Shiro’s Return allows LUX to team up with KURZ for allegiance title grind
With the introduction of the game Factions, the GW player base became divided. If I wanted to earn Lux faction, I had to be LUX & conversely for KURZ. Now with the introduction of Shiro's return Storybooks, I wonder if I HAVE to have LUX/KURZ alignment to earn LUX/KURZ allegiance faction. Since to earn the faction using the books, we only have to turn in books to appropriate NPC. I am unaware as to whether these NPC’s have restrictions about “talking to you” if you are not currently aligned. I HOPE NO RESTRICTIONS EXIST, but I will find out soon! IF a restriction does exist, I openly plead with ANET for it's removal since it provides NO INTRISIC VALUE to the game, at all.
As an aside, I’m currently a member of a LUX guild (working on LUX title grind) and have friends that are KURZ. Up until now, we had NO incentive to play TOGETHER while working on our respective allegiance titles. Now with the introduction of Shiro’s Return Storybooks, we can actually play TOGETHER again in a cooperative manner to achieve separate goals.
As an aside, I’m currently a member of a LUX guild (working on LUX title grind) and have friends that are KURZ. Up until now, we had NO incentive to play TOGETHER while working on our respective allegiance titles. Now with the introduction of Shiro’s Return Storybooks, we can actually play TOGETHER again in a cooperative manner to achieve separate goals.
I AGREE with what you're SAYING!
It's GREAT that LUX & KURZ titles aren't as restricted anymore.
It's GREAT that LUX & KURZ titles aren't as restricted anymore.

Kurzicks have cooties!
I am SO not going near them!
I am SO not going near them!
Rhamia Darigaz
if suxons are on my team i can't farm them for ectos
do not want.
do not want.
wind fire and ice
Martin Firestorm
You could always earn luxon or kurzick faction in pve regardless of which you were.
You have to have an allegiance to be able to complete the book. Reaching Eternal Grove or Gyala Hatchery requires you to complete the Befriending quest, and completing the quest to enter Unwaking Waters gives you faction for that respective side.
You can be guildless and complete a book, but you can't be without an allegiance.
You can be guildless and complete a book, but you can't be without an allegiance.
Having the new options for gaining faction has not changed anything. It does *not* provide any change to how turn in that faction.
That said, you can each progress on your own title tracks while grinding through the missions, over, and over, and over...
That said, you can each progress on your own title tracks while grinding through the missions, over, and over, and over...
Fixed that for you. My guild has several people who wanted a fast/easy way to work on the allegiance title. Since we are a Luxon guild, the decided to use the Kurzick HFFF. This required them to donate to a Kurzick guild, which meant they looked for guest invites. They also did Kurzick AB when they had those guest invites. One of our members has a second account that is in a Kurzick guild to help with those issues.
Another Felldspar
Of course you could always gain either faction type in PvE, but not while other members of the same party were gaining the opposite faction. Now, by just playing through the missions together part of my party can be gaining Lux while I'm gaining Kurz. A nice little extra.
Konig Des Todes
Yet I recall you saying in the past that you go on the Kurzick side in FA and AB to mess up them. You obviously go near us. 

and that new way puts the player base back together again! We're all one bit happy (messed-up) family again!

Originally Posted by Grunntar
All the books do is allow you to gain faction in new ways.
Yay...update good! 1 Million threads on why update good is bad.
@magma...heard of redoing the game for the book?
@magma...heard of redoing the game for the book?
Perhaps a Freudian scholar would make something of this... glancing at that post, the phrases "title grind" and "THANK YOU ANET". That probably isn't surprising given that they're both bold. What is surprising is that it filled me with a very apprehensive feeling that the community now is often thanking Anet for GRIND. I know, I know, this is now different than HFFF. But, 10,000,000 poinsts is still 10,000,000 bloody points. A grind is still a bloody grind.
If thats what is in now, so be it. I just am nervous that posts like this will mean Grind Wars 2 will be just over the horizon. I simply wish they would return to their skill over time spent roots.
If thats what is in now, so be it. I just am nervous that posts like this will mean Grind Wars 2 will be just over the horizon. I simply wish they would return to their skill over time spent roots.
Red Sonya
Skill over time is gone forever Clone it's pretty apparent what GW2 will be like since EOTN is a prelude into it. They have spoke of unlimited levels and at least 100 levels min as far as leveling goes. I'm pretty sure if one must grind to get bonus items from EOTN in GW2 that grind will be as much a part of GW2 as it is now in GW1 and even moreso. Personally I certainly hope so. You'll just have to either accept it or just not participate in it since it's also pretty apparent they are going after WOW type players in GW2 since it is the leading mmorpg in the world right now and welp it just shows the majority of people LOVEEEEE TO GRIND.

lol. I find it amusing how people can get so worked up over silly "faction" in a game. 
But yeah, it would be nice to play with people again if I even bother redoing all the missions again on my chars...

But yeah, it would be nice to play with people again if I even bother redoing all the missions again on my chars...
lol. I find it amusing how people can get so worked up over silly "faction" in a game.
![]() But yeah, it would be nice to play with people again if I even bother redoing all the missions again on my chars... |
Arenanet used to used to be so unique and innovative. I felt they had the potential to really stand apart in this genre. For a time, they did. But, I believe Sonya is right. These days are apparently drawing to a close.
If there is only one thing that I could convey to Arenanet, I'd like it to be this: Don't think you're on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path.
Guest invites do not allow you to donate to the opposing faction. Although you can leave current guild, join new one for a bit, donate, and then come back, but that isn't feasible for all guild structures.
Factions promotes discrimination. That is all.
Once you have past unwaking waters then which faction you belong to should not matter as the 2 sides have become allies to defeat shiro. So this whole irritating crap about not being able to use whatever faction you have accumulated is a whole lot of garbage in a flawed story.
No, I honestly didn't care about the faction stuff when it was a massive grind before the update, and I don't care about it now that its a massive grind after the update. I was more or less just commenting on the direction that Anet has apparently decided to go. If Sonya is right, its a shame that they want to be just another WOW knock-off. Its a shame that people confuse repeating the same missions hundreds of time with content or depth.
Arenanet used to used to be so unique and innovative. I felt they had the potential to really stand apart in this genre. For a time, they did. But, I believe Sonya is right. These days are apparently drawing to a close. If there is only one thing that I could convey to Arenanet, I'd like it to be this: Don't think you're on the right road just because it’s a well-beaten path. |

And I do agree with you. I'm not fond of some of the changes/things I've heard of GW2 and that brings me to the question of whether or not I'll get GW2, but that's for another thread.