LF Friendly Kurzick Guild


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2008


I am a 30+ player looking for a friendly, helpful Kurzick guild as my original guildies (mostly friends and friends of friends) have all gone on hiatus waiting for GW2.

I've been playing the game for 2+ years and have finished all three campaigns plus EOTN in NM, much of it independently with heroes and henchies. I've dabbled a bit in AB and vanquishing recently but would much prefer to do these with guildies instead of with H/Hs and PUGs. I'm pretty open to trying anything in PvE or PvP. My main character is a Mesmer but I also enjoy playing monk and sin.

I have TS and a mic and would be happy to get vent. I'm probably what people would consider a casual player, but am on most weekends and a few weeknights here and there. I'm EST but would be open to European guilds, too, as I'm often playing earlier in the evening here. Just looking for a few laid-back players to tag along with.


IGN: Master Augustin