91k SS, maxed it, then did SS/LB to max LB...so I ended up a little over :|
I maxed life of the party.. and while cleaning out storage I found another 40 fireworks. So now I have 10,045 party points.

Sakura Az
over shot most of the eotn titles by a few k, most notably delver on my sin, she's got nearly 200k in that one.
BlueNovember I have over 16mil kurzick faction because i was apart of a large 11mil guild that was ally to HzH. I was an officer so i had to donate a lot each day to help the guild's faction now i am bored of faction grinding i wont donate any more faction i need to work on other titles
Necro Quink
15k Treasure hunter on my main and 3.3million lucky points.
Way over on Delver. After I maxed it, I volunteered to do Snowman with one of my officers to help him max it. I got all party items and sweets, he got all alcohol.
Summon Menzies here and ask him about his chests ololol
Yeeepp.. Getting close to 3 Mil Lucky.. seems you can't be too blessed..
Still.. I"m not gona stop opening chests to stop it!
Still.. I"m not gona stop opening chests to stop it!
Eragon Zarroc
im 10k+ over max of lightbringer and sunspear somehow. person i know has like double the max of vanguard from doing so many cof runs and now has like 18k+ in his chest and wisdom since the account wide update, lol. very interesting
Other than the retroactive points added in the last update - no I do not.
I, like you, use Fahranur as a farm but I ceased to bother with the blessings once I maxed it. So far, same with the other titles. Had I taken them as I played then I would have a number over maxed, but as is not so.
I suspect that some of the people who had several maxed title characters are now in the boat of WAY over maxed. I never really bothered with those really high grind titles (treasure hunter, wisdom, etc) so those just got a nice boost and are now in a position where I may try for them. I had gotten kinda bored with doing that type of thing for a while (until I know what each is going to give for GW2) but this is different so I may go and get a few ranks before I get bored again. It at least allows me to play some classes I felt were being left behind but were not contributing to GW2.
I, like you, use Fahranur as a farm but I ceased to bother with the blessings once I maxed it. So far, same with the other titles. Had I taken them as I played then I would have a number over maxed, but as is not so.
I suspect that some of the people who had several maxed title characters are now in the boat of WAY over maxed. I never really bothered with those really high grind titles (treasure hunter, wisdom, etc) so those just got a nice boost and are now in a position where I may try for them. I had gotten kinda bored with doing that type of thing for a while (until I know what each is going to give for GW2) but this is different so I may go and get a few ranks before I get bored again. It at least allows me to play some classes I felt were being left behind but were not contributing to GW2.
Drop of Fear
37.000 chests 15500 wisdom - pre title rebalance update
5.700.000lucky points.
why? because it's fun
5.700.000lucky points.
why? because it's fun
45k chests and about 22k wisdom - pre title rebalance update + about 8 mil lucky and 5 mil unlucky
why? because im better than drop of fear.
why? because im better than drop of fear.
The Real Avalon
117k chests and about 48k wisdom - pre title rebalance update + about 18 mil lucky & 12 mil unlucky
why? because I like ressing threads from the past year.
why? because I like ressing threads from the past year.
hey cucumber, show lb rank
Wish it was account-based:P
Wish it was account-based:P
Lol nah mine are mostly at the limit.