Necessary Missions?
High Voltage Killer
Hey all, I remember seeing somewhere once that there are really only 4-5 missions you MUST complete to beat the Prophecies campaign, mainly by getting a run to them, can someone tell me what missions these are? Thanks!
fires element
thunderhead keep, ring of fire, abaddons mouth and hell's precipice are the only actual "required" missions
wind fire and ice
What the guy above me said,no clue why you would want to beat it though with out doing any missions.
It helps to do iron mines for infusion
Yeah, but you don't have to actually finish the mission to get infused.
Assuming the character is native Prophecies, taking the shortcut above will leave you short 30 attribute points and without a choice of secondary professions. To finish as a full level 20, you also have to do: Sanctum Cay, Elona Reach, Thirsty River, Dunes of Despair, Augury Rock, and Dragon's Lair. If the character is native Factions or Nightfall, then this doesn't apply, of course.
yea thats true, ppl already said it, though it seems sorta pointless, if u wanna get prot, or guardian, also u needa be infused, so u gotta do that mish too